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BlockChyp is a semi-integrated payment system that makes it easy to integrate card-present payment terminals with third party software. Usually this means on premise retail and restaurant point-of-sale systems, but it can mean just about anything ranging from cloud based point-of-sale to law and medical practice management systems.


Semi-Integrated is one of many payments industry nonsense terms. In payments lingo, a fully integrated system means that the payment terminal is a dumb peripheral and you handle all the authorization and network communication yourself. This puts you in PCI and Level 3 EMV certification scope. You don't want that. You want the terminal to talk directly to our gateway and the payment networks so your code never touches anything sensitive. The payments industry calls this approach semi-integrated because that obviously makes everything crystal clear.

Use Payment Hardware Like A Web Service

The idea behind BlockChyp is that you can interact with payment terminal hardware using the same techniques you're already used to for other services you consume. BlockChyp allows you to interact with terminal hardware using REST APIs.

But, of course, even REST APIs are too much work these days.

Most developers would rather type a quick command (like npm i @blockchyp/blockchyp-js) or drop a dependency snippet in their project somewhere, download a library and go. That's how BlockChyp works. Add one of our SDK libraries to your project and start running transactions, usually within minutes.

The SDKs deal with finding the terminals on your local network or via the cloud and handle all the security and network plumbing you'd have to otherwise build yourself.

Getting Started

To get started with BlockChyp sign up for a developer account on the BlockChyp Web Site and order a BlockChyp Developer Kit. The kit will include a fully functioning payment terminal along with contactless, chip, mag stripe, and gift test cards.

Next, examine the list of SDKs and Clients and follow the instructions for your technology ecosystem.

SDKs and Client Libraries

All supported BlockChyp SDKs are open source and hosted on Github. Binaries are distributed via all the usual package management systems for each platform. (Maven for Java, Nuget for C#, etc.)

Follow the link for your platform to Github and follow the instructions in the project README to download the libraries.

What if my platform isn't listed?

Fear not, the Command Line Interface has you covered.

Y U No C++?

We left C/C++ off the SDK list because there are so many different ways to do REST APIs in C++. When you factor in Linux support, it's hard to create a C++ library in such a way that it's suitable for all C++ developers. We chickened out and hope you understand.

Command Line Interface

Support for nine of the most popular programming languages is pretty good, but it doesn't cover everybody. Believe it or not, we have some folks using all sorts of wild things like COBOL and Assembler and, of course, C++.

So we've developed an executable command line interface that any language can access as a shell command. It's also a good way to experiment with BlockChyp without writing any code.

Since Go compiles to native code with no extra runtime requirements, we built the CLI in Go and it's part of our open source Go SDK. The project includes additional build scripts that create Windows and Linux command line executables. We also distribute binaries over at Github if you're into that sort of thing.

CLI Links: Downloads Docs

Stuff You'll Need For Testing

Before you start developing an integration with BlockChyp, you'll need a terminal, some test cards, a test merchant account, and some API credentials. You'll also want to read a quick blurb about the test transaction flag.

Test Terminals

Hopefully the suits already took care of ordering a Developer Kit for you. If not, login to your developer account and order one. (And since you've taken the trouble to read the docs, help yourself to promo code RTFM and take 20% off your developer kit.) The kit includes a terminal, the necessary cabling, a set of test cards, and an official BlockChyp Laptop Sticker. Display it with pride.

Test Cards

BlockChyp Developer Kits include four EMV test cards with a good mix of CVMs (customer verification methods) and card brands. A few of them are also dual interface, which means you can use them to run Contactless EMV tests.

We include MSR test cards for all four major card brands because mag stripes are still a thing. We also include three special mag stripe test cards you can use for simulating declines, partial authorizations, and network failures.

The highlight of every Developer Kit is a selection of BlockChyp test gift cards. These use our magical blockchain stuff. Instead of gift card numbers, our gift card system works by having the terminals sign transaction blocks with keys that are on the gift card's mag stripe. More on that later.

Standard Test Card Numbers

Because BlockChyp's focus is terminals, you'll want to use real plastic most of the time. But, for testing e-commerce and manually entered transactions, any valid test card numbers will work, but we recommend these...

Card Brand Card Number Cardholder Name Expiration CVV
VISA 4111 1111 1111 1111 RICHARD HENDRICKS 12/2025 000
MC 5105 1051 0510 5118 JARED DUNN 12/2025 000
AMEX 3782 822463 10005 PETER GREGORY 12/2025 0000
DISC 6011 1111 1111 1117 ERLICH BACHMAN 12/2025 000

Adverse Event Cards and Trigger Amounts

Because BlockChyp is compatible with reality, we make it easy to simulate bad things happening. The table below lists special card numbers and trigger amounts and what adverse events they simulate.

Event Type Trigger Card Trigger Amount Notes
decline 4111 1111 1111 1129 201.00
error 6011 0009 9013 9424 00.11
fraud 3714 496353 98431 66.00 Sets the fraud probability flag
partial-auth 5105 1051 0510 5100 55.00 Authorized Amount: $25.00
no-response 4111 1111 1111 1137 72.00 Returns no response.
timeout 5555 5555 5555 4444 68.00 Gateway hangs for 30 seconds.

Believe it or not, you can customize adverse events. If you don't like our standard trigger cards or trigger amounts, you can change them or add your own in the developer portal. You can even have different trigger cards and trigger amounts for different test merchant accounts. This means your QA people could have their own setup, which QA people tend to want.

Testing Unusual Error Conditions

There's a lot of chaos in a real world retail environment and things happen out there that can be very difficult to test in development environment. BlockChyp provides a number of special tricks and flags to assist with simulating unusual scenarios.

Store and Forward Transactions

To simulate a store and forward transaction, send any transactions to a test merchant account's terminal with an amount consisting of all sevens. For example, 7.77 or 77.77. This permits testing store and forward scenarios above and below the floor limit.

Terminal Connection Resets

BlockChyp terminals maintain a constant connection to the gateway. These connections are frequently reset as BlockChyp's systems adjust their capacity or if Internet connections in the field have issues. These connections are reset automatically, usually within seconds, but it's possible for these connections to reset in the middle of a transaction, which can disrupt the point-of-sale system's ability to receive a valid response, especially in Cloud Relay Mode.

BlockChyp has backup logic in place to minimize unexpected behavior in these conditions, but it's still wise to test it. By adding the -resetConnection flag to a test cloud relay transaction, the terminal connection will be intentionally dropped in the middle of the corresponding transaction. This gives developers the ability to test how the system will behave in the worst case scenario. Note that if you run your terminals in local mode, these connection resets will have little or no impact.

Simulating Post Auth Chip Rejections

Under the EMV standard it's possible for the chip to reject a transaction after it's been authorized due to issuer specific rules, triggering an automatic reversal. This is a tricky thing to simulate, so we've added a special -chipRejection flag that can force the terminal to behave as if the chip rejected a transaction after authorization. The transaction will be authorized and immediately reversed.

Simulating Out of Order Reversals

Transaction reversals normally work by instructing the gateway to reverse a transaction immediately after authorization. In shaky network conditions, it's possible that a reversal packet might arrive at the gateway before the original authorization.

If this possibility weren't properly accounted for, the point-of-sale system would think the transaction had been reversed since the reversal succeeded, while the original transaction would stand as authorized.

BlockChyp has systems in place to detect and correct for out of order reversals and there's no special coding required to handle it on the part of point-of-sale developers, but test transactions can be sent with an -outOfOrderReversal flag that will force a terminal transaction to send a reversal before it sends the authorization, so developers can verify and test the behavior for themselves.

Enabling Asynchronous Auto-Reversals

Terminal triggered auto-reversals are synchronous by default, meaning that transaction API calls block until any auto-reversals are complete. This can cause transaction timeouts on shaky networks since auto-reversals are attempted five times with a fifteen second delay between attempts.

By sending an optional -asyncReversals flag with a transaction, developers can force auto-reversals to execute in a separate and asynchronous thread. This is normally not desirable since it can hide the fact that a reversal even occurred from the original API call.

Developers who use the -asyncReversals flag should always verify the status of transactions via the transaction status API shortly after the transaction is completed or prior to batch closure.

Test Merchant Accounts

Once you have all the gear and test plastic, you'll need to create a test merchant account. Just login into the BlockChyp portal, expand Developer Tools and click Test Merchants. You'll be able to add a test merchant from there.

When you click on a test merchant, you'll notice you get a Merchant Tools section on your navigation just like live merchants. You can adjust merchant settings here and upload media to troll your peers with. You'll also notice a Test Settings button on the test merchant landing page. This allows access to restricted settings that you wouldn't have access to for live merchants, but might need to tweak for testing different scenarios.

Activating Terminals

Next, pair your terminal with the test merchant account by touching the terminal screen where it says "TOUCH TO ACTIVATE". Click ACTIVATE TERMINAL on the test merchant dashboard and enter the code you see on the terminal. Give the terminal a name and decide whether or not you'll be using the terminal in cloud relay mode. If your application is web based or won't be residing on the same network as the terminal, check the box. Otherwise, leave it be.

API Credentials

The final step before you can start coding is to generate API credentials. Just click the API CREDENTIALS button and generate a new set of credentials. You can have any number of unique credentials for a given merchant account. You can also lock them to protect them from accidental deletion or add some notes to remind yourself about how you might be using the credentials.

When you generate credentials, you get three things for the price of one click:

The Test Flag

Linux/Mac OS:  ./blockchyp -type="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="2.59" -test

Windows:  blockchyp.exe -type="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="2.59" -test
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        Test:         true, //setting the test flag
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Amount:       "55.00",

    response, err := client.Charge(request)
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal", //setting the test flag
    Amount = "55.00",

// Run the transaction.
AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.ChargeAsync(request);
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
request.setTest(true);  //setting the test flag
request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

// Send the request
AuthorizationResponse response = client.charge(request);
$request = [
    'test' => true, //setting the test flag
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '55.00',

$response = BlockChyp::charge($request);

The astute payment integration veterans among you may have noted that we don't ask you to put a Gateway URL anywhere in your configuration. You're welcome, but PCI "law" forbids processing test transactions on the same servers as live transactions.

For this reason, all test transactions must be flagged at test transactions. All sample code in this documentation will include the test flag because we assume you use the documentation while testing, but you'll need to remove it when you start running transactions for live merchants.

The sample code shows how you set the test flag on platforms.

Payment API

These are the core payment APIs used to execute and work with payment transactions in BlockChyp.


Charge Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func chargeExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Amount:       "55.00",

    response, err := client.Charge(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Amount = "55.00",

// Run the transaction.

AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.ChargeAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class ChargeExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.charge(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '55.00',

$response = BlockChyp::charge($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '55.00'

response = blockchyp.charge(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "amount": "55.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.charge(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '55.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["amount"] = "55.00"
    [client chargeWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authCode", [response objectForKey:@"authCode"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authorizedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"authorizedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["amount"] = "55.00"
      client.charge(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("authCode" + ": " + (response["authCode"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("authorizedAmount" + ": " + (response["authorizedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "052509",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPHULBAI6VOTSNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionRef": "04781125618",
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T18:28:10Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "25.00",
  "authorizedAmount": "25.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "aid": "A0000000031010",
    "arqc": "BDFD1A64620D9382",
    "iad": "06010A03A0B800",
    "tvr": "8000008800",
    "tsi": "6800",
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "25.00",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP",
    "cashBackAmount": "0.00",
    "surcharge": "0.00",
    "cashDiscount": "0.00"
  "customer": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

Our most popular transaction executes a standard authorization and capture. This is the most basic of basic payment transactions, typically used in conventional retail.

Charge transactions can use a payment terminal to capture a payment or use a previously enrolled payment token.

Terminal Transactions

For terminal transactions, make sure you pass in the terminal name using the terminalName property.

Token Transactions

If you have a payment token, omit the terminalName property and pass in the token with the token property instead.

Card Numbers and Mag Stripes

You can also pass in PANs and Mag Stripes, but you probably shouldn't, as this will put you in PCI scope and the most common vector for POS breaches is keylogging. If you use terminals for manual card entry, you'll bypass any keyloggers that might be maliciously running on the point-of-sale system.

Common Variations


Preauthorization Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="preauth" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="27.00"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="preauth" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="27.00"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func preauthExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Amount:       "27.00",

    response, err := client.Preauth(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Amount = "27.00",

// Run the transaction.

AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.PreauthAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class PreauthExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.preauth(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '27.00',

$response = BlockChyp::preauth($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '27.00'

response = blockchyp.preauth(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "amount": "27.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.preauth(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '27.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["amount"] = "27.00"
    [client preauthWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authCode", [response objectForKey:@"authCode"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authorizedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"authorizedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["amount"] = "27.00"
      client.preauth(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("authCode" + ": " + (response["authCode"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("authorizedAmount" + ": " + (response["authorizedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "462305",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPHULBAI6VOTTNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionRef": "22265850802",
  "transactionType": "preauth",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T18:36:21Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "27.00",
  "authorizedAmount": "27.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "aid": "A0000000031010",
    "arqc": "F1D11638D5A4C91D",
    "iad": "06010A03A0B800",
    "tvr": "8000008800",
    "tsi": "6800",
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "27.00",
    "transactionType": "preauth",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP",
    "cashBackAmount": "0.00",
    "surcharge": "0.00",
    "cashDiscount": "0.00"
  "customer": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

A preauthorization puts a hold on funds and must be captured later. This is used in scenarios where the final transaction amount might change. A common example is fine dining, where a tip adjustment is required before final settlement.

Another use case for preauthorization is e-commerce. Typically, an online order is preauthorized at the time of the order and then captured when the order ships.

Preauthorizations can use a payment terminal to capture a payment or use a previously enrolled payment token.

Terminal Transactions

For terminal transactions, make sure you pass in the terminal name using the terminalName property.

Token Transactions

If you have a payment token, omit the terminalName property and pass in the token with the token property instead.

Card Numbers and Mag Stripes

You can also pass in PANs and Mag Stripes, but you probably shouldn't, as this will put you in PCI scope and the most common vector for POS breaches is key logging. If you use terminals for manual card entry, you'll bypass any key loggers that might be maliciously running on the point-of-sale system.


Note that preauths are not supported for cryptocurrency.

Common Variations

Capture Preauthorization

Capture Preauthorization Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="capture" -tx="<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>" -tip="5.00" -amount="32.00"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="capture" -tx="<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>" -tip="5.00" -amount="32.00"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func captureExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CaptureRequest{
        Test:          true,
        TransactionID: "<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>",
        Amount:        "32.00",

    response, err := client.Capture(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CaptureRequest request = new CaptureRequest
    Test = true,
    TransactionId = "<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>",
    Amount = "32.00",

// Run the transaction.

CaptureResponse response = await blockchyp.CaptureAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CaptureRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CaptureResponse;

public class CaptureExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CaptureRequest request = new CaptureRequest();
        request.setTransactionId("<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        CaptureResponse response = client.capture(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'transactionId' => '<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>',
    'amount' => '32.00',

$response = BlockChyp::capture($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  transactionId: '<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>',
  amount: '32.00'

response = blockchyp.capture(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "transactionId": "<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>",
    "amount": "32.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.capture(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  transactionId: '<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>',
  amount: '32.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["transactionId"] = "<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>"
  request["amount"] = "32.00"
    [client captureWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["transactionId"] = "<ORIGINAL TRANSACTION ID>"
    request["amount"] = "32.00"
      client.capture(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "337092",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPHULBAI6VOTUNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionType": "capture",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T19:03:00Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "32.00",
  "authorizedAmount": "32.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "5.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "requestSignature": false,
    "authorizedAmount": "",
    "transactionType": ""
  "customer": null

This API allows you to capture a previously approved preauthorization.

You'll need to make sure you pass in the Transaction ID returned by the original preauth transaction so we know which transaction we're capturing. If you want to capture the transaction for the exact amount of the preauth, the Transaction ID is all you need to pass in.

You can adjust the total if you need to by passing in a new amount. We also recommend you pass in updated amounts for tax and tip as it can sometimes reduce your interchange fees. (Level II Processing, for example.)


Refund Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="refund" -tx="<PREAUTH TRANSACTION ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="refund" -tx="<PREAUTH TRANSACTION ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func refundExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.RefundRequest{
        TransactionID: "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>",

        // Optional amount for partial refunds.
        Amount: "5.00",

    response, err := client.Refund(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
RefundRequest request = new RefundRequest
    TransactionId = "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>",
    Amount = "5.00",

// Run the transaction.

AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.RefundAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.RefundRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class RefundExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        RefundRequest request = new RefundRequest();
        request.setTransactionId("<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.refund(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'transactionId' => '<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>',

    // Optional amount for partial refunds.
    'amount' => '5.00',

$response = BlockChyp::refund($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  transactionId: '<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>',

  # Optional amount for partial refunds.
  amount: '5.00'

response = blockchyp.refund(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "transactionId": "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>",

    # Optional amount for partial refunds.
    "amount": "5.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.refund(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  transactionId: '<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>',

  // Optional amount for partial refunds.
  amount: '5.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["transactionId"] = "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>"
  request["amount"] = "5.00"
    [client refundWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["transactionId"] = "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>"
    request["amount"] = "5.00"
      client.refund(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "778648",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPHULBAI6VOTVNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionType": "refund",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T20:14:38Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "",
  "authorizedAmount": "27.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "27.00",
    "transactionType": "refund",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP"
  "customer": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

It's not ideal, but sometimes customers want their money back.

Our refund API allows you to confront this unpleasant reality by executing refunds in a few different scenarios.

The most fraud resistent method is to execute refunds in the context of a previous transaction. You should always keep track of the Transaction ID returned in a BlockChyp response. To refund the full amount of the previous transaction, just pass in the original Transaction ID with the refund requests.

Partial Refunds

For a partial refund, just pass in an amount along with the Transaction ID. The only rule is that the amount must be equal to or less than the original transaction. You can execute multiple partial refunds against the same original transaction as long as the total refunded amount doesn't exceed the original amount.

Tokenized Refunds

You can also use a token to execute a refund. Pass in a token instead of the Transaction ID and the desired refund amount.

Free Range Refunds

When you execute a refund without referencing a previous transaction, we call this a free range refund.

We don't recommend this type of refund, but it is permitted. If you absolutely insist on doing it, pass in a Terminal Name and an amount.

You can execute a manual or keyed refund by passing the ManualEntry field to a free range refund request.

Gift Card Refunds

Gift card refunds are allowed in the context of a previous transaction, but free range gift card refunds are not allowed. Use the gift card activation API if you need to add more funds to a gift card.

Store and Forward Support

Refunds are not permitted when a terminal falls back to store and forward mode.

Auto Voids

If a refund referencing a previous transaction is executed for the full amount before the original transaction's batch is closed, the refund is automatically converted to a void. This saves the merchant a little bit of money.


Note that refunds are not supported for cryptocurrency. You must refund crypto transactions manually from your cryptocurrency wallet.


Void Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="void" -tx="<PREAUTH TRANSACTION ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="void" -tx="<PREAUTH TRANSACTION ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func voidExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.VoidRequest{
        Test:          true,
        TransactionID: "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>",

    response, err := client.Void(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest
    Test = true,
    TransactionId = "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>",

// Run the transaction.

VoidResponse response = await blockchyp.VoidAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.VoidRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.VoidResponse;

public class VoidExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest();
        request.setTransactionId("<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        VoidResponse response = client.voidTx(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'transactionId' => '<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::void($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  transactionId: '<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>'

response = blockchyp.void(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "transactionId": "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.void(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  transactionId: '<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["transactionId"] = "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>"
    [client voidWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["transactionId"] = "<PREVIOUS TRANSACTION ID>"
      client.void(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "537045",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPKELBAI6VOTYNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionType": "void",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T21:19:09Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "requestSignature": false,
    "authorizedAmount": "",
    "transactionType": ""
  "customer": null

Mistakes happen. If a transaction is made by mistake, you can void it with this API. All that's needed is to pass in a Transaction ID and execute the void before the original transaction's batch closes.

Voids work with EBT and gift card transactions with no additional parameters.


Note that voids are not supported for cryptocurrency. You must refund crypto transactions manually from your cryptocurrency wallet.

Time Out Reversal

Time Out Reversal Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="reverse" -txRef="<LAST TRANSACTION REF>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="reverse" -txRef="<LAST TRANSACTION REF>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func reverseExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        TransactionRef: "<LAST TRANSACTION REF>",

    response, err := client.Reverse(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    TransactionRef = "<LAST TRANSACTION REF>",

// Run the transaction.

AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.ReverseAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class ReverseExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
        request.setTransactionRef("<LAST TRANSACTION REF>");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.reverse(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'transactionRef' => '<LAST TRANSACTION REF>',

$response = BlockChyp::reverse($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  transactionRef: '<LAST TRANSACTION REF>'

response = blockchyp.reverse(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "transactionRef": "<LAST TRANSACTION REF>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.reverse(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  transactionRef: '<LAST TRANSACTION REF>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["transactionRef"] = "<LAST TRANSACTION REF>"
    [client reverseWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["transactionRef"] = "<LAST TRANSACTION REF>"
      client.reverse(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "130621",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPMULBAI6VOTZNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionRef": "YOURTXREF",
  "transactionType": "reverse",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T21:29:38Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "",
  "authorizedAmount": "0.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "0.00",
    "transactionType": "reverse",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP",
    "surcharge": "0.00",
    "cashDiscount": "0.00"
  "customer": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

Payment transactions require a stable network to function correctly and no network is stable all the time. Time out reversals are a great line of defense against accidentally double charging consumers when payments are retried during shaky network conditions.

We highly recommend developers use this API whenever a charge, preauth, or refund transaction times out. If you don't receive a definitive response from BlockChyp, you can't be certain about whether or not the transaction went through.

The best practice in this situation is to send a time out reversal request. Time out reversals check for a transaction and void it if it exists.

The only caveat is that developers must use the transactionRef property (txRef for the CLI) when executing charge, preauth, and refund transactions.

The reason for this requirement is that if a system never receives a definitive response for a transaction, the system would never have received the BlockChyp generated Transaction ID. We have to fall back to Transaction Ref to identify a transaction.


Note that refunds are not supported for cryptocurrency. You must refund crypto transactions manually from your cryptocurrency wallet.

Gift Card Activation

Gift Card Activation Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="gift-activate" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="50.00"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="gift-activate" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="50.00"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func giftActivateExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.GiftActivateRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Amount:       "50.00",

    response, err := client.GiftActivate(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
GiftActivateRequest request = new GiftActivateRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Amount = "50.00",

// Run the transaction.

GiftActivateResponse response = await blockchyp.GiftActivateAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.GiftActivateRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.GiftActivateResponse;

public class GiftActivateExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        GiftActivateRequest request = new GiftActivateRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        GiftActivateResponse response = client.giftActivate(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '50.00',

$response = BlockChyp::giftActivate($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '50.00'

response = blockchyp.giftActivate(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "amount": "50.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.gift_activate(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '50.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["amount"] = "50.00"
    [client giftActivateWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"amount", [response objectForKey:@"amount"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"currentBalance", [response objectForKey:@"currentBalance"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"publicKey", [response objectForKey:@"publicKey"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["amount"] = "50.00"
      client.giftActivate(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("amount" + ": " + (response["amount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("currentBalance" + ": " + (response["currentBalance"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("publicKey" + ": " + (response["publicKey"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "APPROVED",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPPELBAI6VOT4NSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionType": "gift_activate",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T22:41:23Z",
  "tickBlock": "000966828e6b196be72a480bf3a70e77c685262b6a4249b560ef770c8fb51eac",
  "test": true,
  "approved": true,
  "amount": "50.00",
  "currentBalance": "50.00",
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "publicKey": "13TwUmBCg286Lw8N6EA3QgNu9LRerfhDcHwWKVSLnuNw9etWWfr",
  "maskedPan": "************3904"

This API activates or adds value to BlockChyp gift cards. Just pass in the terminal name and the amount to add to the card. Once the customer swipes their card, the terminal will use keys on the mag stripe to add value to the card.

You don't need to handle a new gift card activation or a gift card recharge any differently. The terminal firmware will figure out what to do on its own while also returning the new balance for the gift card.

This is the part of the system where BlockChyp's blockchain DNA comes closest to the surface. The BlockChyp gift card system doesn't really use gift card numbers. This means they can't be stolen.

BlockChyp identifies cards with an elliptic curve public key instead. Gift card transactions are actually blocks signed with those keys. This means there are no shared secrets sent over the network. To keep track of a BlockChyp gift card, hang on to the public key returned during gift card activation. That's the gift card's elliptic curve public key.

We sometimes print numbers on our gift cards, but these are actually decimal encoded hashes of a portion of the public key to make our gift cards seem normal to normies. They can be used for balance checks and play a lookup role in online gift card authorization, but are of little use beyond that.

Voids and Reversals

Gift card activations can be voided and reversed just like any other BlockChyp transaction. Use the Transaction ID or Transaction Ref to identify the gift activation transaction as you normally would for voiding or reversing a conventional payment transaction.

Importing Gift Cards

BlockChyp does have the ability to import gift card liability from conventional gift card platforms. Unfortunately, BlockChyp does not support activating cards on third party systems. However, you can import your outstanding gift cards and customers can swipe them on the terminals like BlockChyp's standard gift cards.

No special coding is required to access this feature. The gateway and terminal firmware handle everything for you.

Third Party Gift Card Networks

BlockChyp does not currently provide any native support for other gift card platforms beyond importing gift card liability. We do have a white listing system that can be used to support your own custom gift card implementations. We have a security review process before we can allow a BIN range to be white listed, so contact if you need to white list a BIN range.


Balance Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="balance" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="balance" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func balanceExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BalanceRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        CardType:     blockchyp.CardTypeEBT,

    response, err := client.Balance(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BalanceRequest request = new BalanceRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    CardType = CardType.EBT,

// Run the transaction.

BalanceResponse response = await blockchyp.BalanceAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BalanceRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BalanceResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CardType;

public class BalanceExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BalanceRequest request = new BalanceRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        BalanceResponse response = client.balance(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'cardType' => BlockChyp::CARD_TYPE_EBT,

$response = BlockChyp::balance($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  cardType: CardType::EBT

response = blockchyp.balance(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "cardType": blockchyp.CardType.EBT,

# run the transaction.
response = client.balance(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  cardType: BlockChyp.CardType.EBT,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["cardType"] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:CARD_TYPE_EBT]
    [client balanceWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["cardType"] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:CARD_TYPE_EBT]
      client.balance(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPMULBAI6VOT3NSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionType": "balance",
  "timestamp": "",
  "tickBlock": "0006bea9b77d4452be3e7979eaedd357d0da22cc0d1a85f6027176a2f00d0bea",
  "test": true,
  "paymentType": "BC_GIFT",
  "maskedPan": "************3904",
  "publicKey": "13TwUmBCg286Lw8N6EA3QgNu9LRerfhDcHwWKVSLnuNw9etWWfr",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************3904",
    "authorizedAmount": "",
    "transactionType": "balance",
    "entryMethod": "SWIPE"
  "customer": null,
  "remainingBalance": "50.00"

This API checks a gift or EBT card balance.

Gift Card Balance Checks

For gift cards, pass in a terminal name and the customer will be prompted to swipe a card on that terminal. The remaining balance will be displayed briefly on the terminal screen and the API response will include the gift card's public key and the remaining balance.

EBT Balance Checks

All EBT transactions require a PIN, so to check an EBT card balance, you need to pass in the ebt flag just like you would for a normal EBT charge transaction. The customer will be prompted to swipe their card and enter a PIN code. If everything checks out, the remaining balance on the card will be displayed on the terminal for the customer and returned with the API response.

Testing Gift Card Balance Checks

Test gift card balance checks work no differently than live gift cards. You must activate a test gift card first to test balance checks. Test gift cards are real blockchain cards that live on our parallel test blockchain.

Testing EBT Gift Card Balance Checks

All test EBT transactions assume a starting balance of $100.00. As a result, test EBT balance checks always return a balance of $100.00.

Close Batch

Close Batch Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="close-batch"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="close-batch"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func closeBatchExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CloseBatchRequest{
        Test: true,

    response, err := client.CloseBatch(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CloseBatchRequest request = new CloseBatchRequest
    Test = true,

// Run the transaction.

CloseBatchResponse response = await blockchyp.CloseBatchAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CloseBatchRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CloseBatchResponse;

public class CloseBatchExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CloseBatchRequest request = new CloseBatchRequest();

        // Send the request
        CloseBatchResponse response = client.closeBatch(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,

$response = BlockChyp::closeBatch($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true

response = blockchyp.closeBatch(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,

# run the transaction.
response = client.close_batch(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
    [client closeBatchWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
      client.closeBatch(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "transactionId": "",
  "transactionType": "",
  "timestamp": "",
  "tickBlock": "",
  "test": true,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "capturedTotal": "55.00",
  "openPreauths": "0.00"

This API will close the merchant's batch if it's currently open.

By default, merchant batches will close automatically at 3 AM in their local time zone. The automatic batch closure time can be changed in the Merchant Profile or disabled completely.

If automatic batch closure is disabled, you'll need to use this API to close the batch manually.

Send Payment Link Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="send-link" -displaySubtotal="327.00" -displayTax="16.35" -displayTotal="353.35" -lineItemId="1|2|3" -lineItemDescription="Hiking Boots|Camping Tent|Backpack" -lineItemQty="1|2|1" -lineItemPrice="120.00|160.00|70.00" -lineItemDiscountDescription="Member Discount|Member Discount|Member Discount" -lineItemDiscountAmount="10.00|5.00|8.00" -lineItemExtended="110.00|155.00|62.00" -desc="Thank you for your order. Your order will be ready in 20 minutes" -email="" -firstName="Peter" -lastName="Gregory" -amount="353.35" -orderRef="12345" -txRef="<TX REF>" -autoSend

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="send-link" -displaySubtotal="327.00" -displayTax="16.35" -displayTotal="353.35" -lineItemId="1|2|3" -lineItemDescription="Hiking Boots|Camping Tent|Backpack" -lineItemQty="1|2|1" -lineItemPrice="120.00|160.00|70.00" -lineItemDiscountDescription="Member Discount|Member Discount|Member Discount" -lineItemDiscountAmount="10.00|5.00|8.00" -lineItemExtended="110.00|155.00|62.00" -desc="Thank you for your order. Your order will be ready in 20 minutes" -email="" -firstName="Peter" -lastName="Gregory" -amount="353.35" -orderRef="12345" -txRef="<TX REF>" -autoSend
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func sendPaymentLinkExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PaymentLinkRequest{
        TransactionRef: "<TX REF>",
        Amount:         "199.99",
        Description:    "Widget",
        Subject:        "Widget invoice",
        Transaction: &blockchyp.TransactionDisplayTransaction{
            Subtotal: "195.00",
            Tax:      "4.99",
            Total:    "199.99",
            Items: []*blockchyp.TransactionDisplayItem{
                    Description: "Widget",
                    Price:       "195.00",
                    Quantity:    1,
        AutoSend: true,
        Customer: blockchyp.Customer{
            CustomerRef:  "Customer reference string",
            FirstName:    "FirstName",
            LastName:     "LastName",
            CompanyName:  "Company Name",
            EmailAddress: "",
            SmsNumber:    "(123) 123-1231",

    response, err := client.SendPaymentLink(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PaymentLinkRequest request = new PaymentLinkRequest
    TransactionRef = "<TX REF>",
    Amount = "199.99",
    Description = "Widget",
    Subject = "Widget invoice",
    Transaction = new TransactionDisplayTransaction
        Subtotal = "195.00",
        Tax = "4.99",
        Total = "199.99",
        Items = new List<TransactionDisplayItem>
            new TransactionDisplayItem
                Description = "Widget",
                Price = "195.00",
                Quantity = 1,
    AutoSend = true,
    Customer = new Customer
        CustomerRef = "Customer reference string",
        FirstName = "FirstName",
        LastName = "LastName",
        CompanyName = "Company Name",
        EmailAddress = "",
        SmsNumber = "(123) 123-1231",

// Run the transaction.

PaymentLinkResponse response = await blockchyp.SendPaymentLinkAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PaymentLinkRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PaymentLinkResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayTransaction;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayItem;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Customer;

public class SendPaymentLinkExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PaymentLinkRequest request = new PaymentLinkRequest();
        request.setTransactionRef("<TX REF>");
        request.setSubject("Widget invoice");

        TransactionDisplayTransaction transaction = new TransactionDisplayTransaction();

        Collection items = new ArrayList();
        TransactionDisplayItem items0 = new TransactionDisplayItem();

        Customer customer = new Customer();
        customer.setCustomerRef("Customer reference string");
        customer.setCompanyName("Company Name");
        customer.setSmsNumber("(123) 123-1231");

        // Send the request
        PaymentLinkResponse response = client.sendPaymentLink(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'transactionRef' => '<TX REF>',
    'amount' => '199.99',
    'description' => 'Widget',
    'subject' => 'Widget invoice',
    'transaction' => [
        'subtotal' => '195.00',
        'tax' => '4.99',
        'total' => '199.99',
        'items' => [
                'description' => 'Widget',
                'price' => '195.00',
                'quantity' => 1,
    'autoSend' => true,
    'customer' => [
        'customerRef' => 'Customer reference string',
        'firstName' => 'FirstName',
        'lastName' => 'LastName',
        'companyName' => 'Company Name',
        'emailAddress' => '',
        'smsNumber' => '(123) 123-1231',

$response = BlockChyp::sendPaymentLink($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  transactionRef: '<TX REF>',
  amount: '199.99',
  description: 'Widget',
  subject: 'Widget invoice',
  transaction: {
    subtotal: '195.00',
    tax: '4.99',
    total: '199.99',
    items: [
        description: 'Widget',
        price: '195.00',
        quantity: 1
  autoSend: true,
  customer: {
    customerRef: 'Customer reference string',
    firstName: 'FirstName',
    lastName: 'LastName',
    companyName: 'Company Name',
    emailAddress: '',
    smsNumber: '(123) 123-1231'

response = blockchyp.sendPaymentLink(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "transactionRef": "<TX REF>",
    "amount": "199.99",
    "description": "Widget",
    "subject": "Widget invoice",
    "transaction": {
        "subtotal": "195.00",
        "tax": "4.99",
        "total": "199.99",
        "items": [
                "description": "Widget",
                "price": "195.00",
                "quantity": 1,
    "autoSend": True,
    "customer": {
        "customerRef": "Customer reference string",
        "firstName": "FirstName",
        "lastName": "LastName",
        "companyName": "Company Name",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "smsNumber": "(123) 123-1231",

# run the transaction.
response = client.send_payment_link(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  transactionRef: '<TX REF>',
  amount: '199.99',
  description: 'Widget',
  subject: 'Widget invoice',
  transaction: {
    subtotal: '195.00',
    tax: '4.99',
    total: '199.99',
    items: [
        description: 'Widget',
        price: '195.00',
        quantity: 1,
  autoSend: true,
  customer: {
    customerRef: 'Customer reference string',
    firstName: 'FirstName',
    lastName: 'LastName',
    companyName: 'Company Name',
    emailAddress: '',
    smsNumber: '(123) 123-1231',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["transactionRef"] = "<TX REF>"
  request["amount"] = "199.99"
  request["description"] = "Widget"
  request["subject"] = "Widget invoice"
  var transaction: [String:Any] = [:]
  transaction["subtotal"] = "195.00"
  transaction["tax"] = "4.99"
  transaction["total"] = "199.99"
  var items = [Any]();
  var items1: [String:Any] = [:]
  items1["description"] = "Widget"
  items1["price"] = "195.00"
  items1["quantity"] = 1
  transaction["items"] = items
  request["transaction"] = transaction
  request["autoSend"] = true
  var customer: [String:Any] = [:]
  customer["customerRef"] = "Customer reference string"
  customer["firstName"] = "FirstName"
  customer["lastName"] = "LastName"
  customer["companyName"] = "Company Name"
  customer["emailAddress"] = ""
  customer["smsNumber"] = "(123) 123-1231"
  request["customer"] = customer
    [client sendPaymentLinkWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"url", [response objectForKey:@"url"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["transactionRef"] = "<TX REF>"
    request["amount"] = "199.99"
    request["description"] = "Widget"
    request["subject"] = "Widget invoice"
    var transaction: [String:Any] = [:]
    transaction["subtotal"] = "195.00"
    transaction["tax"] = "4.99"
    transaction["total"] = "199.99"
    var items = [Any]();
    var items1: [String:Any] = [:]
    items1["description"] = "Widget"
    items1["price"] = "195.00"
    items1["quantity"] = 1
    transaction["items"] = items
    request["transaction"] = transaction
    request["autoSend"] = true
    var customer: [String:Any] = [:]
    customer["customerRef"] = "Customer reference string"
    customer["firstName"] = "FirstName"
    customer["lastName"] = "LastName"
    customer["companyName"] = "Company Name"
    customer["emailAddress"] = ""
    customer["smsNumber"] = "(123) 123-1231"
    request["customer"] = customer
      client.sendPaymentLink(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("url" + ": " + (response["url"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "linkCode": "JUC37V2V57337Q5FA7WWTK6GAQ",
  "url": "",
  "customerId": "BUF36REL4QI6VBVHNSLM7WZLHE"

This API allows you to send an invoice to a customer and capture payment via a BlockChyp hosted payment page.

If you set the autoSend flag, BlockChyp will send a basic invoice email to the customer for you that includes the payment link. If you'd rather have more control over the look of the email message, you can omit the autoSend flag and send the customer email yourself.

There are a lot of optional parameters for this API, but at a minimum you'll need to pass in a total, customer name, and email address. (Unless you use the cashier flag.)

Customer Info

Unless you're using the cashier flag, you must specify a customer; either by creating a new customer record inline or passing in an existing Customer ID or Customer Ref.

Line Item Level Data

It's not strictly required, but we strongly recommend sending line item level detail with every request. It will make the invoice look more complete and the data format for line item level data is the exact same format used for terminal line item display, so the same code can be used to support both areas.


You can also provide a free form description or message to display near the bottom of the invoice. Usually this is some kind of thank you note or instruction.

Terms and Conditions

You can include long form contract language with a request and capture terms and conditions accepted at the same time payment is captured.

The interface is identical to that used for the terminal based Terms and Conditions API in that you can pass in content directly via tcContent or via a preconfigured template via tcAlias. The Terms and Conditions log will also be updated when agreement acceptance is incorporated into a send link request.

Auto Send

BlockChyp does not send the email notification automatically. This safeguard prevents real emails from going out when you may not expect them If you want BlockChyp to send the email for you, just add the autoSend flag with all requests.


If the merchant is configured to support cryptocurrency transactions, the payment page will display additional UI widgets that allowing customers to switch to a crypto payment method.


Add the enroll flag to a send link request to enroll the payment method in the token vault.

Add the enrollOnly flag to enroll the payment method in the token vault without any immediate payment taking place. The payment link will ask the user for their payment information and inform them that they will not be charged immediately, but that their payment may be used for future transactions.

Cashier Facing Card Entry

BlockChyp can be used to generate internal/cashier facing card entry pages as well. This is designed for situations where you might need to take a phone order and don't have an available terminal.

If you pass in the cashier flag, no email will be sent and you'll be able to load the link in a browser or iframe for payment entry. When the cashier flag is used, the autoSend flag will be ignored.

Note that cryptocurrency is not supported for cashier facing payment entry.

Payment Notifications

When a customer successfully submits payment, the merchant will receive an email notifying them that the payment was received.

Real Time Callback Notifications

Email notifications are fine, but you may want your system to be informed immediately whenever a payment event occurs. By using the optional callbackUrl request property, you can specify a URL to which the Authorization Response will be posted every time the user submits a payment, whether approved or otherwise.

The response will be sent as a JSON encoded POST request and will be the exact same format as all BlockChyp charge and preauth transaction responses.

Status Polling

If real time callbacks aren't practical or necessary in your environment, you can always use the Payment Link Status API described futher on.

A common use case for the send link API with status polling is curbside pickup. You could have your system check the Payment Link Status when a customer arrives to ensure it's been paid without necessarily needing to create background threads to constantly poll for status updates.

Resend Payment Link Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="resend-link" -linkCode="<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="resend-link" -linkCode="<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func resendPaymentLinkExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.ResendPaymentLinkRequest{
        LinkCode: "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

    response, err := client.ResendPaymentLink(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
ResendPaymentLinkRequest request = new ResendPaymentLinkRequest
    LinkCode = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

// Run the transaction.

ResendPaymentLinkResponse response = await blockchyp.ResendPaymentLinkAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.ResendPaymentLinkRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.ResendPaymentLinkResponse;

public class ResendPaymentLinkExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        ResendPaymentLinkRequest request = new ResendPaymentLinkRequest();
        request.setLinkCode("<PAYMENT LINK CODE>");

        // Send the request
        ResendPaymentLinkResponse response = client.resendPaymentLink(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'linkCode' => '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>',

$response = BlockChyp::resendPaymentLink($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  linkCode: '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>'

response = blockchyp.resendPaymentLink(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "linkCode": "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.resend_payment_link(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  linkCode: '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["linkCode"] = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
    [client resendPaymentLinkWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["linkCode"] = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
      client.resendPaymentLink(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

This API will resend a previously created payment link. An error is returned if the payment link is expired, has been cancelled, or has already been paid.

Cancel Payment Link Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="cancel-link" -linkCode="<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="cancel-link" -linkCode="<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func cancelPaymentLinkExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CancelPaymentLinkRequest{
        LinkCode: "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

    response, err := client.CancelPaymentLink(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CancelPaymentLinkRequest request = new CancelPaymentLinkRequest
    LinkCode = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

// Run the transaction.

CancelPaymentLinkResponse response = await blockchyp.CancelPaymentLinkAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CancelPaymentLinkRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CancelPaymentLinkResponse;

public class CancelPaymentLinkExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CancelPaymentLinkRequest request = new CancelPaymentLinkRequest();
        request.setLinkCode("<PAYMENT LINK CODE>");

        // Send the request
        CancelPaymentLinkResponse response = client.cancelPaymentLink(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'linkCode' => '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>',

$response = BlockChyp::cancelPaymentLink($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  linkCode: '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>'

response = blockchyp.cancelPaymentLink(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "linkCode": "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.cancel_payment_link(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  linkCode: '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["linkCode"] = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
    [client cancelPaymentLinkWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["linkCode"] = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
      client.cancelPaymentLink(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

This API cancels a payment link.

Payment Link Status Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="payment-link-status" -linkCode="<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="payment-link-status" -linkCode="<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func paymentLinkStatusExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PaymentLinkStatusRequest{
        LinkCode: "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

    response, err := client.PaymentLinkStatus(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PaymentLinkStatusRequest request = new PaymentLinkStatusRequest
    LinkCode = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

// Run the transaction.

PaymentLinkStatusResponse response = await blockchyp.PaymentLinkStatusAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PaymentLinkStatusRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PaymentLinkStatusResponse;

public class PaymentLinkStatusExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PaymentLinkStatusRequest request = new PaymentLinkStatusRequest();
        request.setLinkCode("<PAYMENT LINK CODE>");

        // Send the request
        PaymentLinkStatusResponse response = client.paymentLinkStatus(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'linkCode' => '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>',

$response = BlockChyp::paymentLinkStatus($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  linkCode: '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>'

response = blockchyp.paymentLinkStatus(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "linkCode": "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.payment_link_status(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  linkCode: '<PAYMENT LINK CODE>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["linkCode"] = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
    [client paymentLinkStatusWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["linkCode"] = "<PAYMENT LINK CODE>"
      client.paymentLinkStatus(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "merchantId": "3IKWRKY47YI65L7VAJBKYEIAAQ",
  "customerId": "54QS64R23YI65BHNAJBKYEIAAU",
  "transactionRef": "<TRANSACTION REF>",
  "orderRef": "12345",
  "amount": "353.35",
  "description": "Thank you for your order. Your order will be ready in 20 minutes",
  "expiration": "2023-10-13T20:12:46Z",
  "dateCreated": "2023-08-14T20:12:46Z",
  "transactionDetails": {
    "subtotal": "327.00",
    "tax": "16.35",
    "total": "353.35",
    "items": [
        "id": "1",
        "description": "Hiking Boots",
        "price": "120.00",
        "quantity": 1,
        "extended": "110.00",
        "unitCode": "",
        "commodityCode": "",
        "productCode": "",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "Member Discount",
            "amount": "10.00"
        "id": "2",
        "description": "Camping Tent",
        "price": "160.00",
        "quantity": 2,
        "extended": "155.00",
        "unitCode": "",
        "commodityCode": "",
        "productCode": "",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "Member Discount",
            "amount": "5.00"
        "id": "3",
        "description": "Backpack",
        "price": "70.00",
        "quantity": 1,
        "extended": "62.00",
        "unitCode": "",
        "commodityCode": "",
        "productCode": "",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "Member Discount",
            "amount": "8.00"
  "status": "Pending"

This API allows you to check on the status of a payment link, including transaction data and the full history of attempted transactions.

This API is the preferred source of truth and best practice when you want to check on the status of a payment link (as opposed to Transaction Status). The Transaction Status API is not ideal because of ambiguity when there are multiple transactions associated with a single payment link.

You must pass the linkCode value associated with the payment link. It is included in the response from BlockChyp when the payment link is originally created.

Transaction Status

Transaction Status Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="tx-status" -tx="<TRANSACTION ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="tx-status" -tx="<TRANSACTION ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func transactionStatusExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TransactionStatusRequest{
        TransactionID: "<TRANSACTION ID>",

    response, err := client.TransactionStatus(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TransactionStatusRequest request = new TransactionStatusRequest
    TransactionId = "<TRANSACTION ID>",

// Run the transaction.

AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.TransactionStatusAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionStatusRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class TransactionStatusExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TransactionStatusRequest request = new TransactionStatusRequest();
        request.setTransactionId("<TRANSACTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.transactionStatus(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'transactionId' => '<TRANSACTION ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::transactionStatus($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  transactionId: '<TRANSACTION ID>'

response = blockchyp.transactionStatus(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "transactionId": "<TRANSACTION ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.transaction_status(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  transactionId: '<TRANSACTION ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["transactionId"] = "<TRANSACTION ID>"
    [client transactionStatusWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"responseDescription", [response objectForKey:@"responseDescription"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authorizedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"authorizedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["transactionId"] = "<TRANSACTION ID>"
      client.transactionStatus(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("responseDescription" + ": " + (response["responseDescription"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("authorizedAmount" + ": " + (response["authorizedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "782472",
  "transactionId": "GH7FEIUL64I6VILZNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionRef": "MYTXREF",
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "timestamp": "2020-05-01T22:00:39Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "125.05",
  "authorizedAmount": "125.05",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
  "entryMethod": "KEYED",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************1111",
  "cardHolder": "PETER GREGORY",
  "avsResponse": "N",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "merchantId": "BUF36EUL4QI6VBUZNSLM7WZLHE",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************1111",
    "authorizedAmount": "125.05",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "entryMethod": "KEYED"
  "customer": {
    "customerRef": "",
    "firstName": "Peter",
    "lastName": "Gregory",
    "companyName": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "smsNumber": "",
    "paymentMethods": null
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

This API returns the current status for any transaction. You can lookup a transaction by its BlockChyp assigned Transaction ID or your own Transaction Ref.

You should always use globally unique Transaction Ref values, but in the event that you duplicate Transaction Refs, the most recent transaction matching your Transaction Ref is returned.

Cash Discount

Cash Discount Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="cash-discount" -amount="100.00" -surcharge -cashDiscount

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="cash-discount" -amount="100.00" -surcharge -cashDiscount
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func cashDiscountExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CashDiscountRequest{
        Amount:       "100.00",
        CashDiscount: true,
        Surcharge:    true,

    response, err := client.CashDiscount(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CashDiscountRequest request = new CashDiscountRequest
    Amount = "100.00",
    CashDiscount = true,
    Surcharge = true,

// Run the transaction.

CashDiscountResponse response = await blockchyp.CashDiscountAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CashDiscountRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CashDiscountResponse;

public class CashDiscountExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CashDiscountRequest request = new CashDiscountRequest();

        // Send the request
        CashDiscountResponse response = client.cashDiscount(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'amount' => '100.00',
    'cashDiscount' => true,
    'surcharge' => true,

$response = BlockChyp::cashDiscount($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  amount: '100.00',
  cashDiscount: true,
  surcharge: true

response = blockchyp.cashDiscount(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "amount": "100.00",
    "cashDiscount": True,
    "surcharge": True,

# run the transaction.
response = client.cash_discount(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  amount: '100.00',
  cashDiscount: true,
  surcharge: true,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["amount"] = "100.00"
  request["cashDiscount"] = true
  request["surcharge"] = true
    [client cashDiscountWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"amount", [response objectForKey:@"amount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["amount"] = "100.00"
    request["cashDiscount"] = true
    request["surcharge"] = true
      client.cashDiscount(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("amount" + ": " + (response["amount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "currencyCode": "",
  "amount": "100.00",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "surcharge": "3.81",
  "cashDiscount": "3.81"

This API calculates the surcharge, cash discount, and total amounts for cash transactions.

If you're using BlockChyp's cash discounting features, you can use this endpoint to ensure the numbers and receipts for true cash transactions are consistent with transactions processed by BlockChyp.

Batch History

Batch History Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="batch-history" -maxResults="250" -startIndex="1"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="batch-history" -maxResults="250" -startIndex="1"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func batchHistoryExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BatchHistoryRequest{
        MaxResults: 250,
        StartIndex: 0,

    response, err := client.BatchHistory(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BatchHistoryRequest request = new BatchHistoryRequest
    MaxResults = 250,
    StartIndex = 0,

// Run the transaction.

BatchHistoryResponse response = await blockchyp.BatchHistoryAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BatchHistoryRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BatchHistoryResponse;

public class BatchHistoryExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BatchHistoryRequest request = new BatchHistoryRequest();

        // Send the request
        BatchHistoryResponse response = client.batchHistory(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'maxResults' => 250,
    'startIndex' => 0,

$response = BlockChyp::batchHistory($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  maxResults: 250,
  startIndex: 0

response = blockchyp.batchHistory(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "maxResults": 250,
    "startIndex": 0,

# run the transaction.
response = client.batch_history(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  maxResults: 250,
  startIndex: 0,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["maxResults"] = 250
  request["startIndex"] = 0
    [client batchHistoryWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["maxResults"] = 250
    request["startIndex"] = 0
      client.batchHistory(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "startDate": "",
  "endDate": "",
  "batches": [
      "capturedAmount": "146.44",
      "open": true,
      "openDate": "2020-05-12T20:45:28Z",
      "closeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "capturedAmount": "57.79",
      "open": false,
      "openDate": "2020-05-12T20:44:11Z",
      "closeDate": "2020-05-12T20:45:00Z"
  "maxResults": 250,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "totalResultCount": 2

This endpoint allows developers to query the gateway for the merchant's batch history. The data will be returned in descending order of open date with the most recent batch returned first. The results will include basic information about the batch. Consider using the Batch Details API for more detail about a specific batch.

Limiting Results

This API will return a maximum of 250 results. Use the maxResults property to limit maximum results even further and use the startIndex property to page through results that span multiple queries.

For example, if you want the ten most recent batches, pass in a value of 10 for maxResults. Also note that startIndex is zero based. Use a value of 0 to get the first batch in the dataset.

Filtering by Date Range

You can also filter results by date. Use the startDate and endDate properties to return only those batches opened between those dates. You can use either startDate and endDate and you can use date filters in conjunction with maxResults and startIndex

Batch Details

Batch Details Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="batch-details" -batchId="<BATCH ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="batch-details" -batchId="<BATCH ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func batchDetailsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BatchDetailsRequest{
        BatchID: "<BATCH ID>",

    response, err := client.BatchDetails(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BatchDetailsRequest request = new BatchDetailsRequest
    BatchId = "<BATCH ID>",

// Run the transaction.

BatchDetailsResponse response = await blockchyp.BatchDetailsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BatchDetailsRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BatchDetailsResponse;

public class BatchDetailsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BatchDetailsRequest request = new BatchDetailsRequest();
        request.setBatchId("<BATCH ID>");

        // Send the request
        BatchDetailsResponse response = client.batchDetails(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'batchId' => '<BATCH ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::batchDetails($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  batchId: '<BATCH ID>'

response = blockchyp.batchDetails(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "batchId": "<BATCH ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.batch_details(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  batchId: '<BATCH ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["batchId"] = "<BATCH ID>"
    [client batchDetailsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"capturedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"capturedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["batchId"] = "<BATCH ID>"
      client.batchDetails(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("capturedAmount" + ": " + (response["capturedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "capturedAmount": "294.12",
  "openPreauths": "0.00",
  "totalVolume": "294.12",
  "transactionCount": 5,
  "giftCardsSold": "50.00",
  "giftCardVolume": "12.00",
  "expectedDeposit": "282.12",
  "open": true,
  "openDate": "2020-05-12T20:45:28Z",
  "closeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "volumeByTerminal": [
      "terminalName": "POS1",
      "serialNumber": "A18290030XXXX",
      "terminalType": "LUXE8000",
      "capturedAmount": "147.68",
      "transactionCount": 2
      "terminalName": "POS2",
      "serialNumber": "A182700300XXXX",
      "terminalType": "LUXE8000",
      "capturedAmount": "146.44",
      "transactionCount": 3

This API allows developers to pull down details for a specific batch, including captured volume, gift card activity, expected deposit, and captured volume broken down by terminal.

The only required request parameter is batchId. Batch IDs are returned with every transaction response and can be discovered using the Batch History API.

Transaction History

Transaction History Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="tx-history" -batchId="<BATCH ID>" -maxResults="10"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="tx-history" -batchId="<BATCH ID>" -maxResults="10"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func transactionHistoryExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TransactionHistoryRequest{
        MaxResults: 10,
        BatchID:    "<BATCH ID>",

    response, err := client.TransactionHistory(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TransactionHistoryRequest request = new TransactionHistoryRequest
    MaxResults = 10,
    BatchId = "<BATCH ID>",

// Run the transaction.

TransactionHistoryResponse response = await blockchyp.TransactionHistoryAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionHistoryRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionHistoryResponse;

public class TransactionHistoryExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TransactionHistoryRequest request = new TransactionHistoryRequest();
        request.setBatchId("<BATCH ID>");

        // Send the request
        TransactionHistoryResponse response = client.transactionHistory(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'maxResults' => 10,
    'batchId' => '<BATCH ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::transactionHistory($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  maxResults: 10,
  batchId: '<BATCH ID>'

response = blockchyp.transactionHistory(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "maxResults": 10,
    "batchId": "<BATCH ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.transaction_history(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  maxResults: 10,
  batchId: '<BATCH ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["maxResults"] = 10
  request["batchId"] = "<BATCH ID>"
    [client transactionHistoryWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["maxResults"] = 10
    request["batchId"] = "<BATCH ID>"
      client.transactionHistory(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "batchId": "",
  "terminalName": "",
  "startDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "maxResults": 2,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "totalResultCount": 7,
  "transactions": [
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "approved": true,
      "authCode": "324858",
      "transactionId": "OPXQN6EUSAI6VL2MNSLM7WZLHE",
      "transactionRef": "88277082628",
      "transactionType": "charge",
      "timestamp": "2020-05-12T21:00:22Z",
      "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
      "test": true,
      "partialAuth": false,
      "altCurrency": false,
      "fsaAuth": false,
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "requestedAmount": "34.34",
      "authorizedAmount": "34.34",
      "remainingBalance": "",
      "tipAmount": "0.00",
      "taxAmount": "0.00",
      "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
      "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
      "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV",
      "paymentType": "AMEX",
      "maskedPan": "***********1006",
      "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 12",
      "avsResponse": "",
      "receiptSuggestions": {
        "aid": "A000000025010402",
        "arqc": "B5D6F55680D4B628",
        "iad": "06020103A02800",
        "tvr": "8000008000",
        "terminalId": "OPXQN3UUSAI6VL2JNSLM7WZLHE",
        "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
        "merchantId": "KUV2WLUURYI6VLFSNSLM7WZLHE",
        "requestSignature": false,
        "maskedPan": "***********1006",
        "authorizedAmount": "34.34",
        "transactionType": "charge",
        "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV"
      "customer": null,
      "whiteListedCard": null,
      "storeAndForward": false
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "approved": true,
      "authCode": "554632",
      "transactionId": "OPXQN6EUSAI6VL2LNSLM7WZLHE",
      "transactionRef": "00036850216",
      "transactionType": "charge",
      "timestamp": "2020-05-12T21:00:03Z",
      "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
      "test": true,
      "partialAuth": false,
      "altCurrency": false,
      "fsaAuth": false,
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "requestedAmount": "113.34",
      "authorizedAmount": "113.34",
      "remainingBalance": "",
      "tipAmount": "0.00",
      "taxAmount": "0.00",
      "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
      "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
      "entryMethod": "CHIP",
      "paymentType": "VISA",
      "maskedPan": "************0010",
      "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04",
      "avsResponse": "",
      "receiptSuggestions": {
        "aid": "A0000000031010",
        "arqc": "07FC47906F51B4E9",
        "iad": "06010A03A0B800",
        "tvr": "8000008800",
        "terminalId": "OPXQN3UUSAI6VL2JNSLM7WZLHE",
        "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
        "merchantId": "KUV2WLUURYI6VLFSNSLM7WZLHE",
        "requestSignature": false,
        "maskedPan": "************0010",
        "authorizedAmount": "113.34",
        "transactionType": "charge",
        "entryMethod": "CHIP"
      "customer": null,
      "whiteListedCard": null,
      "storeAndForward": false

This endpoint provides several different methods to sift through transaction history.

By default with no filtering properties, this endpoint will return the 250 most recent transactions.

Limiting Results

This API will return a maximum of 50 results in a single query. Use the maxResults property to limit maximum results even further and use the startIndex property to page through results that span multiple queries.

For example, if you want the ten most recent batches, pass in a value of 10 for maxResults. Also note that startIndex is zero based. Use a value of 0 to get the first transaction in the dataset.

Filtering By Date Range

You can also filter results by date. Use the startDate and endDate properties to return only transactions run between those dates. You can use either startDate or endDate and you can use date filters in conjunction with maxResults and startIndex

Filtering By Batch

To restrict results to a single batch, pass in the batchId parameter.

Filtering By Terminal

To restrict results to those executed on a single terminal, pass in the terminal name.

Combining Filters

None of the above filters are mutually exclusive. You can combine any of the above properties in a single request to restrict transaction results to a narrower set of results.

Searching Transaction History

You can search transaction history by passing in search criteria with the query option. The search system will match the amount (requested and authorized), last four of the card number, cardholder name, and the auth code.

Note that when search queries are used, terminalName or batch id filters are not supported.

List Queued Transactions

List Queued Transactions Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="list-queue" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="list-queue" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func listQueuedTransactionsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.ListQueuedTransactionsRequest{
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.ListQueuedTransactions(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
ListQueuedTransactionsRequest request = new ListQueuedTransactionsRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

ListQueuedTransactionsResponse response = await blockchyp.ListQueuedTransactionsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.ListQueuedTransactionsRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.ListQueuedTransactionsResponse;

public class ListQueuedTransactionsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        ListQueuedTransactionsRequest request = new ListQueuedTransactionsRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        ListQueuedTransactionsResponse response = client.listQueuedTransactions(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::listQueuedTransactions($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response = blockchyp.listQueuedTransactions(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response = client.list_queued_transactions(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client listQueuedTransactionsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
      client.listQueuedTransactions(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "transactionRefs": [

Returns a list of transaction refs of transactions queued on a terminal. Details about the transactions can be retrieved using the Transaction Status API.

Delete Queued Transaction

Delete Queued Transaction Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="delete-queue" -terminal="Test Terminal" -txRef="*"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="delete-queue" -terminal="Test Terminal" -txRef="*"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteQueuedTransactionExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest{
        TerminalName:   "Test Terminal",
        TransactionRef: "*",

    response, err := client.DeleteQueuedTransaction(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest request = new DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    TransactionRef = "*",

// Run the transaction.

DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse response = await blockchyp.DeleteQueuedTransactionAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse;

public class DeleteQueuedTransactionExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest request = new DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse response = client.deleteQueuedTransaction(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'transactionRef' => '*',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteQueuedTransaction($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  transactionRef: '*'

response = blockchyp.deleteQueuedTransaction(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "transactionRef": "*",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_queued_transaction(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  transactionRef: '*',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["transactionRef"] = "*"
    [client deleteQueuedTransactionWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["transactionRef"] = "*"
      client.deleteQueuedTransaction(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

Deletes one or all queued transactions from a terminal. If * is passed as a transaction ref, then the entire terminal queue will be cleared. An error is returned if the passed transaction ref is not queued on the terminal.

Terminal API

These APIs support terminal management functions and additional terminal features such as line item display, messages, and interactive prompts.
These features can be used to extend a point of sale system's functionality.

Terminal Ping

Terminal Ping Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="ping" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="ping" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func pingExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PingRequest{
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.Ping(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PingRequest request = new PingRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

PingResponse response = await blockchyp.PingAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PingRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PingResponse;

public class PingExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PingRequest request = new PingRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        PingResponse response =;
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::ping($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response =

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response =

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client pingWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal" request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "transactionId": "",
  "transactionType": "ping",
  "timestamp": "",
  "tickBlock": "",
  "test": true

This simple test transaction helps ensure good communication with a payment terminal and is usually the first test you'll run in development.

It tests communication with the terminal and returns a positive response if everything is okay. It works the same way in local or cloud relay mode.

If you get a positive response, you've successfully verified all of the following:

Terminal Locate

Terminal Locate Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="locate" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="locate" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func locateExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.LocateRequest{
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.Locate(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
LocateRequest request = new LocateRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

LocateResponse response = await blockchyp.LocateAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.LocateRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.LocateResponse;

public class LocateExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        LocateRequest request = new LocateRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        LocateResponse response = client.locate(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::locate($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response = blockchyp.locate(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response = client.locate(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client locateWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
      client.locate(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
  "cloudRelay": false,
  "ipAddress": "",
  "publicKey": "11pJMoWkjq1dHZcQp1P6apTk7J3QsoD9rtYW877c3BfJhDr8ozf"

This endpoint returns a terminal's routing and location information.

The result will indicate whether or not the terminal is in cloud relay mode and will return the local IP address if the terminal is in local mode.

The terminal will also return the public key for the terminal.

Terminal Clear

Terminal Clear Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="clear" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="clear" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func clearExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.ClearTerminalRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.Clear(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
ClearTerminalRequest request = new ClearTerminalRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.ClearAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.ClearTerminalRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class ClearExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        ClearTerminalRequest request = new ClearTerminalRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.clear(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::clear($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response = blockchyp.clear(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response = client.clear(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client clearWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
      client.clear(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API interrupts whatever a terminal may be doing and returns it to the idle state.

Terminal Status

Terminal Status Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="terminal-status" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="terminal-status" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func terminalStatusExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TerminalStatusRequest{
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.TerminalStatus(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TerminalStatusRequest request = new TerminalStatusRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

TerminalStatusResponse response = await blockchyp.TerminalStatusAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TerminalStatusRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TerminalStatusResponse;

public class TerminalStatusExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TerminalStatusRequest request = new TerminalStatusRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        TerminalStatusResponse response = client.terminalStatus(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::terminalStatus($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response = blockchyp.terminalStatus(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response = client.terminal_status(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client terminalStatusWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"idle", [response objectForKey:@"idle"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"status", [response objectForKey:@"status"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
      client.terminalStatus(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("idle" + ": " + (response["idle"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("status" + ": " + (response["status"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "idle": false,
  "cardInSlot": true,
  "status": "charge",
  "transactionRef": "MYTXREF",
  "since": "2020-05-01T22:26:08.54243745Z"

This API returns the current status of a payment terminal. This is typically used as a way to determine if the terminal is busy before sending a new transaction.

If the terminal is busy, idle will be false and the status field will return a short string that indicates the transaction type currently in progress. The system will also return the timestamp of the last status change in the since field.

The cardInSlot field in the response will indicates whether or not a card is currently in the card reader slot.

If the system is running a payment transaction and you wisely passed in a Transaction Ref, this API will also return the Transaction Ref of the in progress transaction.

The table below lists all possible status responses.

Status Code Description
idle The terminal is idle and ready for transactions. The default branding is being displayed.
activate The terminal is in the process of activating and pairing with the merchant account.
balance A balance check (EBT or Gift Card) is pending on the terminal.
boolean-prompt A boolean prompt (yes/no) operation is pending on the terminal.
signature A signature capture is pending.
crypto A cryptocurrency transaction is pending.
enroll A token vault enrollment operation is pending.
gift-activate A gift card activation operation is in progress.
message The terminal is displaying a custom message.
charge The terminal is executing a charge transaction.
preauth The terminal is executing a preauth transaction.
refund The terminal is executing a refund transaction.
survey The terminal is displaying post transaction survey questions.
terms-and-conditions The terminal is pending terms and conditions acceptance and signature.
text-prompt The terminal is awaiting response to a text input prompt.
txdisplay The terminal is displaying transaction and/or line item level details.

Capture Signature

Capture Signature Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="capture-signature" -terminal="Test Terminal" -sigFormat="png" -sigWidth="400" -sigFile="sig.png"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="capture-signature" -terminal="Test Terminal" -sigFormat="png" -sigWidth="400" -sigFile="sig.png"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func captureSignatureExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CaptureSignatureRequest{
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

        // file format for the signature image.
        SigFormat: blockchyp.SignatureFormatPNG,

        // width of the signature image in pixels.
        SigWidth: 200,

    response, err := client.CaptureSignature(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CaptureSignatureRequest request = new CaptureSignatureRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    SigFormat = SignatureFormat.PNG,
    SigWidth = 200,

// Run the transaction.

CaptureSignatureResponse response = await blockchyp.CaptureSignatureAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CaptureSignatureRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CaptureSignatureResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SignatureFormat;

public class CaptureSignatureExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CaptureSignatureRequest request = new CaptureSignatureRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        CaptureSignatureResponse response = client.captureSignature(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

    // File format for the signature image.
    'sigFormat' => BlockChyp::SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG,

    // Width of the signature image in pixels.
    'sigWidth' => 200,

$response = BlockChyp::captureSignature($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',

  # File format for the signature image.
  sigFormat: SignatureFormat::PNG,

  # Width of the signature image in pixels.
  sigWidth: 200

response = blockchyp.captureSignature(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

    # File format for the signature image.
    "sigFormat": blockchyp.SignatureFormat.PNG,

    # Width of the signature image in pixels.
    "sigWidth": 200,

# run the transaction.
response = client.capture_signature(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',

  // File format for the signature image.
  sigFormat: BlockChyp.SignatureFormat.PNG,

  // Width of the signature image in pixels.
  sigWidth: 200,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["sigFormat"] = SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG
  request["sigWidth"] = 200
    [client captureSignatureWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["sigFormat"] = SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG
    request["sigWidth"] = 200
      client.captureSignature(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This endpoint captures a written signature from the terminal and returns the image.

Unlike the Terms & Conditions API, this endpoint performs basic signature capture with no agreement display or signature archival.

Under the hood, signatures are captured in a proprietary vector format and must be converted to a common raster format in order to be useful to most applications. At a minimum, you must specify an image format using the sigFormat parameter. Currently, JPG and PNG are supported.

By default, images are returned in the JSON response as hex encoded binary. You can redirect the binary image output to a file using the sigFile parameter.

You can also scale the output image to your preferred width by passing in a sigWidth parameter. The image will be scaled to that width, preserving the aspect ratio of the original image.

New Transaction Display

New Transaction Display Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="display" -terminal="Test Terminal" -displaySubtotal="120.05" -displayTax="5.00" -displayTotal="125.05" -lineItemDescription="Leki Trekking Poles" -lineItemQty="1" -lineItemPrice="135.05" -lineItemDiscountDescription="Member Discount" -lineItemDiscountAmount="10.00" -lineItemExtended="120.05"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="display" -terminal="Test Terminal" -displaySubtotal="120.05" -displayTax="5.00" -displayTotal="125.05" -lineItemDescription="Leki Trekking Poles" -lineItemQty="1" -lineItemPrice="135.05" -lineItemDiscountDescription="Member Discount" -lineItemDiscountAmount="10.00" -lineItemExtended="120.05"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func newTransactionDisplayExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TransactionDisplayRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Transaction: &blockchyp.TransactionDisplayTransaction{
            Subtotal: "60.00",
            Tax:      "5.00",
            Total:    "65.00",
            Items: []*blockchyp.TransactionDisplayItem{
                    Description: "Leki Trekking Poles",
                    Price:       "35.00",
                    Quantity:    2,
                    Extended:    "70.00",
                    Discounts: []*blockchyp.TransactionDisplayDiscount{
                            Description: "memberDiscount",
                            Amount:      "10.00",

    response, err := client.NewTransactionDisplay(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TransactionDisplayRequest request = new TransactionDisplayRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Transaction = new TransactionDisplayTransaction
        Subtotal = "60.00",
        Tax = "5.00",
        Total = "65.00",
        Items = new List<TransactionDisplayItem>
            new TransactionDisplayItem
                Description = "Leki Trekking Poles",
                Price = "35.00",
                Quantity = 2,
                Extended = "70.00",
                Discounts = new List<TransactionDisplayDiscount>
                    new TransactionDisplayDiscount
                        Description = "memberDiscount",
                        Amount = "10.00",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.NewTransactionDisplayAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayTransaction;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayItem;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayDiscount;

public class NewTransactionDisplayExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TransactionDisplayRequest request = new TransactionDisplayRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        TransactionDisplayTransaction transaction = new TransactionDisplayTransaction();

        Collection items = new ArrayList();
        TransactionDisplayItem items0 = new TransactionDisplayItem();
        items0.setDescription("Leki Trekking Poles");

        Collection discounts = new ArrayList();
        TransactionDisplayDiscount discounts0 = new TransactionDisplayDiscount();

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.newTransactionDisplay(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'transaction' => [
        'subtotal' => '60.00',
        'tax' => '5.00',
        'total' => '65.00',
        'items' => [
                'description' => 'Leki Trekking Poles',
                'price' => '35.00',
                'quantity' => 2,
                'extended' => '70.00',
                'discounts' => [
                        'description' => 'memberDiscount',
                        'amount' => '10.00',

$response = BlockChyp::newTransactionDisplay($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  transaction: {
    subtotal: '60.00',
    tax: '5.00',
    total: '65.00',
    items: [
        description: 'Leki Trekking Poles',
        price: '35.00',
        quantity: 2,
        extended: '70.00',
        discounts: [
            description: 'memberDiscount',
            amount: '10.00'

response = blockchyp.newTransactionDisplay(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "transaction": {
        "subtotal": "60.00",
        "tax": "5.00",
        "total": "65.00",
        "items": [
                "description": "Leki Trekking Poles",
                "price": "35.00",
                "quantity": 2,
                "extended": "70.00",
                "discounts": [
                        "description": "memberDiscount",
                        "amount": "10.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.new_transaction_display(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  transaction: {
    subtotal: '60.00',
    tax: '5.00',
    total: '65.00',
    items: [
        description: 'Leki Trekking Poles',
        price: '35.00',
        quantity: 2,
        extended: '70.00',
        discounts: [
            description: 'memberDiscount',
            amount: '10.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  var transaction: [String:Any] = [:]
  transaction["subtotal"] = "60.00"
  transaction["tax"] = "5.00"
  transaction["total"] = "65.00"
  var items = [Any]();
  var items1: [String:Any] = [:]
  items1["description"] = "Leki Trekking Poles"
  items1["price"] = "35.00"
  items1["quantity"] = 2
  items1["extended"] = "70.00"
  var discounts = [Any]();
  var discounts1: [String:Any] = [:]
  discounts1["description"] = "memberDiscount"
  discounts1["amount"] = "10.00"
  items1["discounts"] = discounts
  transaction["items"] = items
  request["transaction"] = transaction
    [client newTransactionDisplayWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    var transaction: [String:Any] = [:]
    transaction["subtotal"] = "60.00"
    transaction["tax"] = "5.00"
    transaction["total"] = "65.00"
    var items = [Any]();
    var items1: [String:Any] = [:]
    items1["description"] = "Leki Trekking Poles"
    items1["price"] = "35.00"
    items1["quantity"] = 2
    items1["extended"] = "70.00"
    var discounts = [Any]();
    var discounts1: [String:Any] = [:]
    discounts1["description"] = "memberDiscount"
    discounts1["amount"] = "10.00"
    items1["discounts"] = discounts
    transaction["items"] = items
    request["transaction"] = transaction
      client.newTransactionDisplay(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API sends totals and line item level data to the terminal.

At a minimum, you should send total information as part of a display request, including total, tax, and subtotal.

You can also send line item level data and each line item can have a description, qty, price, and extended price.

If you fail to send an extended price, BlockChyp will multiply the qty by the price. However, we strongly recommend you precalculate all the fields yourself to ensure consistency. For example, your treatment of floating-point multiplication and rounding may differ slightly from BlockChyp's.


You have the option to show discounts on the display as individual line items with negative values or you can associate discounts with a specific line item. You can apply any number of discounts to an individual line item with a description and amount.

Update Transaction Display

Update Transaction Display Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="display" -terminal="Test Terminal" -displaySubtotal="120.05" -displayTax="5.00" -displayTotal="125.05" -lineItemDescription="Leki Trekking Poles" -lineItemQty="1" -lineItemPrice="135.05" -lineItemDiscountDescription="Member Discount" -lineItemDiscountAmount="10.00" -lineItemExtended="120.05"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="display" -terminal="Test Terminal" -displaySubtotal="120.05" -displayTax="5.00" -displayTotal="125.05" -lineItemDescription="Leki Trekking Poles" -lineItemQty="1" -lineItemPrice="135.05" -lineItemDiscountDescription="Member Discount" -lineItemDiscountAmount="10.00" -lineItemExtended="120.05"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func updateTransactionDisplayExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TransactionDisplayRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Transaction: &blockchyp.TransactionDisplayTransaction{
            Subtotal: "60.00",
            Tax:      "5.00",
            Total:    "65.00",
            Items: []*blockchyp.TransactionDisplayItem{
                    Description: "Leki Trekking Poles",
                    Price:       "35.00",
                    Quantity:    2,
                    Extended:    "70.00",
                    Discounts: []*blockchyp.TransactionDisplayDiscount{
                            Description: "memberDiscount",
                            Amount:      "10.00",

    response, err := client.UpdateTransactionDisplay(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TransactionDisplayRequest request = new TransactionDisplayRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Transaction = new TransactionDisplayTransaction
        Subtotal = "60.00",
        Tax = "5.00",
        Total = "65.00",
        Items = new List<TransactionDisplayItem>
            new TransactionDisplayItem
                Description = "Leki Trekking Poles",
                Price = "35.00",
                Quantity = 2,
                Extended = "70.00",
                Discounts = new List<TransactionDisplayDiscount>
                    new TransactionDisplayDiscount
                        Description = "memberDiscount",
                        Amount = "10.00",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.UpdateTransactionDisplayAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayTransaction;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayItem;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TransactionDisplayDiscount;

public class UpdateTransactionDisplayExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TransactionDisplayRequest request = new TransactionDisplayRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        TransactionDisplayTransaction transaction = new TransactionDisplayTransaction();

        Collection items = new ArrayList();
        TransactionDisplayItem items0 = new TransactionDisplayItem();
        items0.setDescription("Leki Trekking Poles");

        Collection discounts = new ArrayList();
        TransactionDisplayDiscount discounts0 = new TransactionDisplayDiscount();

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.updateTransactionDisplay(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'transaction' => [
        'subtotal' => '60.00',
        'tax' => '5.00',
        'total' => '65.00',
        'items' => [
                'description' => 'Leki Trekking Poles',
                'price' => '35.00',
                'quantity' => 2,
                'extended' => '70.00',
                'discounts' => [
                        'description' => 'memberDiscount',
                        'amount' => '10.00',

$response = BlockChyp::updateTransactionDisplay($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  transaction: {
    subtotal: '60.00',
    tax: '5.00',
    total: '65.00',
    items: [
        description: 'Leki Trekking Poles',
        price: '35.00',
        quantity: 2,
        extended: '70.00',
        discounts: [
            description: 'memberDiscount',
            amount: '10.00'

response = blockchyp.updateTransactionDisplay(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "transaction": {
        "subtotal": "60.00",
        "tax": "5.00",
        "total": "65.00",
        "items": [
                "description": "Leki Trekking Poles",
                "price": "35.00",
                "quantity": 2,
                "extended": "70.00",
                "discounts": [
                        "description": "memberDiscount",
                        "amount": "10.00",

# run the transaction.
response = client.update_transaction_display(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  transaction: {
    subtotal: '60.00',
    tax: '5.00',
    total: '65.00',
    items: [
        description: 'Leki Trekking Poles',
        price: '35.00',
        quantity: 2,
        extended: '70.00',
        discounts: [
            description: 'memberDiscount',
            amount: '10.00',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  var transaction: [String:Any] = [:]
  transaction["subtotal"] = "60.00"
  transaction["tax"] = "5.00"
  transaction["total"] = "65.00"
  var items = [Any]();
  var items1: [String:Any] = [:]
  items1["description"] = "Leki Trekking Poles"
  items1["price"] = "35.00"
  items1["quantity"] = 2
  items1["extended"] = "70.00"
  var discounts = [Any]();
  var discounts1: [String:Any] = [:]
  discounts1["description"] = "memberDiscount"
  discounts1["amount"] = "10.00"
  items1["discounts"] = discounts
  transaction["items"] = items
  request["transaction"] = transaction
    [client updateTransactionDisplayWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    var transaction: [String:Any] = [:]
    transaction["subtotal"] = "60.00"
    transaction["tax"] = "5.00"
    transaction["total"] = "65.00"
    var items = [Any]();
    var items1: [String:Any] = [:]
    items1["description"] = "Leki Trekking Poles"
    items1["price"] = "35.00"
    items1["quantity"] = 2
    items1["extended"] = "70.00"
    var discounts = [Any]();
    var discounts1: [String:Any] = [:]
    discounts1["description"] = "memberDiscount"
    discounts1["amount"] = "10.00"
    items1["discounts"] = discounts
    transaction["items"] = items
    request["transaction"] = transaction
      client.updateTransactionDisplay(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

Similar to New Transaction Display, this variant allows developers to update line item level data currently being displayed on the terminal.

This feature is designed for situations where you want to update the terminal display as items are scanned. You'll only have to send information to the terminal that's changed, which usually means the new line item and updated totals.

If the terminal is not in line item display mode and you invoke this endpoint, the first invocation will behave like a New Transaction Display call.

At a minimum, you should send total information as part of a display request, including total, tax, and subtotal.

You can also send line item level data and each line item can have a description, qty, price, and extended price.

If you fail to send an extended price, BlockChyp will multiply the qty by the price. However, we strongly recommend you precalculate all the fields yourself to ensure consistency. For example, your treatment of floating-point multiplication and rounding may differ slightly from BlockChyp's.


You have the option to show discounts on the display as individual line items with negative values or you can associate discounts with a specific line item. You can apply any number of discounts to an individual line item with a description and amount.

Display Message

Display Message Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="message" -terminal="Test Terminal" -message="Thank you for your business."

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="message" -terminal="Test Terminal" -message="Thank you for your business."
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func messageExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MessageRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Message:      "Thank you for your business.",

    response, err := client.Message(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MessageRequest request = new MessageRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Message = "Thank you for your business.",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.MessageAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MessageRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class MessageExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MessageRequest request = new MessageRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");
        request.setMessage("Thank you for your business.");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.message(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'message' => 'Thank you for your business.',

$response = BlockChyp::message($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  message: 'Thank you for your business.'

response = blockchyp.message(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "message": "Thank you for your business.",

# run the transaction.
response = client.message(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  message: 'Thank you for your business.',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["message"] = "Thank you for your business."
    [client messageWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["message"] = "Thank you for your business."
      client.message(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API displays a message on the payment terminal.

Just specify the target terminal and the message using the message parameter.

Boolean Prompt

Boolean Prompt Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="boolean-prompt" -terminal="Test Terminal" -prompt="Would you like to become a member?"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="boolean-prompt" -terminal="Test Terminal" -prompt="Would you like to become a member?"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func booleanPromptExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BooleanPromptRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Prompt:       "Would you like to become a member?",
        YesCaption:   "Yes",
        NoCaption:    "No",

    response, err := client.BooleanPrompt(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BooleanPromptRequest request = new BooleanPromptRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Prompt = "Would you like to become a member?",
    YesCaption = "Yes",
    NoCaption = "No",

// Run the transaction.

BooleanPromptResponse response = await blockchyp.BooleanPromptAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BooleanPromptRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BooleanPromptResponse;

public class BooleanPromptExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BooleanPromptRequest request = new BooleanPromptRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");
        request.setPrompt("Would you like to become a member?");

        // Send the request
        BooleanPromptResponse response = client.booleanPrompt(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'prompt' => 'Would you like to become a member?',
    'yesCaption' => 'Yes',
    'noCaption' => 'No',

$response = BlockChyp::booleanPrompt($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  prompt: 'Would you like to become a member?',
  yesCaption: 'Yes',
  noCaption: 'No'

response = blockchyp.booleanPrompt(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "prompt": "Would you like to become a member?",
    "yesCaption": "Yes",
    "noCaption": "No",

# run the transaction.
response = client.boolean_prompt(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  prompt: 'Would you like to become a member?',
  yesCaption: 'Yes',
  noCaption: 'No',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["prompt"] = "Would you like to become a member?"
  request["yesCaption"] = "Yes"
  request["noCaption"] = "No"
    [client booleanPromptWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"response", [response objectForKey:@"response"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["prompt"] = "Would you like to become a member?"
    request["yesCaption"] = "Yes"
    request["noCaption"] = "No"
      client.booleanPrompt(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("response" + ": " + (response["response"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "response": true

This API prompts the customer to answer a yes or no question.

You can specify the question or prompt with the prompt parameter and the response is returned in the response field.

This can be used for a number of use cases including starting a loyalty enrollment workflow or customer facing suggestive selling prompts.

Custom Captions

You can optionally override the "YES" and "NO" button captions by using the yesCaption and noCaption request parameters.

Text Prompt

Text Prompt Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="text-prompt" -terminal="Test Terminal" -promptType="phone"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="text-prompt" -terminal="Test Terminal" -promptType="phone"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func textPromptExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TextPromptRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

        // Type of prompt. Can be 'email', 'phone', 'customer-number', or 'rewards-number'.
        PromptType: blockchyp.PromptTypeEmail,

    response, err := client.TextPrompt(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TextPromptRequest request = new TextPromptRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    PromptType = PromptType.Email,

// Run the transaction.

TextPromptResponse response = await blockchyp.TextPromptAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TextPromptRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TextPromptResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PromptType;

public class TextPromptExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TextPromptRequest request = new TextPromptRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        TextPromptResponse response = client.textPrompt(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

    // Type of prompt. Can be 'email', 'phone', 'customer-number', or
    // 'rewards-number'.
    'promptType' => BlockChyp::PROMPT_TYPE_EMAIL,

$response = BlockChyp::textPrompt($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',

  # Type of prompt. Can be 'email', 'phone', 'customer-number', or
  # 'rewards-number'.
  promptType: PromptType::EMAIL

response = blockchyp.textPrompt(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

    # Type of prompt. Can be 'email', 'phone', 'customer-number', or
    # 'rewards-number'.
    "promptType": blockchyp.PromptType.EMAIL,

# run the transaction.
response = client.text_prompt(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',

  // Type of prompt. Can be 'email', 'phone', 'customer-number', or
  // 'rewards-number'.
  promptType: BlockChyp.PromptType.EMAIL,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["promptType"] = PROMPT_TYPE_EMAIL
    [client textPromptWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"response", [response objectForKey:@"response"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["promptType"] = PROMPT_TYPE_EMAIL
      client.textPrompt(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("response" + ": " + (response["response"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "response": "9136488888"

This API prompts the customer to enter numeric or alphanumeric data.

Due to PCI rules, free-form prompts are not permitted when the response could be any valid string. The reason for this is that a malicious developer (not you, of course) could use text prompts to ask the customer to input a card number or PIN code.

This means that instead of providing a prompt, you provide a promptType instead.

The prompt types currently supported are listed below:

You can specify the prompt with the promptType parameter and the response is returned in the response field.

List Terminals

List Terminals Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="list-terminals"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="list-terminals"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func terminalsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TerminalProfileRequest{}

    response, err := client.Terminals(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TerminalProfileRequest request = new TerminalProfileRequest


// Run the transaction.

TerminalProfileResponse response = await blockchyp.TerminalsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TerminalProfileRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TerminalProfileResponse;

public class TerminalsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TerminalProfileRequest request = new TerminalProfileRequest();

        // Send the request
        TerminalProfileResponse response = client.terminals(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::terminals($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.terminals(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.terminals(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client terminalsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.terminals(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

    "success": true,
    "error": "",
    "responseDescription": "",
    "results": [
            "ipAddress": "",
            "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
            "terminalType": "LUXE8000",
            "terminalTypeDisplayString": "Equinox Luxe 8500i",
            "blockChypFirmwareVersion": "1.18.1-466.20211119173638git7eef201",
            "cloudBased": false,
            "publicKey": "11tchWXtVzRVa836UBgmRhLmVJETN4zc8A7TsuobPco88zm1gSf",
            "serialNumber": "A1724003000070",
            "online": true,
            "since": "41m25s",
            "totalMemory": 225576,
            "totalStorage": 194830336,
            "availableMemory": 118440,
            "availableStorage": 104386560,
            "usedMemory": 107136,
            "usedStorage": 90443776,
            "brandingPreview": "",
            "groupId": "",
            "groupName": ""

This API returns details about terminals associated with a merchant account.

Status and resource information is returned for all terminals along with a preview of the current branding image displayed on the terminal

Deactivate Terminal

Deactivate Terminal Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="deactivate-terminal" -terminalId="<TERMINAL ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="deactivate-terminal" -terminalId="<TERMINAL ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deactivateTerminalExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TerminalDeactivationRequest{
        TerminalID: "<TERMINAL ID>",

    response, err := client.DeactivateTerminal(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TerminalDeactivationRequest request = new TerminalDeactivationRequest
    TerminalId = "<TERMINAL ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.DeactivateTerminalAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TerminalDeactivationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class DeactivateTerminalExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TerminalDeactivationRequest request = new TerminalDeactivationRequest();
        request.setTerminalId("<TERMINAL ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.deactivateTerminal(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalId' => '<TERMINAL ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deactivateTerminal($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalId: '<TERMINAL ID>'

response = blockchyp.deactivateTerminal(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalId": "<TERMINAL ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.deactivate_terminal(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalId: '<TERMINAL ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalId"] = "<TERMINAL ID>"
    [client deactivateTerminalWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalId"] = "<TERMINAL ID>"
      client.deactivateTerminal(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API deactivates a payment terminal.

If the terminal exists and is currently online, it will be removed from the merchant's terminal inventory. The terminal will be remotely cleared and factory reset.

Activate Terminal

Activate Terminal Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="activate-terminal" -terminalName="Test Terminal" -code="<ACTIVATION CODE>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="activate-terminal" -terminalName="Test Terminal" -code="<ACTIVATION CODE>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func activateTerminalExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TerminalActivationRequest{
        TerminalName:   "Test Terminal",
        ActivationCode: "<ACTIVATION CODE>",

    response, err := client.ActivateTerminal(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TerminalActivationRequest request = new TerminalActivationRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    ActivationCode = "<ACTIVATION CODE>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.ActivateTerminalAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TerminalActivationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class ActivateTerminalExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TerminalActivationRequest request = new TerminalActivationRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");
        request.setActivationCode("<ACTIVATION CODE>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.activateTerminal(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'activationCode' => '<ACTIVATION CODE>',

$response = BlockChyp::activateTerminal($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  activationCode: '<ACTIVATION CODE>'

response = blockchyp.activateTerminal(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "activationCode": "<ACTIVATION CODE>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.activate_terminal(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  activationCode: '<ACTIVATION CODE>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["activationCode"] = "<ACTIVATION CODE>"
    [client activateTerminalWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["activationCode"] = "<ACTIVATION CODE>"
      client.activateTerminal(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API activates a payment terminal.

If successful, the payment terminal will restart, generate new encryption keys, and download any active branding assets for the merchant account it's been added to.

Activation requests require an activation code and a unique terminal name. All terminal names must be unique across a merchant account.

Optional Parameters

Reboot Terminal

Reboot Terminal Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="reboot" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="reboot" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func rebootExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PingRequest{
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.Reboot(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PingRequest request = new PingRequest
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.RebootAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PingRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class RebootExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PingRequest request = new PingRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.reboot(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::reboot($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response = blockchyp.reboot(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response = client.reboot(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client rebootWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
      client.reboot(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API reboots the terminal.

Terms & Conditions API

Developers can use BlockChyp to display and capture acceptance of contracts or agreements related to transactions. These agreements can be any long-form contract ranging from rental agreements to HIPPA disclosures.

There are two basic approaches to terms and conditions capture. Merchants can store contract templates in BlockChyp or they can send the full agreement text as part of every API call. The right approach will largely depend on whether or not the system being integrated with BlockChyp already has a mechanism for organizing and managing agreements. For systems that already have this feature built in, it's probably not necessary to use Terms and Conditions.

When agreements are displayed on a terminal, the consumer can scroll through and read the entire agreement, and provide a signature. Results are returned as part of the API response, but BlockChyp also stores a record of the agreement including the signature image, timestamp, and the full text of the agreement that was agreed to.

The Terms and Conditions Log APIs can be used to search and retrieve acceptance records. Those records can also be linked to a transaction if a transaction id is provided with the original API request.

Terms & Conditions Capture

Terms & Conditions Capture Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="tc" -terminal="Test Terminal" -tcName="HIPPA Disclosure" -tcContent="Loreum Ipsum..."

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="tc" -terminal="Test Terminal" -tcName="HIPPA Disclosure" -tcContent="Loreum Ipsum..."
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func termsAndConditionsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

        // Alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the BlockChyp dashboard.
        TCAlias: "hippa",

        // Name of the contract or document if not using an alias.
        TCName: "HIPPA Disclosure",

        // Full text of the contract or disclosure if not using an alias.
        TCContent: "Full contract text",

        // file format for the signature image.
        SigFormat: blockchyp.SignatureFormatPNG,

        // width of the signature image in pixels.
        SigWidth: 200,

        // Whether or not a signature is required. Defaults to true.
        SigRequired: true,

    response, err := client.TermsAndConditions(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    TcAlias = "hippa",
    TcName = "HIPPA Disclosure",
    TcContent = "Full contract text",
    SigFormat = SignatureFormat.PNG,
    SigWidth = 200,
    SigRequired = true,

// Run the transaction.

TermsAndConditionsResponse response = await blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SignatureFormat;

public class TermsAndConditionsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");
        request.setTcName("HIPPA Disclosure");
        request.setTcContent("Full contract text");

        // Send the request
        TermsAndConditionsResponse response = client.termsAndConditions(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

    // Alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the BlockChyp
    // dashboard.
    'tcAlias' => 'hippa',

    // Name of the contract or document if not using an alias.
    'tcName' => 'HIPPA Disclosure',

    // Full text of the contract or disclosure if not using an alias.
    'tcContent' => 'Full contract text',

    // File format for the signature image.
    'sigFormat' => BlockChyp::SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG,

    // Width of the signature image in pixels.
    'sigWidth' => 200,

    // Whether or not a signature is required. Defaults to true.
    'sigRequired' => true,

$response = BlockChyp::termsAndConditions($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',

  # Alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the BlockChyp
  # dashboard.
  tcAlias: 'hippa',

  # Name of the contract or document if not using an alias.
  tcName: 'HIPPA Disclosure',

  # Full text of the contract or disclosure if not using an alias.
  tcContent: 'Full contract text',

  # File format for the signature image.
  sigFormat: SignatureFormat::PNG,

  # Width of the signature image in pixels.
  sigWidth: 200,

  # Whether or not a signature is required. Defaults to true.
  sigRequired: true

response = blockchyp.termsAndConditions(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

    # Alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the BlockChyp
    # dashboard.
    "tcAlias": "hippa",

    # Name of the contract or document if not using an alias.
    "tcName": "HIPPA Disclosure",

    # Full text of the contract or disclosure if not using an alias.
    "tcContent": "Full contract text",

    # File format for the signature image.
    "sigFormat": blockchyp.SignatureFormat.PNG,

    # Width of the signature image in pixels.
    "sigWidth": 200,

    # Whether or not a signature is required. Defaults to true.
    "sigRequired": True,

# run the transaction.
response = client.terms_and_conditions(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',

  // Alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the BlockChyp
  // dashboard.
  tcAlias: 'hippa',

  // Name of the contract or document if not using an alias.
  tcName: 'HIPPA Disclosure',

  // Full text of the contract or disclosure if not using an alias.
  tcContent: 'Full contract text',

  // File format for the signature image.
  sigFormat: BlockChyp.SignatureFormat.PNG,

  // Width of the signature image in pixels.
  sigWidth: 200,

  // Whether or not a signature is required. Defaults to true.
  sigRequired: true,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
  request["tcAlias"] = "hippa"
  request["tcName"] = "HIPPA Disclosure"
  request["tcContent"] = "Full contract text"
  request["sigFormat"] = SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG
  request["sigWidth"] = 200
  request["sigRequired"] = true
    [client termsAndConditionsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"sig", [response objectForKey:@"sig"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"sigFile", [response objectForKey:@"sigFile"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["tcAlias"] = "hippa"
    request["tcName"] = "HIPPA Disclosure"
    request["tcContent"] = "Full contract text"
    request["sigFormat"] = SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG
    request["sigWidth"] = 200
    request["sigRequired"] = true
      client.termsAndConditions(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("sig" + ": " + (response["sig"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("sigFile" + ": " + (response["sigFile"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "test": true

This API allows you to prompt a customer to accept a legal agreement on the terminal and (usually) capture their signature.

Content for the agreement can be specified in two ways. You can reference a previously configured T&C template or pass in the full agreement text with every request.

Using Templates

If your application doesn't keep track of agreements you can leverage BlockChyp's template system. You can create any number of T&C Templates in the merchant dashboard and pass in the tcAlias flag to specify which one should display.

Raw Content

If your system keeps track of the agreement language or executes complicated merging and rendering logic, you can bypass our template system and pass in the full text with every transaction. Use tcName to pass in the agreement name and tcContent to pass in the contract text. Note that only plain text is supported.

Bypassing Signatures

Signature images are captured by default. If for some reason this doesn't fit your use case and you'd like to capture acceptance without actually capturing a signature image, set the disableSignature flag in the request.

Terms & Conditions Log

Every time a user accepts an agreement on the terminal, the signature image (if captured), will be uploaded to the gateway. The image will also be added to the log along with the full text of the agreement. This preserves the historical record in the event that standard agreements or templates change over time.

Associating Agreements with Transactions

To associate a Terms & Conditions log entry with a transaction, just pass in the Transaction ID or Transaction Ref for the associated transaction.

List Templates

List Templates Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="tc-templates"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="tc-templates"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tcTemplatesExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest{}

    response, err := client.TCTemplates(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest


// Run the transaction.

TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse response = await blockchyp.TcTemplatesAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse;

public class TcTemplatesExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest();

        // Send the request
        TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse response = client.tcTemplates(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::tcTemplates($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.tcTemplates(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.tc_templates(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client tcTemplatesWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.tcTemplates(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "results": [
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "alias": "HIPPA",
      "name": "HIPPA Disclosure",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."

This API returns all terms and conditions templates associated with a merchant account.

Get Template

Get Template Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="tc-templates" -templateId="<TEMPLATE ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="tc-templates" -templateId="<TEMPLATE ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tcTemplateExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest{
        TemplateID: "<TEMPLATE ID>",

    response, err := client.TCTemplate(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest
    TemplateId = "<TEMPLATE ID>",

// Run the transaction.

TermsAndConditionsTemplate response = await blockchyp.TcTemplateAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplate;

public class TcTemplateExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest();
        request.setTemplateId("<TEMPLATE ID>");

        // Send the request
        TermsAndConditionsTemplate response = client.tcTemplate(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'templateId' => '<TEMPLATE ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::tcTemplate($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  templateId: '<TEMPLATE ID>'

response = blockchyp.tcTemplate(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "templateId": "<TEMPLATE ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.tc_template(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  templateId: '<TEMPLATE ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["templateId"] = "<TEMPLATE ID>"
    [client tcTemplateWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["templateId"] = "<TEMPLATE ID>"
      client.tcTemplate(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "alias": "HIPPA",
  "name": "HIPPA Disclosure",
  "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."

This API returns as single terms and conditions template.

Update Template

Update Template Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="update-tc-template" -tcAlias="HIPPA" -tcName="HIPPA Disclosure" -tcContent="Lorem Ipsum"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="update-tc-template" -tcAlias="HIPPA" -tcName="HIPPA Disclosure" -tcContent="Lorem Ipsum"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tcUpdateTemplateExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsTemplate{
        Alias:   "HIPPA",
        Name:    "HIPPA Disclosure",
        Content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",

    response, err := client.TCUpdateTemplate(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsTemplate request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplate
    Alias = "HIPPA",
    Name = "HIPPA Disclosure",
    Content = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",

// Run the transaction.

TermsAndConditionsTemplate response = await blockchyp.TcUpdateTemplateAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplate;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplate;

public class TcUpdateTemplateExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsTemplate request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplate();
        request.setName("HIPPA Disclosure");
        request.setContent("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.");

        // Send the request
        TermsAndConditionsTemplate response = client.tcUpdateTemplate(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'alias' => 'HIPPA',
    'name' => 'HIPPA Disclosure',
    'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',

$response = BlockChyp::tcUpdateTemplate($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  alias: 'HIPPA',
  name: 'HIPPA Disclosure',
  content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'

response = blockchyp.tcUpdateTemplate(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "alias": "HIPPA",
    "name": "HIPPA Disclosure",
    "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",

# run the transaction.
response = client.tc_update_template(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  alias: 'HIPPA',
  name: 'HIPPA Disclosure',
  content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["alias"] = "HIPPA"
  request["name"] = "HIPPA Disclosure"
  request["content"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
    [client tcUpdateTemplateWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["alias"] = "HIPPA"
    request["name"] = "HIPPA Disclosure"
    request["content"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
      client.tcUpdateTemplate(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "alias": "HIPPA",
  "name": "HIPPA Disclosure",
  "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."

This API updates or creates a terms and conditions template.

Terms and conditions templates are fairly simple and essentially consist of a name, content, and alias.

The name is the caption that will be displayed at the top of the screen. The alias is a code or short description that will be used in subsequence API calls to refer to the template.

Content is the full text of the contract or agreement. Currently, no special formatting or merge behavior is supported. Only plain text is supported.

Delete Template

Delete Template Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="delete-tc-template" -templateId="<TEMPLATE ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="delete-tc-template" -templateId="<TEMPLATE ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tcDeleteTemplateExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest{
        TemplateID: "<TEMPLATE ID>",

    response, err := client.TCDeleteTemplate(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest
    TemplateId = "<TEMPLATE ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.TcDeleteTemplateAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class TcDeleteTemplateExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest();
        request.setTemplateId("<TEMPLATE ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.tcDeleteTemplate(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'templateId' => '<TEMPLATE ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::tcDeleteTemplate($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  templateId: '<TEMPLATE ID>'

response = blockchyp.tcDeleteTemplate(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "templateId": "<TEMPLATE ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.tc_delete_template(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  templateId: '<TEMPLATE ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["templateId"] = "<TEMPLATE ID>"
    [client tcDeleteTemplateWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["templateId"] = "<TEMPLATE ID>"
      client.tcDeleteTemplate(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API deletes a terms and conditions template.

If a template is deleted, its alias can be reused and any previous Terms & Conditions log entry derived from the template being deleted is fully preserved since log entries always include a complete independent copy of the agreement text.

Terms & Conditions Log

Terms & Conditions Log Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="tc-log" -logEntryId="<LOG ENTRY ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="tc-log" -logEntryId="<LOG ENTRY ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tcLogExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsLogRequest{
        LogEntryID: "<LOG ENTRY ID>",

    response, err := client.TCLog(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsLogRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsLogRequest
    LogEntryId = "<LOG ENTRY ID>",

// Run the transaction.

TermsAndConditionsLogResponse response = await blockchyp.TcLogAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsLogRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsLogResponse;

public class TcLogExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsLogRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsLogRequest();
        request.setLogEntryId("<LOG ENTRY ID>");

        // Send the request
        TermsAndConditionsLogResponse response = client.tcLog(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'logEntryId' => '<LOG ENTRY ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::tcLog($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  logEntryId: '<LOG ENTRY ID>'

response = blockchyp.tcLog(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "logEntryId": "<LOG ENTRY ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.tc_log(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  logEntryId: '<LOG ENTRY ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["logEntryId"] = "<LOG ENTRY ID>"
    [client tcLogWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["logEntryId"] = "<LOG ENTRY ID>"
      client.tcLog(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "transactionId": "",
  "maxResults": 250,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "terminalId": "5WXL5MW23AI6ZJYWVTPEQAAREI",
      "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
      "test": true,
      "timestamp": "05/24/2022 10:09:54 AM",
      "transactionRef": "",
      "transactionId": "",
      "alias": "",
      "name": "HIPPA Disclosure",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ullamcorper id urna quis pulvinar. Pellentesque vestibulum justo ac nulla consectetur tristique. Suspendisse arcu arcu, viverra vel luctus non, dapibus vitae augue. Aenean ac volutpat purus. Curabitur in lacus nisi. Nam vel sagittis eros. Curabitur faucibus ut nisl in pulvinar. Nunc egestas, orci ut porttitor tempus, ante mauris pellentesque ex, nec feugiat purus arcu ac metus. Cras sodales ornare lobortis. Aenean lacinia ultricies purus quis pharetra. Cras vestibulum nulla et magna eleifend eleifend. Nunc nibh dolor, malesuada ut suscipit vitae, bibendum quis dolor. Phasellus ultricies ex vitae dolor malesuada, vel dignissim neque accumsan.",
      "contentLeader": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons...",
      "hasSignature": true,
      "signature": ""

This API allows developers to search and sort through terms and conditions log entries.

The default API call with no parameters will return the last 250 log entries in descending order.

Optional parameters can be used to filter and query the data set.

Terms & Conditions Details

Terms & Conditions Details Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="tc-entry" -logEntryId="<ENTRY ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="tc-entry" -logEntryId="<ENTRY ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tcEntryExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TermsAndConditionsLogRequest{
        LogEntryID: "<ENTRY ID>",

    response, err := client.TCEntry(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TermsAndConditionsLogRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsLogRequest
    LogEntryId = "<ENTRY ID>",

// Run the transaction.

TermsAndConditionsLogEntry response = await blockchyp.TcEntryAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsLogRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TermsAndConditionsLogEntry;

public class TcEntryExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TermsAndConditionsLogRequest request = new TermsAndConditionsLogRequest();
        request.setLogEntryId("<ENTRY ID>");

        // Send the request
        TermsAndConditionsLogEntry response = client.tcEntry(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'logEntryId' => '<ENTRY ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::tcEntry($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  logEntryId: '<ENTRY ID>'

response = blockchyp.tcEntry(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "logEntryId": "<ENTRY ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.tc_entry(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  logEntryId: '<ENTRY ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["logEntryId"] = "<ENTRY ID>"
    [client tcEntryWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["logEntryId"] = "<ENTRY ID>"
      client.tcEntry(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "terminalId": "5WXL5MW23AI6ZJYWVTPEQAAREI",
  "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
  "test": true,
  "timestamp": "05/24/2022 10:12:26 AM",
  "transactionRef": "",
  "transactionId": "",
  "alias": "",
  "name": "HIPPA Disclosure",
  "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "contentLeader": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons...",
  "hasSignature": true,
  "sigFormat": "PNG",

This API returns details for a single terms and conditions log entry. The logEntryId of the record to be returned is the only required parameter.

The signature image is returned as Base 64 encoded binary in the image format specified by the sigFormat field. The default format is PNG.

Token API

BlockChyp supports saved payments and recurring payments through the use of tokens. Tokens can be created via the Enroll API or the web tokenizer. Once created, these tokens can be used for subsequent payments or associated with customer records as saved payment methods.

Tokens are limited to a single merchant by default, but can be shared across an organization for multi-location merchants by special arrangement with BlockChyp. Contact your BlockChyp rep to setup token sharing.


Enroll Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="enroll" -terminal="Test Terminal"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="enroll" -terminal="Test Terminal"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func enrollExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.EnrollRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",

    response, err := client.Enroll(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
EnrollRequest request = new EnrollRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",

// Run the transaction.

EnrollResponse response = await blockchyp.EnrollAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.EnrollRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.EnrollResponse;

public class EnrollExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        EnrollRequest request = new EnrollRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        EnrollResponse response = client.enroll(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',

$response = BlockChyp::enroll($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal'

response = blockchyp.enroll(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",

# run the transaction.
response = client.enroll(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    [client enrollWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"token", [response objectForKey:@"token"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
      client.enroll(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("token" + ": " + (response["token"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "727291",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPKELBAI6VOTWNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionRef": "64614152008",
  "transactionType": "enroll",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T20:49:26Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "token": "EKROTO2K5BCQJT4I555LQJLMWA",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "aid": "A0000000031010",
    "arqc": "3404F82DA10F3FF5",
    "iad": "06010A03A0B800",
    "tvr": "8000008800",
    "tsi": "6800",
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "",
    "transactionType": "enroll",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP"
  "customer": null

This API allows you to tokenize and enroll a payment method in the token vault. You can also pass in customer information and associate the payment method with a customer record.

A token is returned in the response that can be used in subsequent charge, preauth, and refund transactions.

Gift Cards and EBT

Gift Cards and EBT cards cannot be tokenized.

E-Commerce Tokens

The tokens returned by the enroll API and the e-commerce web tokenizer are the same tokens and can be used interchangeably.

Token Metadata

Token Metadata Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="token-metadata" -token="<TOKEN>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="token-metadata" -token="<TOKEN>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func tokenMetadataExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.TokenMetadataRequest{
        Token: "<TOKEN>",

    response, err := client.TokenMetadata(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
TokenMetadataRequest request = new TokenMetadataRequest
    Token = "<TOKEN>",

// Run the transaction.

TokenMetadataResponse response = await blockchyp.TokenMetadataAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TokenMetadataRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.TokenMetadataResponse;

public class TokenMetadataExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        TokenMetadataRequest request = new TokenMetadataRequest();

        // Send the request
        TokenMetadataResponse response = client.tokenMetadata(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'token' => '<TOKEN>',

$response = BlockChyp::tokenMetadata($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  token: '<TOKEN>'

response = blockchyp.tokenMetadata(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "token": "<TOKEN>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.token_metadata(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  token: '<TOKEN>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
    [client tokenMetadataWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
      client.tokenMetadata(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "token": {
    "maskedPan": "************4111",
    "expiryMonth": "12",
    "expiryYear": "12",
    "paymentType": "MC",
    "customers": [
        "customerRef": "",
        "firstName": "Peter",
        "lastName": "Gregory",
        "companyName": "Raviga Capital",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "smsNumber": "",
        "paymentMethods": null
        "customerRef": "",
        "firstName": "Laurie",
        "lastName": "Bream",
        "companyName": "Bream Hall",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "smsNumber": "",
        "paymentMethods": null

This API retrieves status and metadata information about a token, including any links to customer records.

This will also return any customer records related to the card behind the token. If the underlying card has been tokenized multiple times, all customers related to the card will be returned, even if those customer associations are related to other tokens.

Link Token Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="link-token" -token="<TOKEN>" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="link-token" -token="<TOKEN>" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func linkTokenExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.LinkTokenRequest{
        Token:      "<TOKEN>",
        CustomerID: "<CUSTOMER ID>",

    response, err := client.LinkToken(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
LinkTokenRequest request = new LinkTokenRequest
    Token = "<TOKEN>",
    CustomerId = "<CUSTOMER ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.LinkTokenAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.LinkTokenRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class LinkTokenExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        LinkTokenRequest request = new LinkTokenRequest();
        request.setCustomerId("<CUSTOMER ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.linkToken(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'token' => '<TOKEN>',
    'customerId' => '<CUSTOMER ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::linkToken($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  token: '<TOKEN>',
  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>'

response = blockchyp.linkToken(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "token": "<TOKEN>",
    "customerId": "<CUSTOMER ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.link_token(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  token: '<TOKEN>',
  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
  request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
    [client linkTokenWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
    request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
      client.linkToken(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

This API links a payment token with a customer record. Usually this would only be needed to reverse a previous unlink operation.

Unlink Token Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="unlink-token" -token="<TOKEN>" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="unlink-token" -token="<TOKEN>" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func unlinkTokenExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.UnlinkTokenRequest{
        Token:      "<TOKEN>",
        CustomerID: "<CUSTOMER ID>",

    response, err := client.UnlinkToken(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
UnlinkTokenRequest request = new UnlinkTokenRequest
    Token = "<TOKEN>",
    CustomerId = "<CUSTOMER ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.UnlinkTokenAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.UnlinkTokenRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class UnlinkTokenExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        UnlinkTokenRequest request = new UnlinkTokenRequest();
        request.setCustomerId("<CUSTOMER ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.unlinkToken(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'token' => '<TOKEN>',
    'customerId' => '<CUSTOMER ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::unlinkToken($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  token: '<TOKEN>',
  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>'

response = blockchyp.unlinkToken(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "token": "<TOKEN>",
    "customerId": "<CUSTOMER ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.unlink_token(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  token: '<TOKEN>',
  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
  request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
    [client unlinkTokenWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
    request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
      client.unlinkToken(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

This API removes a payment token link from a customer record.

This will remove links between the customer record and all tokens for the same underlying card.

Delete Token

Delete Token Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="delete-token" -token="<TOKEN>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="delete-token" -token="<TOKEN>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteTokenExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.DeleteTokenRequest{
        Token: "<TOKEN>",

    response, err := client.DeleteToken(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
DeleteTokenRequest request = new DeleteTokenRequest
    Token = "<TOKEN>",

// Run the transaction.

DeleteTokenResponse response = await blockchyp.DeleteTokenAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.DeleteTokenRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.DeleteTokenResponse;

public class DeleteTokenExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        DeleteTokenRequest request = new DeleteTokenRequest();

        // Send the request
        DeleteTokenResponse response = client.deleteToken(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'token' => '<TOKEN>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteToken($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  token: '<TOKEN>'

response = blockchyp.deleteToken(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "token": "<TOKEN>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_token(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  token: '<TOKEN>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
    [client deleteTokenWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["token"] = "<TOKEN>"
      client.deleteToken(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

This API deletes a payment token from the gateway. Tokens are automatically deleted if they have not been used for a year.

Customer API

These APIs allow developers to create and manage customer records in BlockChyp. Developers who wish to use BlockChyp for tokenized recurring payments can use tokens directly if they have their own customer management system. However, BlockChyp provides additional tools for managing customers and keeping track of a customer's saved payment tokens.

In addition, if customer features are used, BlockChyp can detect a payment method associated with an existing customer, and return customer data with payment transactions. This can be used as a passive method to detect repeat customers.

Update Customer

Update Customer Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="update-customer" -firstName="Peter" -lastName="Gregory" -companyName="Raviga Capital" -email="" -sms="9136488888"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="update-customer" -firstName="Peter" -lastName="Gregory" -companyName="Raviga Capital" -email="" -sms="9136488888"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func updateCustomerExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.UpdateCustomerRequest{
        Customer: blockchyp.Customer{
            ID:           "<CUSTOMER ID>",
            CustomerRef:  "Customer reference string",
            FirstName:    "FirstName",
            LastName:     "LastName",
            CompanyName:  "Company Name",
            EmailAddress: "",
            SmsNumber:    "(123) 123-1231",

    response, err := client.UpdateCustomer(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
UpdateCustomerRequest request = new UpdateCustomerRequest
    Customer = new Customer
        Id = "<CUSTOMER ID>",
        CustomerRef = "Customer reference string",
        FirstName = "FirstName",
        LastName = "LastName",
        CompanyName = "Company Name",
        EmailAddress = "",
        SmsNumber = "(123) 123-1231",

// Run the transaction.

CustomerResponse response = await blockchyp.UpdateCustomerAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.UpdateCustomerRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CustomerResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Customer;

public class UpdateCustomerExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        UpdateCustomerRequest request = new UpdateCustomerRequest();

        Customer customer = new Customer();
        customer.setId("<CUSTOMER ID>");
        customer.setCustomerRef("Customer reference string");
        customer.setCompanyName("Company Name");
        customer.setSmsNumber("(123) 123-1231");

        // Send the request
        CustomerResponse response = client.updateCustomer(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'customer' => [
        'id' => '<CUSTOMER ID>',
        'customerRef' => 'Customer reference string',
        'firstName' => 'FirstName',
        'lastName' => 'LastName',
        'companyName' => 'Company Name',
        'emailAddress' => '',
        'smsNumber' => '(123) 123-1231',

$response = BlockChyp::updateCustomer($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  customer: {
    id: '<CUSTOMER ID>',
    customerRef: 'Customer reference string',
    firstName: 'FirstName',
    lastName: 'LastName',
    companyName: 'Company Name',
    emailAddress: '',
    smsNumber: '(123) 123-1231'

response = blockchyp.updateCustomer(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "customer": {
        "id": "<CUSTOMER ID>",
        "customerRef": "Customer reference string",
        "firstName": "FirstName",
        "lastName": "LastName",
        "companyName": "Company Name",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "smsNumber": "(123) 123-1231",

# run the transaction.
response = client.update_customer(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  customer: {
    id: '<CUSTOMER ID>',
    customerRef: 'Customer reference string',
    firstName: 'FirstName',
    lastName: 'LastName',
    companyName: 'Company Name',
    emailAddress: '',
    smsNumber: '(123) 123-1231',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  var customer: [String:Any] = [:]
  customer["id"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
  customer["customerRef"] = "Customer reference string"
  customer["firstName"] = "FirstName"
  customer["lastName"] = "LastName"
  customer["companyName"] = "Company Name"
  customer["emailAddress"] = ""
  customer["smsNumber"] = "(123) 123-1231"
  request["customer"] = customer
    [client updateCustomerWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"customer", [response objectForKey:@"customer"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    var customer: [String:Any] = [:]
    customer["id"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
    customer["customerRef"] = "Customer reference string"
    customer["firstName"] = "FirstName"
    customer["lastName"] = "LastName"
    customer["companyName"] = "Company Name"
    customer["emailAddress"] = ""
    customer["smsNumber"] = "(123) 123-1231"
    request["customer"] = customer
      client.updateCustomer(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("customer" + ": " + (response["customer"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "customer": {
    "customerRef": "",
    "firstName": "Peter",
    "lastName": "Gregory",
    "companyName": "Raviga Capital",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "smsNumber": "9136488888",
    "paymentMethods": null

This API adds or updates a customer record.

If you pass in customer information including firstName, lastName, email, or sms without any Customer ID or Customer Ref, a new record will be created.

If you pass in customerRef and customerId, the customer record will be updated if it exists.

Customer Ref

The customerRef field is optional, but highly recommended as this allows you to use your own customer identifiers instead of storing BlockChyp's Customer IDs in your systems.

Creating Customer Records With Payment Transactions

If you have customer information available at the time a payment transaction is executed, you can pass all the same customer information directly into a payment transaction. BlockChyp will create a customer record at the same time payment is captured. The advantage of this approach is that the customer's payment card is automatically associated with the customer record in a single step. If the customer uses the payment card in the future, the customer data will automatically be returned. You won't need to ask the customer to provide any additional information.

Retrieve Customer

Retrieve Customer Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="get-customer" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="get-customer" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func customerExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CustomerRequest{
        CustomerID: "<CUSTOMER ID>",

    response, err := client.Customer(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CustomerRequest request = new CustomerRequest
    CustomerId = "<CUSTOMER ID>",

// Run the transaction.

CustomerResponse response = await blockchyp.CustomerAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CustomerRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CustomerResponse;

public class CustomerExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CustomerRequest request = new CustomerRequest();
        request.setCustomerId("<CUSTOMER ID>");

        // Send the request
        CustomerResponse response = client.customer(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'customerId' => '<CUSTOMER ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::customer($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>'

response = blockchyp.customer(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "customerId": "<CUSTOMER ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.customer(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
    [client customerWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"customer", [response objectForKey:@"customer"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
      client.customer(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("customer" + ": " + (response["customer"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "customer": {
    "customerRef": "",
    "firstName": "Peter",
    "lastName": "Gregory",
    "companyName": "Raviga Capital",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "smsNumber": "9136488888",
    "paymentMethods": [
        "token": "JFDODVEUTFIXIKG5G4NWQFLKV4",
        "maskedPan": "************0010",
        "expiryMonth": "12",
        "expiryYear": "22",
        "paymentType": "VISA"

With this API, you can retrieve detailed information about a customer record, including saved payment methods if available.

Customers can be looked up by customerId or customerRef.

Search Customer

Search Customer Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="search-customer" -query="Peter"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="search-customer" -query="Peter"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func customerSearchExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.CustomerSearchRequest{
        Query: "(123) 123-1234",

    response, err := client.CustomerSearch(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
CustomerSearchRequest request = new CustomerSearchRequest
    Query = "(123) 123-1234",

// Run the transaction.

CustomerSearchResponse response = await blockchyp.CustomerSearchAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CustomerSearchRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.CustomerSearchResponse;

public class CustomerSearchExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        CustomerSearchRequest request = new CustomerSearchRequest();
        request.setQuery("(123) 123-1234");

        // Send the request
        CustomerSearchResponse response = client.customerSearch(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'query' => '(123) 123-1234',

$response = BlockChyp::customerSearch($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  query: '(123) 123-1234'

response = blockchyp.customerSearch(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "query": "(123) 123-1234",

# run the transaction.
response = client.customer_search(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  query: '(123) 123-1234',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["query"] = "(123) 123-1234"
    [client customerSearchWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"customers", [response objectForKey:@"customers"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["query"] = "(123) 123-1234"
      client.customerSearch(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("customers" + ": " + (response["customers"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "customers": [
      "customerRef": "",
      "firstName": "Peter",
      "lastName": "Pan",
      "companyName": "Lost Boys",
      "emailAddress": "",
      "smsNumber": "",
      "paymentMethods": null
      "customerRef": "",
      "firstName": "Peter",
      "lastName": "Gregory",
      "companyName": "Raviga Capital",
      "emailAddress": "",
      "smsNumber": "9136488888",
      "paymentMethods": null

This API searches the customer database and returns matching results.

Use query to pass in a search string and the system will return all results whose first or last names contain the query string.

Delete Customer

Delete Customer Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="delete-customer" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="delete-customer" -customerId="<CUSTOMER ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteCustomerExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.DeleteCustomerRequest{
        CustomerID: "<CUSTOMER ID>",

    response, err := client.DeleteCustomer(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
DeleteCustomerRequest request = new DeleteCustomerRequest
    CustomerId = "<CUSTOMER ID>",

// Run the transaction.

DeleteCustomerResponse response = await blockchyp.DeleteCustomerAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.DeleteCustomerRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.DeleteCustomerResponse;

public class DeleteCustomerExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        DeleteCustomerRequest request = new DeleteCustomerRequest();
        request.setCustomerId("<CUSTOMER ID>");

        // Send the request
        DeleteCustomerResponse response = client.deleteCustomer(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'customerId' => '<CUSTOMER ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteCustomer($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>'

response = blockchyp.deleteCustomer(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "customerId": "<CUSTOMER ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_customer(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  customerId: '<CUSTOMER ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
    [client deleteCustomerWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["customerId"] = "<CUSTOMER ID>"
      client.deleteCustomer(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",

This API deletes a customer record.

Survey API

These APIs are used to work with post-transaction surveys and survey data.

Merchants can optionally configure scaled (1-5) or yes/no questions that can be presented to consumers after every approved Charge and Preauth transaction. Surveys do not require any custom programming and merchants can simply configure them without the point-of-sale system needing any additional customization.

However, these APIs allow point-of-sale or third-party system developers to integrate survey question configuration or result visualization into their own systems.

List Questions

List Questions Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="survey-questions"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="survey-questions"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func surveyQuestionsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SurveyQuestionRequest{}

    response, err := client.SurveyQuestions(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SurveyQuestionRequest request = new SurveyQuestionRequest


// Run the transaction.

SurveyQuestionResponse response = await blockchyp.SurveyQuestionsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestionRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestionResponse;

public class SurveyQuestionsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SurveyQuestionRequest request = new SurveyQuestionRequest();

        // Send the request
        SurveyQuestionResponse response = client.surveyQuestions(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::surveyQuestions($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.surveyQuestions(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.survey_questions(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client surveyQuestionsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.surveyQuestions(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "results": [
      "success": false,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "ordinal": 0,
      "enabled": true,
      "questionText": "Would you shop here again?",
      "questionType": "yes_no",
      "responses": null

This API returns all survey questions in the order in which they would be presented on the terminal.

All questions are returned, whether enabled or disabled.

Question Details

Question Details Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="survey-question" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="survey-question" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func surveyQuestionExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SurveyQuestionRequest{
        QuestionID: "<QUESTION ID>",

    response, err := client.SurveyQuestion(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SurveyQuestionRequest request = new SurveyQuestionRequest
    QuestionId = "<QUESTION ID>",

// Run the transaction.

SurveyQuestion response = await blockchyp.SurveyQuestionAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestionRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestion;

public class SurveyQuestionExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SurveyQuestionRequest request = new SurveyQuestionRequest();
        request.setQuestionId("<QUESTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        SurveyQuestion response = client.surveyQuestion(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'questionId' => '<QUESTION ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::surveyQuestion($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  questionId: '<QUESTION ID>'

response = blockchyp.surveyQuestion(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "questionId": "<QUESTION ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.survey_question(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  questionId: '<QUESTION ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["questionId"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
    [client surveyQuestionWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["questionId"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
      client.surveyQuestion(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "ordinal": 0,
  "enabled": true,
  "questionText": "Are you there?",
  "questionType": "yes_no",
  "responses": null

This API returns a single survey question with response data. questionId is required.

Update Question

Update Question Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="update-survey-question" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>" -questionType="yes_no" -ordinal="1" -enabled -questionText="Would you shop here again?"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="update-survey-question" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>" -questionType="yes_no" -ordinal="1" -enabled -questionText="Would you shop here again?"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func updateSurveyQuestionExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SurveyQuestion{
        ID:           "<QUESTION ID>",
        Ordinal:      1,
        QuestionText: "Would you shop here again?",
        QuestionType: "yes_no",
        Enabled:      true,

    response, err := client.UpdateSurveyQuestion(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SurveyQuestion request = new SurveyQuestion
    Id = "<QUESTION ID>",
    Ordinal = 1,
    QuestionText = "Would you shop here again?",
    QuestionType = "yes_no",
    Enabled = true,

// Run the transaction.

SurveyQuestion response = await blockchyp.UpdateSurveyQuestionAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestion;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestion;

public class UpdateSurveyQuestionExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SurveyQuestion request = new SurveyQuestion();
        request.setId("<QUESTION ID>");
        request.setQuestionText("Would you shop here again?");

        // Send the request
        SurveyQuestion response = client.updateSurveyQuestion(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'id' => '<QUESTION ID>',
    'ordinal' => 1,
    'questionText' => 'Would you shop here again?',
    'questionType' => 'yes_no',
    'enabled' => true,

$response = BlockChyp::updateSurveyQuestion($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  id: '<QUESTION ID>',
  ordinal: 1,
  questionText: 'Would you shop here again?',
  questionType: 'yes_no',
  enabled: true

response = blockchyp.updateSurveyQuestion(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "id": "<QUESTION ID>",
    "ordinal": 1,
    "questionText": "Would you shop here again?",
    "questionType": "yes_no",
    "enabled": True,

# run the transaction.
response = client.update_survey_question(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  id: '<QUESTION ID>',
  ordinal: 1,
  questionText: 'Would you shop here again?',
  questionType: 'yes_no',
  enabled: true,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["id"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
  request["ordinal"] = 1
  request["questionText"] = "Would you shop here again?"
  request["questionType"] = "yes_no"
  request["enabled"] = true
    [client updateSurveyQuestionWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["id"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
    request["ordinal"] = 1
    request["questionText"] = "Would you shop here again?"
    request["questionType"] = "yes_no"
    request["enabled"] = true
      client.updateSurveyQuestion(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "ordinal": 0,
  "enabled": false,
  "questionText": "Would you shop here again?",
  "questionType": "yes_no",
  "responses": null

This API updates or creates survey questions. questionText and questionType are required fields. The following values are valid for questionType.

Questions are disabled by default. Pass in enabled to enable a question.

The ordinal field is used to control the sequence of questions when multiple questions are enabled. We recommend keeping the number of questions minimal.

Delete Question

Delete Question Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="delete-survey-question" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="delete-survey-question" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteSurveyQuestionExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SurveyQuestionRequest{
        QuestionID: "<QUESTION ID>",

    response, err := client.DeleteSurveyQuestion(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SurveyQuestionRequest request = new SurveyQuestionRequest
    QuestionId = "<QUESTION ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.DeleteSurveyQuestionAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestionRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class DeleteSurveyQuestionExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SurveyQuestionRequest request = new SurveyQuestionRequest();
        request.setQuestionId("<QUESTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.deleteSurveyQuestion(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'questionId' => '<QUESTION ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteSurveyQuestion($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  questionId: '<QUESTION ID>'

response = blockchyp.deleteSurveyQuestion(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "questionId": "<QUESTION ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_survey_question(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  questionId: '<QUESTION ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["questionId"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
    [client deleteSurveyQuestionWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["questionId"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
      client.deleteSurveyQuestion(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API deletes a survey question. questionId is a required parameter.

Survey Results

Survey Results Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="survey-results" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="survey-results" -questionId="<QUESTION ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func surveyResultsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SurveyResultsRequest{
        QuestionID: "<QUESTION ID>",

    response, err := client.SurveyResults(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SurveyResultsRequest request = new SurveyResultsRequest
    QuestionId = "<QUESTION ID>",

// Run the transaction.

SurveyQuestion response = await blockchyp.SurveyResultsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyResultsRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SurveyQuestion;

public class SurveyResultsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SurveyResultsRequest request = new SurveyResultsRequest();
        request.setQuestionId("<QUESTION ID>");

        // Send the request
        SurveyQuestion response = client.surveyResults(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'questionId' => '<QUESTION ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::surveyResults($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  questionId: '<QUESTION ID>'

response = blockchyp.surveyResults(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "questionId": "<QUESTION ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.survey_results(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  questionId: '<QUESTION ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["questionId"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
    [client surveyResultsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["questionId"] = "<QUESTION ID>"
      client.surveyResults(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "ordinal": 0,
  "enabled": true,
  "questionText": "Are you there?",
  "questionType": "yes_no",
  "transactionCount": 200,
  "responseCount": 100,
  "responseRate": 0.5,
  "responses": [
      "answerKey": "0",
      "answerDescription": "No",
      "responseCount": 50,
      "responsePercentage": 0.5,
      "averageTransaction": 45.56
      "answerKey": "1",
      "answerDescription": "Yes",
      "responseCount": 50,
      "responsePercentage": 0.5,
      "averageTransaction": 23.45

This API returns survey results for a single question.

The results returned include the response rate, which is the percentage of transactions after which the consumer provided an answer.

The responses array breaks down the results by answer, providing the total number of responses, the answer's percentage of the total, and the average transaction amount associated with a specific answer.

By default, all results based on all responses are returned. However, developers may optionally provide startDate and endDate parameters to return only responses provided between certain dates.

startDate and endDate can be provided in MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format.

Media and Branding API

BlockChyp has a sophisticated terminal media and branding control platform. Terminals can be configured to display logos, images, videos, and slide shows when a terminal is idle. Branding assets can be configured at the partner, organization, and merchant level with fine-grained hour-by-hour schedules, if desired.

Conceptually, all branding and media start with the media library. Merchants, Partners, and Organizations can upload images or video and build branding assets from uploaded media.

Slide shows can combine images from the media library into a timed loop of repeating images.

Branding Assets can then be used to combine media or slide shows with priority and timing rules to create what we call the Terminal Branding Stack.

We call a group of branding assets the Terminal Branding Stack because there are implicit rules about which branding assets take priority. For example, a merchant with no branding assets configured will inherit the branding rules from any organization to which the merchant may belong. If the merchant doesn't belong to an organization or the organization has no branding rules configured, then the system will defer to branding defaults established by the point-of-sale or software partner that owns the merchant.

This feature enables partners and organizations (multi-store operators and large national chains) to configure branding for potentially thousands of terminals from a single interface.

Terminal Branding can also be configured at the individual terminal level and a merchant's terminal fleet can be broken into groups and branding configured at the group level. Branding configured at the terminal level will always override branding from any higher level group.

The order of priority for the Terminal Branding Stack is given below.

Media Library

Media Library Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="media"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="media"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func mediaExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MediaRequest{}

    response, err := client.Media(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest


// Run the transaction.

MediaLibraryResponse response = await blockchyp.MediaAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MediaRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MediaLibraryResponse;

public class MediaExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest();

        // Send the request
        MediaLibraryResponse response =;
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::media($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response =

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response =

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client mediaWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:] request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "maxResults": 0,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "originalFile": "aviato.png",
      "fileUrl": "",
      "thumbnailUrl": "",
      "video": false

This API returns the entire media library associated with the API Credentials (Merchant, Partner, or Organization). The media library results will include the ID used to reference a media asset in slide shows and branding assets along with the full file url and thumbnail.

Upload Media

Upload Media Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="upload-media" -file="aviato.png"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="upload-media" -file="aviato.png"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func uploadMediaExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.UploadMetadata{
        FileName: "aviato.png",
        FileSize: 18843,
        UploadID: "<RANDOM ID>",

    file, err := os.Open("filename.png")
    if err != nil {
    response, err := client.UploadMedia(request, file)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
UploadMetadata request = new UploadMetadata
    FileName = "aviato.png",
    FileSize = 18843,
    UploadId = "<RANDOM ID>",

// Run the transaction.

FileStream inStream = new FileStream("filename.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
MediaMetadata response = await blockchyp.UploadMediaAsync(request, inStream);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.UploadMetadata;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MediaMetadata;

public class UploadMediaExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        UploadMetadata request = new UploadMetadata();
        request.setUploadId("<RANDOM ID>");

        // Send the request
        InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(new File("aviato.png"));
        MediaMetadata response = client.uploadMedia(request, inStream);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'fileName' => 'aviato.png',
    'fileSize' => 18843,
    'uploadId' => '<RANDOM ID>',

$file = file_get_contents('aviato.png');
$response = BlockChyp::uploadMedia($request, $file);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  fileName: 'aviato.png',
  fileSize: 18843,
  uploadId: '<RANDOM ID>'

file ="aviato.png")
content =
response = blockchyp.uploadMedia(request, content)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "fileName": "aviato.png",
    "fileSize": 18843,
    "uploadId": "<RANDOM ID>",

# run the transaction.
f = open("aviato.png", "rb")
content =
response = client.upload_media(request, content)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');
var fs = require('fs');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

let content = fs.readFileSync('aviato.png');
  fileName: 'aviato.png',
  fileSize: 18843,
  uploadId: '<RANDOM ID>',
}, content)
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["fileName"] = "aviato.png"
  request["fileSize"] = 18843
  request["uploadId"] = "<RANDOM ID>"
  NSData *content = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"aviato.png"];
  [client uploadMediaWithRequest:request content:content handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["fileName"] = "aviato.png"
    request["fileSize"] = 18843
    request["uploadId"] = "<RANDOM ID>"
    var content = Data(contentsOfFile: "aviato.png")
    client.uploadMedia(withRequest: request, content: content, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "originalFile": "aviato.png",
  "fileUrl": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "video": false

This API supports media library uploads. The operation of this API works slightly differently depending on the SDK platform. In all cases, the intent is to allow the file's binary to be passed into the SDK using the lowest level I/O primitive possible in order to support situations where developers aren't working with literal files. It might be (and usually is) more convenient to work with buffers, raw bytes, or streams.

For example, the Go implementation accepts an io.Reader and the Java implementation accepts a The CLI does accept a literal File URL via the -file command line parameter.

The following file formats are accepted as valid uploads:

The UploadMetadata object allows developers to pass additional metadata about the upload including fileName, fileSize, and uploadId.

None of these values are required, but providing them can unlock some additional functionality relating to media uploads. fileName will be used to record the original file name in the media library. fileSize and uploadId are used to support upload status tracking, which is especially useful for large video file uploads.

The fileSize should be the file's full size in bytes.

The uploadId value can be any random string. This is the value you'll use to check the status of an upload via the Upload Status API. This API will return information needed to drive progress feedback on uploads and return video transcoding information.

Upload Status

Upload Status Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="upload-status" -uploadId="<UPLOAD ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="upload-status" -uploadId="<UPLOAD ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func uploadStatusExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.UploadStatusRequest{
        UploadID: "<UPLOAD ID>",

    response, err := client.UploadStatus(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
UploadStatusRequest request = new UploadStatusRequest
    UploadId = "<UPLOAD ID>",

// Run the transaction.

UploadStatus response = await blockchyp.UploadStatusAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.UploadStatusRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.UploadStatus;

public class UploadStatusExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        UploadStatusRequest request = new UploadStatusRequest();
        request.setUploadId("<UPLOAD ID>");

        // Send the request
        UploadStatus response = client.uploadStatus(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'uploadId' => '<UPLOAD ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::uploadStatus($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  uploadId: '<UPLOAD ID>'

response = blockchyp.uploadStatus(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "uploadId": "<UPLOAD ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.upload_status(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  uploadId: '<UPLOAD ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["uploadId"] = "<UPLOAD ID>"
    [client uploadStatusWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["uploadId"] = "<UPLOAD ID>"
      client.uploadStatus(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "id": "907b56aa-dba6-11ec-be29-acde48001122",
  "fileSize": 56529,
  "uploadedAmount": 56529,
  "status": "Done",
  "complete": true,
  "processing": false,
  "percentage": 100,
  "thumbnailLocation": ""

This API returns status and progress information about in progress or recently completed uploads.

Before calling this API, developers must first start a file upload with fileSize and uploadId parameters.

The data structure returned will include the file size, number of bytes uploaded, a narrative status and flags indicating whether or not the upload is complete or post upload processing is in progress.
If the upload is completed, the ID assigned to the media asset and a link to the thumbnail image will also be returned.

Get Media Asset

Get Media Asset Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="media-asset" -mediaId="<MEDIA ASSET ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="media-asset" -mediaId="<MEDIA ASSET ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func mediaAssetExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MediaRequest{
        MediaID: "<MEDIA ASSET ID>",

    response, err := client.MediaAsset(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest
    MediaId = "<MEDIA ASSET ID>",

// Run the transaction.

MediaMetadata response = await blockchyp.MediaAssetAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MediaRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MediaMetadata;

public class MediaAssetExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest();
        request.setMediaId("<MEDIA ASSET ID>");

        // Send the request
        MediaMetadata response = client.mediaAsset(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'mediaId' => '<MEDIA ASSET ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::mediaAsset($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  mediaId: '<MEDIA ASSET ID>'

response = blockchyp.mediaAsset(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "mediaId": "<MEDIA ASSET ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.media_asset(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  mediaId: '<MEDIA ASSET ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ASSET ID>"
    [client mediaAssetWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ASSET ID>"
      client.mediaAsset(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "originalFile": "aviato.png",
  "fileUrl": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "video": false

This API returns a detailed media asset. The data returned includes the exact same media information returned by the full media library endpoint, including fully qualified URLs pointing to the original media file and the thumbnail.

Delete Media Asset

Delete Media Asset Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="delete-media" -mediaId="<MEDIA ASSET ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="delete-media" -mediaId="<MEDIA ASSET ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteMediaAssetExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MediaRequest{
        MediaID: "<MEDIA ASSET ID>",

    response, err := client.DeleteMediaAsset(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest
    MediaId = "<MEDIA ASSET ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.DeleteMediaAssetAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MediaRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class DeleteMediaAssetExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest();
        request.setMediaId("<MEDIA ASSET ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.deleteMediaAsset(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'mediaId' => '<MEDIA ASSET ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteMediaAsset($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  mediaId: '<MEDIA ASSET ID>'

response = blockchyp.deleteMediaAsset(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "mediaId": "<MEDIA ASSET ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_media_asset(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  mediaId: '<MEDIA ASSET ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ASSET ID>"
    [client deleteMediaAssetWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ASSET ID>"
      client.deleteMediaAsset(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API deletes a media asset. Note that a media asset cannot be deleted if it is in use in a slide show or in the terminal branding stack.

List Slide Shows

List Slide Shows Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="slide-shows"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="slide-shows"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func slideShowsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SlideShowRequest{}

    response, err := client.SlideShows(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SlideShowRequest request = new SlideShowRequest


// Run the transaction.

SlideShowResponse response = await blockchyp.SlideShowsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShowRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShowResponse;

public class SlideShowsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SlideShowRequest request = new SlideShowRequest();

        // Send the request
        SlideShowResponse response = client.slideShows(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::slideShows($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.slideShows(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.slide_shows(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client slideShowsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.slideShows(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "maxResults": 1,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [
      "timeout": 0,
      "test": false,
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "name": "Test Slide Show",
      "delay": 5,
      "slides": null

This API returns all slide shows.

Note that slide level data is not returned with this API. Use the Get Slide Show API to get slide level detail.

Get Slide Show

Get Slide Show Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="slide-show" -slideShowId="<SLIDE SHOW ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="slide-show" -slideShowId="<SLIDE SHOW ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func slideShowExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SlideShowRequest{
        SlideShowID: "<SLIDE SHOW ID>",

    response, err := client.SlideShow(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SlideShowRequest request = new SlideShowRequest
    SlideShowId = "<SLIDE SHOW ID>",

// Run the transaction.

SlideShow response = await blockchyp.SlideShowAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShowRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShow;

public class SlideShowExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SlideShowRequest request = new SlideShowRequest();
        request.setSlideShowId("<SLIDE SHOW ID>");

        // Send the request
        SlideShow response = client.slideShow(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'slideShowId' => '<SLIDE SHOW ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::slideShow($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  slideShowId: '<SLIDE SHOW ID>'

response = blockchyp.slideShow(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "slideShowId": "<SLIDE SHOW ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.slide_show(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  slideShowId: '<SLIDE SHOW ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["slideShowId"] = "<SLIDE SHOW ID>"
    [client slideShowWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["slideShowId"] = "<SLIDE SHOW ID>"
      client.slideShow(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "name": "Test Slide Show",
  "delay": 5,
  "slides": [
      "ordinal": 0,
      "thumbnailUrl": ""

This API returns a single slide show. Slide level detail is returned with the fully qualified thumbnail URL for each slide.

slideShowId is the only required parameter.

Update Slide Show

Update Slide Show Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="update-slide-show" -mediaId="<LIST OF MEDIA IDs>" -name="Test Slide Show" -delay=5

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="update-slide-show" -mediaId="<LIST OF MEDIA IDs>" -name="Test Slide Show" -delay=5
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func updateSlideShowExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SlideShow{
        Name:  "Test Slide Show",
        Delay: 5,
        Slides: []*blockchyp.Slide{
                MediaID: "<MEDIA ID>",

    response, err := client.UpdateSlideShow(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SlideShow request = new SlideShow
    Name = "Test Slide Show",
    Delay = 5,
    Slides = new List<Slide>
        new Slide
            MediaId = "<MEDIA ID>",

// Run the transaction.

SlideShow response = await blockchyp.UpdateSlideShowAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShow;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShow;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Slide;

public class UpdateSlideShowExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SlideShow request = new SlideShow();
        request.setName("Test Slide Show");

        Collection slides = new ArrayList();
        Slide slides0 = new Slide();
        slides0.setMediaId("<MEDIA ID>");

        // Send the request
        SlideShow response = client.updateSlideShow(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'name' => 'Test Slide Show',
    'delay' => 5,
    'slides' => [
            'mediaId' => '<MEDIA ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::updateSlideShow($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  name: 'Test Slide Show',
  delay: 5,
  slides: [
      mediaId: '<MEDIA ID>'

response = blockchyp.updateSlideShow(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "name": "Test Slide Show",
    "delay": 5,
    "slides": [
            "mediaId": "<MEDIA ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.update_slide_show(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  name: 'Test Slide Show',
  delay: 5,
  slides: [
      mediaId: '<MEDIA ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["name"] = "Test Slide Show"
  request["delay"] = 5
  var slides = [Any]();
  var slides1: [String:Any] = [:]
  slides1["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ID>"
  request["slides"] = slides
    [client updateSlideShowWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["name"] = "Test Slide Show"
    request["delay"] = 5
    var slides = [Any]();
    var slides1: [String:Any] = [:]
    slides1["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ID>"
    request["slides"] = slides
      client.updateSlideShow(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "name": "Test Slide Show",
  "delay": 5,
  "slides": [
      "ordinal": 0,
      "thumbnailUrl": ""

This API updates or creates a slide show. name, delay and slides are required.

The slides property is an array of slides. The Slide data structure has ordinal and thumbnail URL fields, but these are not required when updating or creating a slide show. Only the mediaId field is required when updating or creating a slide show.

When using the CLI, slides can be specified by sending a comma-separated list of media ids via the -mediaId parameter.

Delete Slide Show

Delete Slide Show Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="delete-slide-show" -slideShowId="<SLIDE SHOW ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="delete-slide-show" -slideShowId="<SLIDE SHOW ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteSlideShowExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.SlideShowRequest{
        SlideShowID: "<SLIDE SHOW ID>",

    response, err := client.DeleteSlideShow(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
SlideShowRequest request = new SlideShowRequest
    SlideShowId = "<SLIDE SHOW ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.DeleteSlideShowAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.SlideShowRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class DeleteSlideShowExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        SlideShowRequest request = new SlideShowRequest();
        request.setSlideShowId("<SLIDE SHOW ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.deleteSlideShow(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'slideShowId' => '<SLIDE SHOW ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteSlideShow($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  slideShowId: '<SLIDE SHOW ID>'

response = blockchyp.deleteSlideShow(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "slideShowId": "<SLIDE SHOW ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_slide_show(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  slideShowId: '<SLIDE SHOW ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["slideShowId"] = "<SLIDE SHOW ID>"
    [client deleteSlideShowWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["slideShowId"] = "<SLIDE SHOW ID>"
      client.deleteSlideShow(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API deletes a slide show slideShowId is the only required parameter.

Terminal Branding

Terminal Branding Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="terminal-branding"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="terminal-branding"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func terminalBrandingExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BrandingAssetRequest{}

    response, err := client.TerminalBranding(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BrandingAssetRequest request = new BrandingAssetRequest


// Run the transaction.

BrandingAssetResponse response = await blockchyp.TerminalBrandingAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BrandingAssetRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BrandingAssetResponse;

public class TerminalBrandingExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BrandingAssetRequest request = new BrandingAssetRequest();

        // Send the request
        BrandingAssetResponse response = client.terminalBranding(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::terminalBranding($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.terminalBranding(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.terminal_branding(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client terminalBrandingWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.terminalBranding(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "ownerType": "merchant",
  "ownerName": "Test Merchant",
  "levelName": "Merchant",
  "narrativeTime": "Visible Now",
  "activeAsset": {
    "terminalId": "",
    "terminalGroupId": "",
    "organizationId": "",
    "partnerId": "",
    "slideShowId": "",
    "padded": true,
    "startDate": "",
    "endDate": "",
    "daysOfWeek": [],
    "startTime": "",
    "endTime": "",
    "ordinal": 5,
    "enabled": true,
    "preview": false,
    "userId": "",
    "userName": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "lastModified": "",
    "notes": "API CREATED",
    "editable": true,
    "assetType": "Image",
    "ownerType": "merchant",
    "ownerTypeCaption": "Merchant",
    "ownerName": "Test Merchant",
    "previewImage": "",
    "narrativeEffectiveDates": "All Dates",
    "narrativeDisplayPeriod": "Always",
    "timeout": 0
  "results": [
      "terminalId": "",
      "terminalGroupId": "",
      "merchantId": "WY2ZBQWRFEI6ZE6FVTPEQAAREI",
      "organizationId": "",
      "partnerId": "",
      "slideShowId": "",
      "mediaId": "47BCQLWXU4I6ZD2AVTPEQAAREI",
      "padded": false,
      "startDate": "",
      "endDate": "",
      "daysOfWeek": [
      "startTime": "",
      "endTime": "",
      "ordinal": 2,
      "enabled": true,
      "preview": false,
      "userId": "",
      "userName": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "lastModified": "",
      "notes": "",
      "editable": true,
      "assetType": "Video",
      "ownerType": "merchant",
      "ownerTypeCaption": "Merchant",
      "ownerName": "Test Merchant",
      "previewImage": "",
      "narrativeEffectiveDates": "All Dates",
      "narrativeDisplayPeriod": "Fri ",
      "timeout": 0

This API returns the full branding stack for a given API scope in the order of priority.

Consumers of this API should pay special attention to the editable field. This field indicates whether or not a branding asset is read-only from the perspective of a particular API Credential scope.

The thumbnail and previewImage attributes can be used to support building user interfaces for managing the branding stack. previewImage differs from thumbnail in that the preview image is intended to show how an asset would actually look when displayed on the terminal.

activeAsset returns the asset that is currently visible on the terminal.

Update Branding Asset

Update Branding Asset Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="update-branding-asset" -json="<JSON ENCODED BRANDING ASSET>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="update-branding-asset" -json="<JSON ENCODED BRANDING ASSET>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func updateBrandingAssetExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BrandingAsset{
        MediaID:   "<MEDIA ID>",
        Padded:    true,
        Ordinal:   10,
        StartDate: "01/06/2021",
        StartTime: "14:00",
        EndDate:   "11/05/2024",
        EndTime:   "16:00",
        Notes:     "Test Branding Asset",
        Preview:   false,
        Enabled:   true,

    response, err := client.UpdateBrandingAsset(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BrandingAsset request = new BrandingAsset
    MediaId = "<MEDIA ID>",
    Padded = true,
    Ordinal = 10,
    StartDate = "01/06/2021",
    StartTime = "14:00",
    EndDate = "11/05/2024",
    EndTime = "16:00",
    Notes = "Test Branding Asset",
    Preview = false,
    Enabled = true,

// Run the transaction.

BrandingAsset response = await blockchyp.UpdateBrandingAssetAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BrandingAsset;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BrandingAsset;

public class UpdateBrandingAssetExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BrandingAsset request = new BrandingAsset();
        request.setMediaId("<MEDIA ID>");
        request.setNotes("Test Branding Asset");

        // Send the request
        BrandingAsset response = client.updateBrandingAsset(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'mediaId' => '<MEDIA ID>',
    'padded' => true,
    'ordinal' => 10,
    'startDate' => '01/06/2021',
    'startTime' => '14:00',
    'endDate' => '11/05/2024',
    'endTime' => '16:00',
    'notes' => 'Test Branding Asset',
    'preview' => false,
    'enabled' => true,

$response = BlockChyp::updateBrandingAsset($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  mediaId: '<MEDIA ID>',
  padded: true,
  ordinal: 10,
  startDate: '01/06/2021',
  startTime: '14:00',
  endDate: '11/05/2024',
  endTime: '16:00',
  notes: 'Test Branding Asset',
  preview: false,
  enabled: true

response = blockchyp.updateBrandingAsset(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "mediaId": "<MEDIA ID>",
    "padded": True,
    "ordinal": 10,
    "startDate": "01/06/2021",
    "startTime": "14:00",
    "endDate": "11/05/2024",
    "endTime": "16:00",
    "notes": "Test Branding Asset",
    "preview": False,
    "enabled": True,

# run the transaction.
response = client.update_branding_asset(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  mediaId: '<MEDIA ID>',
  padded: true,
  ordinal: 10,
  startDate: '01/06/2021',
  startTime: '14:00',
  endDate: '11/05/2024',
  endTime: '16:00',
  notes: 'Test Branding Asset',
  preview: false,
  enabled: true,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ID>"
  request["padded"] = true
  request["ordinal"] = 10
  request["startDate"] = "01/06/2021"
  request["startTime"] = "14:00"
  request["endDate"] = "11/05/2024"
  request["endTime"] = "16:00"
  request["notes"] = "Test Branding Asset"
  request["preview"] = false
  request["enabled"] = true
    [client updateBrandingAssetWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["mediaId"] = "<MEDIA ID>"
    request["padded"] = true
    request["ordinal"] = 10
    request["startDate"] = "01/06/2021"
    request["startTime"] = "14:00"
    request["endDate"] = "11/05/2024"
    request["endTime"] = "16:00"
    request["notes"] = "Test Branding Asset"
    request["preview"] = false
    request["enabled"] = true
      client.updateBrandingAsset(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "terminalId": "",
  "terminalGroupId": "",
  "organizationId": "",
  "partnerId": "",
  "slideShowId": "",
  "padded": true,
  "startDate": "2021-01-06",
  "endDate": "2024-11-05",
  "daysOfWeek": [],
  "startTime": "14:00",
  "endTime": "16:00",
  "ordinal": 7,
  "enabled": true,
  "preview": false,
  "userId": "",
  "userName": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "lastModified": "",
  "notes": "Test Branding Asset",
  "editable": true,
  "assetType": "Image",
  "ownerType": "merchant",
  "ownerTypeCaption": "Merchant",
  "ownerName": "Gangster Test Merchant",
  "previewImage": "",
  "narrativeEffectiveDates": "01/06/2021 through 11/05/2024",
  "narrativeDisplayPeriod": "14:00 Through 16:00",
  "timeout": 0

This API updates or creates a single Branding Asset.

Branding Assets represent a single element of the terminal branding stack. A Branding Asset can be a video or image, in which case a mediaId referencing an asset from the media library must be provided. A Branding Asset can also be a slide show, in which case slideShowId must be provided. Branding Assets must have a valid mediaId or a valid slideShowId. The optional notes field can be used to provide short notes and descriptions for a Branding asset.

Visibility Flags

In order for a Branding Asset to be visible on a terminal, the enabled flag must be set to true and the preview must be turned off. preview is intended to show how a proposed Branding Asset will behave without pushing it to live terminals. The Publish button in the BlockChyp merchant portal effectively turns the preview setting off.

Order and Sequencing

The ordinal field is used to specify priority for a Branding Asset. Assets with a higher value for ordinal will be prioritized first.

Padding Images

For plain images, it's sometimes helpful to add margins to images. This is especially helpful with logos or any image file rendered without any white space or margins between the image content and edge of the image file. Set the padded flag to true if you'd like BlockChyp to auto apply margins when displaying an image on the terminal.


By default, a Branding Asset placed on top of the Branding Stack, if it's enabled and not in preview mode, will immediately be displayed on the terminal round the clock.

Branding Assets can be scheduled with effective start and stop dates for seasonal campaigns. These assets can also be scheduled for specific times of day and specific days of the week.

Read Only Fields

The Branding Asset data structure has a number of read only fields that are returned when Branding Assets are retrieved. But these fields are ignored when you try to send them as part of an update. These are derived or calculated fields and are helpful for displaying branding assets in a management user interface, but cannot be changed via an API call.

These fields are:

Delete Branding Asset

Delete Branding Asset Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="delete-branding-asset" -assetId="<BRANDING ASSET ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="delete-branding-asset" -assetId="<BRANDING ASSET ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteBrandingAssetExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.BrandingAssetRequest{
        AssetID: "<BRANDING ASSET ID>",

    response, err := client.DeleteBrandingAsset(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
BrandingAssetRequest request = new BrandingAssetRequest
    AssetId = "<BRANDING ASSET ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.DeleteBrandingAssetAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.BrandingAssetRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class DeleteBrandingAssetExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        BrandingAssetRequest request = new BrandingAssetRequest();
        request.setAssetId("<BRANDING ASSET ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.deleteBrandingAsset(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'assetId' => '<BRANDING ASSET ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteBrandingAsset($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  assetId: '<BRANDING ASSET ID>'

response = blockchyp.deleteBrandingAsset(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "assetId": "<BRANDING ASSET ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_branding_asset(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  assetId: '<BRANDING ASSET ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["assetId"] = "<BRANDING ASSET ID>"
    [client deleteBrandingAssetWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["assetId"] = "<BRANDING ASSET ID>"
      client.deleteBrandingAsset(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This API deletes a Branding Asset from the branding stack.

Note that deleting a Branding Asset does not delete the underlying media from the media library or slide show from the slide show library.

Merchant API

These APIs allow partners to manage and configure their merchant portfolios.

Use of these APIs (other than the Merchant Profile API) requires partner scoped API credentials with special roles and permissions that may require a special arrangement with BlockChyp.

For example, Partners usually can't board merchants directly, but must board merchants using the standard underwriting process via offer codes and invitations.

Merchant Profile

Merchant Profile Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="merchant-profile"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="merchant-profile"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func merchantProfileExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MerchantProfileRequest{}

    response, err := client.MerchantProfile(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MerchantProfileRequest request = new MerchantProfileRequest


// Run the transaction.

MerchantProfileResponse response = await blockchyp.MerchantProfileAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfileRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfileResponse;

public class MerchantProfileExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MerchantProfileRequest request = new MerchantProfileRequest();

        // Send the request
        MerchantProfileResponse response = client.merchantProfile(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::merchantProfile($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.merchantProfile(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.merchant_profile(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client merchantProfileWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.merchantProfile(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "timeout": 0,
  "test": true,
  "companyName": "Test Merchant",
  "dbaName": "Test Merchant",
  "contactName": "",
  "contactNumber": "",
  "locationName": "",
  "storeNumber": "",
  "partnerRef": "",
  "timeZone": "America/New_York",
  "batchCloseTime": "03:00",
  "terminalUpdateTime": "03:00",
  "autoBatchClose": true,
  "disableBatchEmails": false,
  "pinEnabled": false,
  "cashBackEnabled": false,
  "storeAndForwardEnabled": true,
  "partialAuthEnabled": false,
  "splitBankAccountsEnabled": false,
  "storeAndForwardFloorLimit": "50.00",
  "publicKey": "112cB2d5obZ2dFdLNWY4rZ1e62ppU7RRV7QMDbgmERYkt1DYLg2L",
  "status": "active",
  "cashDiscountEnabled": false,
  "surveyTimeout": 90,
  "cooldownTimeout": 30,
  "tipEnabled": false,
  "promptForTip": false,
  "tipDefaults": [
  "cashbackPresets": [
  "ebtEnabled": true,
  "freeRangeRefundsEnabled": false,
  "pinBypassEnabled": true,
  "giftCardsDisabled": false,
  "tcDisabled": false,
  "digitalSignaturesEnabled": true,
  "digitalSignatureReversal": false,
  "billingAddress": {
    "address1": "1060 West Addison",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "stateOrProvince": "IL",
    "postalCode": "60613",
    "countryCode": "USA",
    "latitude": 41.942329564,
    "longitude": -87.65333072
  "shippingAddress": {
    "address1": "1060 West Addison",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "stateOrProvince": "IL",
    "postalCode": "60613",
    "countryCode": "USA",
    "latitude": 41.942329564,
    "longitude": -87.65333072
  "visa": true,
  "masterCard": true,
  "amex": true,
  "discover": true,
  "jcb": false,
  "unionPay": false,
  "contactlessEmv": true,
  "manualEntryEnabled": false,
  "manualEntryPromptZip": false,
  "manualEntryPromptStreetNumber": false,
  "gatewayOnly": false

The API returns detailed metadata about the merchant's configuration, including basic identity information, terminal settings, store and forward settings, and bank account information for merchants that support split settlement.

Some of these fields can be updated via the Update Merchant API, but many of these fields are controlled by underwriting and cannot be altered outside of the underwriting and risk processes.

Merchant Descriptive Fields

The following fields are basic descriptive fields that can be used to describe and identify merchants.

Batch and Terminal Settings

The following fields are used to control batch closure and high level terminal configuration.

Card Brand and Transaction Settings

Get Merchants

Get Merchants Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="get-merchants" -test

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="get-merchants" -test
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func getMerchantsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.GetMerchantsRequest{
        Test: true,

    response, err := client.GetMerchants(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
GetMerchantsRequest request = new GetMerchantsRequest
    Test = true,

// Run the transaction.

GetMerchantsResponse response = await blockchyp.GetMerchantsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.GetMerchantsRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.GetMerchantsResponse;

public class GetMerchantsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        GetMerchantsRequest request = new GetMerchantsRequest();

        // Send the request
        GetMerchantsResponse response = client.getMerchants(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,

$response = BlockChyp::getMerchants($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true

response = blockchyp.getMerchants(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,

# run the transaction.
response = client.get_merchants(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
    [client getMerchantsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
      client.getMerchants(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "test": true,
  "maxResults": 250,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "merchants": [
      "success": true,
      "error": "",
      "responseDescription": "",
      "timeout": 0,
      "test": true,
      "merchantId": "WY2ZBQWRFEI6ZE6FVTPEQAAREI",
      "companyName": "Test Merchant",
      "dbaName": "Test Merchant",
      "contactName": "",
      "contactNumber": "",
      "locationName": "",
      "storeNumber": "",
      "partnerRef": "",
      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "batchCloseTime": "03:00",
      "terminalUpdateTime": "03:00",
      "autoBatchClose": true,
      "disableBatchEmails": false,
      "pinEnabled": false,
      "cashBackEnabled": false,
      "storeAndForwardEnabled": true,
      "partialAuthEnabled": false,
      "splitBankAccountsEnabled": false,
      "storeAndForwardFloorLimit": "50.00",
      "publicKey": "112cB2d5obZ2dFdLNWY4rZ1e62ppU7RRV7QMDbgmERYkt1DYLg2L",
      "status": "active",
      "cashDiscountEnabled": false,
      "surveyTimeout": 90,
      "cooldownTimeout": 30,
      "tipEnabled": false,
      "promptForTip": false,
      "tipDefaults": [
      "cashbackPresets": [
      "ebtEnabled": true,
      "freeRangeRefundsEnabled": false,
      "pinBypassEnabled": true,
      "giftCardsDisabled": false,
      "tcDisabled": false,
      "digitalSignaturesEnabled": true,
      "digitalSignatureReversal": false,
      "billingAddress": {
        "address1": "1060 West Addison",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "stateOrProvince": "IL",
        "postalCode": "60613",
        "countryCode": "USA",
        "latitude": 41.942329564,
        "longitude": -87.65333072
      "shippingAddress": {
        "address1": "1060 West Addison",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "stateOrProvince": "IL",
        "postalCode": "60613",
        "countryCode": "USA",
        "latitude": 41.942329564,
        "longitude": -87.65333072
      "visa": true,
      "masterCard": true,
      "amex": true,
      "discover": true,
      "jcb": false,
      "unionPay": false,
      "contactlessEmv": true,
      "manualEntryEnabled": false,
      "manualEntryPromptZip": false,
      "manualEntryPromptStreetNumber": false,
      "gatewayOnly": false

This is a partner or organization level API that can be used to return the merchant portfolio.

Live merchants are returned by default. Use the test flag to return only test merchants. The results returned include detailed settings including underwriting controlled flags.

A maximum of 250 merchants are returned by default. For large merchant portfolios, the maxResults and startIndex field can be used to reduce the page size and page through multiple pages of results.

Update Merchant

Update Merchant Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="update-merchant" -json="{JSON ENCODED MERCHANT PROFILE}"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="update-merchant" -json="{JSON ENCODED MERCHANT PROFILE}"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func updateMerchantExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MerchantProfile{
        MerchantID:  "<MERCHANT ID>",
        Test:        true,
        DBAName:     "Test Merchant",
        CompanyName: "Test Merchant",
        BillingAddress: blockchyp.Address{
            Address1:        "1060 West Addison",
            City:            "Chicago",
            StateOrProvince: "IL",
            PostalCode:      "60613",

    response, err := client.UpdateMerchant(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MerchantProfile request = new MerchantProfile
    MerchantId = "<MERCHANT ID>",
    Test = true,
    DbaName = "Test Merchant",
    CompanyName = "Test Merchant",
    BillingAddress = new Address
        Address1 = "1060 West Addison",
        City = "Chicago",
        StateOrProvince = "IL",
        PostalCode = "60613",

// Run the transaction.

MerchantProfileResponse response = await blockchyp.UpdateMerchantAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfile;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfileResponse;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Address;

public class UpdateMerchantExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MerchantProfile request = new MerchantProfile();
        request.setMerchantId("<MERCHANT ID>");
        request.setDbaName("Test Merchant");
        request.setCompanyName("Test Merchant");

        Address billingAddress = new Address();
        billingAddress.setAddress1("1060 West Addison");

        // Send the request
        MerchantProfileResponse response = client.updateMerchant(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'merchantId' => '<MERCHANT ID>',
    'test' => true,
    'dbaName' => 'Test Merchant',
    'companyName' => 'Test Merchant',
    'billingAddress' => [
        'address1' => '1060 West Addison',
        'city' => 'Chicago',
        'stateOrProvince' => 'IL',
        'postalCode' => '60613',

$response = BlockChyp::updateMerchant($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  merchantId: '<MERCHANT ID>',
  test: true,
  dbaName: 'Test Merchant',
  companyName: 'Test Merchant',
  billingAddress: {
    address1: '1060 West Addison',
    city: 'Chicago',
    stateOrProvince: 'IL',
    postalCode: '60613'

response = blockchyp.updateMerchant(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "merchantId": "<MERCHANT ID>",
    "test": True,
    "dbaName": "Test Merchant",
    "companyName": "Test Merchant",
    "billingAddress": {
        "address1": "1060 West Addison",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "stateOrProvince": "IL",
        "postalCode": "60613",

# run the transaction.
response = client.update_merchant(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  merchantId: '<MERCHANT ID>',
  test: true,
  dbaName: 'Test Merchant',
  companyName: 'Test Merchant',
  billingAddress: {
    address1: '1060 West Addison',
    city: 'Chicago',
    stateOrProvince: 'IL',
    postalCode: '60613',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["merchantId"] = "<MERCHANT ID>"
  request["test"] = true
  request["dbaName"] = "Test Merchant"
  request["companyName"] = "Test Merchant"
  var billingaddress: [String:Any] = [:]
  billingaddress["address1"] = "1060 West Addison"
  billingaddress["city"] = "Chicago"
  billingaddress["stateOrProvince"] = "IL"
  billingaddress["postalCode"] = "60613"
  request["billingAddress"] = billingaddress
    [client updateMerchantWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["merchantId"] = "<MERCHANT ID>"
    request["test"] = true
    request["dbaName"] = "Test Merchant"
    request["companyName"] = "Test Merchant"
    var billingaddress: [String:Any] = [:]
    billingaddress["address1"] = "1060 West Addison"
    billingaddress["city"] = "Chicago"
    billingaddress["stateOrProvince"] = "IL"
    billingaddress["postalCode"] = "60613"
    request["billingAddress"] = billingaddress
      client.updateMerchant(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "timeout": 0,
  "test": true,
  "merchantId": "J4XHM7G5DYI6ZHX4VTPEQAAREI",
  "companyName": "Test Merchant",
  "dbaName": "Test Merchant",
  "contactName": "",
  "contactNumber": "",
  "locationName": "",
  "storeNumber": "",
  "partnerRef": "",
  "timeZone": "America/New_York",
  "batchCloseTime": "03:00",
  "terminalUpdateTime": "03:00",
  "autoBatchClose": true,
  "disableBatchEmails": false,
  "pinEnabled": false,
  "cashBackEnabled": false,
  "storeAndForwardEnabled": true,
  "partialAuthEnabled": false,
  "splitBankAccountsEnabled": false,
  "storeAndForwardFloorLimit": "50.00",
  "publicKey": "13k85PDxfBpA6NwuZF8F4UDZ9RH8zf15iYnEoMgshz61g1zGPso",
  "status": "active",
  "cashDiscountEnabled": false,
  "surveyTimeout": 90,
  "cooldownTimeout": 30,
  "tipEnabled": false,
  "promptForTip": false,
  "tipDefaults": [
  "cashbackPresets": [
  "ebtEnabled": true,
  "freeRangeRefundsEnabled": false,
  "pinBypassEnabled": true,
  "giftCardsDisabled": false,
  "tcDisabled": false,
  "digitalSignaturesEnabled": true,
  "digitalSignatureReversal": false,
  "billingAddress": {
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "",
    "stateOrProvince": "",
    "postalCode": "",
    "countryCode": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
  "shippingAddress": {
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "",
    "stateOrProvince": "",
    "postalCode": "",
    "countryCode": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
  "visa": true,
  "masterCard": true,
  "amex": true,
  "discover": true,
  "jcb": false,
  "unionPay": false,
  "contactlessEmv": true,
  "manualEntryEnabled": false,
  "manualEntryPromptZip": false,
  "manualEntryPromptStreetNumber": false,
  "gatewayOnly": false,
  "bankAccounts": null

This API can be used to update or create merchant accounts.

Merchant scoped API credentials can be used to update merchant account settings.

Partner scoped API credentials can be used to update merchants, create new test merchants or board new gateway merchants.

Merchant Descriptive Fields

The following fields are basic descriptive fields that can be used to describe and identify merchants.

Batch and Terminal Settings

The following fields are used to control batch closure and high level terminal configuration.

Card Brand and Transaction Settings

Merchant Users

Merchant Users Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="merchant-users" -merchantId="<MERCHANT ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="merchant-users" -merchantId="<MERCHANT ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func merchantUsersExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MerchantProfileRequest{
        MerchantID: "<MERCHANT ID>",

    response, err := client.MerchantUsers(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MerchantProfileRequest request = new MerchantProfileRequest
    MerchantId = "<MERCHANT ID>",

// Run the transaction.

MerchantUsersResponse response = await blockchyp.MerchantUsersAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfileRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantUsersResponse;

public class MerchantUsersExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MerchantProfileRequest request = new MerchantProfileRequest();
        request.setMerchantId("<MERCHANT ID>");

        // Send the request
        MerchantUsersResponse response = client.merchantUsers(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'merchantId' => '<MERCHANT ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::merchantUsers($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  merchantId: '<MERCHANT ID>'

response = blockchyp.merchantUsers(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "merchantId": "<MERCHANT ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.merchant_users(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  merchantId: '<MERCHANT ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["merchantId"] = "<MERCHANT ID>"
    [client merchantUsersWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["merchantId"] = "<MERCHANT ID>"
      client.merchantUsers(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "test": false,
  "results": [
      "test": false,
      "firstName": "Aaron",
      "lastName": "Anderson",
      "email": "",
      "status": "Active",
      "type": "user",
      "roles": [
      "locked": false

This API returns all users and pending invites associated with a merchant account including any assigned role codes.

Invite Merchant User

Invite Merchant User Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="invite-merchant-user" -email=""

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="invite-merchant-user" -email=""
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func inviteMerchantUserExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.InviteMerchantUserRequest{
        Email: "Email address for the invite",

    response, err := client.InviteMerchantUser(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
InviteMerchantUserRequest request = new InviteMerchantUserRequest
    Email = "Email address for the invite",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.InviteMerchantUserAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.InviteMerchantUserRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class InviteMerchantUserExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        InviteMerchantUserRequest request = new InviteMerchantUserRequest();
        request.setEmail("Email address for the invite");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.inviteMerchantUser(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'email' => 'Email address for the invite',

$response = BlockChyp::inviteMerchantUser($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  email: 'Email address for the invite'

response = blockchyp.inviteMerchantUser(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "email": "Email address for the invite",

# run the transaction.
response = client.invite_merchant_user(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  email: 'Email address for the invite',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["email"] = "Email address for the invite"
    [client inviteMerchantUserWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["email"] = "Email address for the invite"
      client.inviteMerchantUser(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

Invites a new user to join a merchant account. email, firstName, and lastName are required.

The user will be sent an invite email with steps for creating a BlockChyp account and linking it to a merchant account. If the user already has a BlockChyp user account, the new user signup wil be skipped and the existing user account will be linked to the merchant account.

Developers can optionally restrict the user's access level by sending one or more role codes. Otherwise, the user will be given the default merchant user role. (STDMERCHANT)

Add Test Merchant

Add Test Merchant Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="add-test-merchant" -dbaName="Test Merchant" -companyName="Test Merchant"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="add-test-merchant" -dbaName="Test Merchant" -companyName="Test Merchant"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func addTestMerchantExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AddTestMerchantRequest{
        DBAName:     "DBA Name",
        CompanyName: "Corporate Entity Name",

    response, err := client.AddTestMerchant(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AddTestMerchantRequest request = new AddTestMerchantRequest
    DbaName = "DBA Name",
    CompanyName = "Corporate Entity Name",

// Run the transaction.

MerchantProfileResponse response = await blockchyp.AddTestMerchantAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AddTestMerchantRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfileResponse;

public class AddTestMerchantExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AddTestMerchantRequest request = new AddTestMerchantRequest();
        request.setDbaName("DBA Name");
        request.setCompanyName("Corporate Entity Name");

        // Send the request
        MerchantProfileResponse response = client.addTestMerchant(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'dbaName' => 'DBA Name',
    'companyName' => 'Corporate Entity Name',

$response = BlockChyp::addTestMerchant($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  dbaName: 'DBA Name',
  companyName: 'Corporate Entity Name'

response = blockchyp.addTestMerchant(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "dbaName": "DBA Name",
    "companyName": "Corporate Entity Name",

# run the transaction.
response = client.add_test_merchant(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  dbaName: 'DBA Name',
  companyName: 'Corporate Entity Name',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["dbaName"] = "DBA Name"
  request["companyName"] = "Corporate Entity Name"
    [client addTestMerchantWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["dbaName"] = "DBA Name"
    request["companyName"] = "Corporate Entity Name"
      client.addTestMerchant(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "timeout": 0,
  "test": true,
  "merchantId": "J4XHM7G5DYI6ZHX4VTPEQAAREI",
  "companyName": "Test Merchant",
  "dbaName": "Test Merchant",
  "contactName": "",
  "contactNumber": "",
  "locationName": "",
  "storeNumber": "",
  "partnerRef": "",
  "timeZone": "America/New_York",
  "batchCloseTime": "03:00",
  "terminalUpdateTime": "03:00",
  "autoBatchClose": true,
  "disableBatchEmails": false,
  "pinEnabled": false,
  "cashBackEnabled": false,
  "storeAndForwardEnabled": true,
  "partialAuthEnabled": false,
  "splitBankAccountsEnabled": false,
  "storeAndForwardFloorLimit": "50.00",
  "publicKey": "13k85PDxfBpA6NwuZF8F4UDZ9RH8zf15iYnEoMgshz61g1zGPso",
  "status": "active",
  "cashDiscountEnabled": false,
  "surveyTimeout": 90,
  "cooldownTimeout": 30,
  "tipEnabled": false,
  "promptForTip": false,
  "tipDefaults": [
  "cashbackPresets": [
  "ebtEnabled": true,
  "freeRangeRefundsEnabled": false,
  "pinBypassEnabled": true,
  "giftCardsDisabled": false,
  "tcDisabled": false,
  "digitalSignaturesEnabled": true,
  "digitalSignatureReversal": false,
  "billingAddress": {
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "",
    "stateOrProvince": "",
    "postalCode": "",
    "countryCode": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
  "shippingAddress": {
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "",
    "stateOrProvince": "",
    "postalCode": "",
    "countryCode": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
  "visa": true,
  "masterCard": true,
  "amex": true,
  "discover": true,
  "jcb": false,
  "unionPay": false,
  "contactlessEmv": true,
  "manualEntryEnabled": false,
  "manualEntryPromptZip": false,
  "manualEntryPromptStreetNumber": false,
  "gatewayOnly": false,
  "bankAccounts": null

This is a partner level API that can be used to create test merchant accounts. This creates a basic test merchant with default settings.

Settings can be changed by using the Update Merchant API.

Delete Test Merchant

Delete Test Merchant Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -cmd="delete-test-merchant" -merchantId="<MERCHANT ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -cmd="delete-test-merchant" -merchantId="<MERCHANT ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func deleteTestMerchantExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MerchantProfileRequest{
        MerchantID: "<MERCHANT ID>",

    response, err := client.DeleteTestMerchant(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MerchantProfileRequest request = new MerchantProfileRequest
    MerchantId = "<MERCHANT ID>",

// Run the transaction.

Acknowledgement response = await blockchyp.DeleteTestMerchantAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantProfileRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.Acknowledgement;

public class DeleteTestMerchantExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MerchantProfileRequest request = new MerchantProfileRequest();
        request.setMerchantId("<MERCHANT ID>");

        // Send the request
        Acknowledgement response = client.deleteTestMerchant(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'merchantId' => '<MERCHANT ID>',

$response = BlockChyp::deleteTestMerchant($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  merchantId: '<MERCHANT ID>'

response = blockchyp.deleteTestMerchant(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "merchantId": "<MERCHANT ID>",

# run the transaction.
response = client.delete_test_merchant(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  merchantId: '<MERCHANT ID>',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["merchantId"] = "<MERCHANT ID>"
    [client deleteTestMerchantWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["merchantId"] = "<MERCHANT ID>"
      client.deleteTestMerchant(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": ""

This partner API can be used to delete unused test merchant accounts. merchantId is a required parameter.

Partner API

These partner only APIs give ISV partners advanced reporting and tools for managing their portfolio.

Most of the APIs below are for portfolio reporting and range from basic partner commission statements to individual statements with all underlying card brand data.

We also provide a pricing policy API that enables partners to pull down the current pricing rules in force for any merchant in their portfolio.

Retrieve Pricing Policy

Retrieve Pricing Policy Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="pricing-policy" -merchantId="<ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="pricing-policy" -merchantId="<ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func pricingPolicyExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PricingPolicyRequest{}

    response, err := client.PricingPolicy(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PricingPolicyRequest request = new PricingPolicyRequest


// Run the transaction.

PricingPolicyResponse response = await blockchyp.PricingPolicyAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PricingPolicyRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PricingPolicyResponse;

public class PricingPolicyExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PricingPolicyRequest request = new PricingPolicyRequest();

        // Send the request
        PricingPolicyResponse response = client.pricingPolicy(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::pricingPolicy($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.pricingPolicy(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.pricing_policy(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client pricingPolicyWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.pricingPolicy(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "partnerId": "Y5F3U5NQMII6ZBSUA700YEIAAU",
  "merchantId": "W5JC7000VXAI6ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI",
  "enabled": true,
  "timestamp": "2022-04-06T17:17:29Z",
  "description": "Credit: 5 cents + 10 pts  Debit:",
  "policyType": "interchange",
  "partnerMarkupSplit": "25%",
  "standardFlatRate": {
    "buyRate": "0.015%",
    "current": "0%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "debitFlatRate": {
    "buyRate": "0.015%",
    "current": "0%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "ecommerceFlatRate": {
    "buyRate": "0.015%",
    "current": "0%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "keyedFlatRate": {
    "buyRate": "0.015%",
    "current": "0%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "premiumFlatRate": {
    "buyRate": "0.12%",
    "current": "0%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "standardInterchangeMarkup": {
    "buyRate": "0.015%",
    "current": "0.1%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "debitInterchangeMarkup": {
    "buyRate": "0.015%",
    "current": "0.1%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "ecommerceInterchangeMarkup": {
    "buyRate": "0.02%",
    "current": "0.1%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "keyedInterchangeMarkup": {
    "buyRate": "0.02%",
    "current": "0.1%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "premiumInterchangeMarkup": {
    "buyRate": "0.12%",
    "current": "0.2%",
    "limit": "0%"
  "standardTransactionFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.02",
    "current": "0.05",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "debitTransactionFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.02",
    "current": "0.05",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "ecommerceTransactionFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.02",
    "current": "0.05",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "keyedTransactionFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.02",
    "current": "0.05",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "premiumTransactionFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.07",
    "current": "0.10",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "ebtTransactionFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.065",
    "current": "0.10",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "monthlyFee": {
    "buyRate": "5.00",
    "current": "10.00",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "annualFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.00",
    "current": "0.00",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "chargebackFee": {
    "buyRate": "12.00",
    "current": "20.00",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "avsFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.00",
    "current": "0.00",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "batchFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.07",
    "current": "0.08",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "voiceAuthFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.75",
    "current": "1.00",
    "limit": "0.00"
  "accountSetupFee": {
    "buyRate": "0.00",
    "current": "0.00",
    "limit": "0.00"

The API returns the current pricing policy for a merchant. This API is valid for partner scoped API credentials and merchantId is a required parameter. By default this API returns the currently in-force pricing policy for a merchant, but other inactive policies can be returned by providing the id parameter.

Buy rates for interchange plus and fixed rate pricing are always returned, but only the pricing related to the pricing model type (flat rate or interchange plus) are actually used in fee calculation.

Each pricing level returns three values: buyRate, current, and limit. The actual price the merchant will pay is given in the current field. The other values reflect the contract minimum (buyRate) and maximum (limit) range the partner can use when changing prices.

Partner Statements

Partner Statements Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="partner-statements"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="partner-statements"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func partnerStatementsExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PartnerStatementListRequest{}

    response, err := client.PartnerStatements(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PartnerStatementListRequest request = new PartnerStatementListRequest


// Run the transaction.

PartnerStatementListResponse response = await blockchyp.PartnerStatementsAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PartnerStatementListRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PartnerStatementListResponse;

public class PartnerStatementsExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PartnerStatementListRequest request = new PartnerStatementListRequest();

        // Send the request
        PartnerStatementListResponse response = client.partnerStatements(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::partnerStatements($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.partnerStatements(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.partner_statements(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client partnerStatementsWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.partnerStatements(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "statements": [
      "statementDate": "2023-10-23T20:14:06Z",
      "totalVolume": 548483.05,
      "totalVolumeFormatted": "548,483.05",
      "transactionCount": 12175,
      "partnerCommission": 395.15,
      "partnerCommissionFormatted": "395.15",
      "status": "paid"
      "id": "4ZIRR72NQQI65BU7AJBKYEIAAI",
      "statementDate": "2023-09-08T16:20:57Z",
      "totalVolume": 513166.46,
      "totalVolumeFormatted": "513,166.46",
      "transactionCount": 12341,
      "partnerCommission": 386.99,
      "partnerCommissionFormatted": "386.99",
      "status": "paid"
      "statementDate": "2023-08-04T21:02:42Z",
      "totalVolume": 680464.72,
      "totalVolumeFormatted": "680,464.72",
      "transactionCount": 17125,
      "partnerCommission": 639.18,
      "partnerCommissionFormatted": "639.18",
      "status": "paid"

The API returns a list of partner residual statements. By default, all statements are returned with the most recent statements listed first. Optional date parameters (startDate and endDate) can filter statements to a specific date range.

The list of statements returns basic information about statements like volume, transaction count, and commissions earned.

Use the id returned with each statement summary with the Partner Statement Detail API to pull down full details.

Partner Statement Detail

Partner Statement Detail Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="partner-statement-detail" -id="<STATEMENT_ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="partner-statement-detail" -id="<STATEMENT_ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func partnerStatementDetailExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PartnerStatementDetailRequest{}

    response, err := client.PartnerStatementDetail(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PartnerStatementDetailRequest request = new PartnerStatementDetailRequest


// Run the transaction.

PartnerStatementDetailResponse response = await blockchyp.PartnerStatementDetailAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PartnerStatementDetailRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PartnerStatementDetailResponse;

public class PartnerStatementDetailExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PartnerStatementDetailRequest request = new PartnerStatementDetailRequest();

        // Send the request
        PartnerStatementDetailResponse response = client.partnerStatementDetail(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::partnerStatementDetail($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.partnerStatementDetail(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.partner_statement_detail(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client partnerStatementDetailWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.partnerStatementDetail(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "id": "SCH34K3J7005EJNAJBKYEIAAI",
  "partnerId": "Y5F3U5NQ7006ZBSUAJBKYEIAAU",
  "partnerName": "Demo Partner, Inc.",
  "statementDate": "2023-10-23T20:14:06Z",
  "totalVolume": 548483.05,
  "totalVolumeFormatted": "548,483.05",
  "transactionCount": 12175,
  "partnerCommission": 395.15,
  "partnerCommissionFormatted": "395.15",
  "partnerCommissionsOnVolume": 0.0007,
  "partnerCommissionsOnVolumeFormatted": "0.07%",
  "status": "paid",
  "lineItems": [
      "invoiceId": "UV7DEJLR4A700OUEAJBKYEIAAM",
      "totalFees": 8058.21,
      "totalFeesFormatted": "8,058.21",
      "totalFeesOnVolume": 0.0166,
      "totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted": "1.66%",
      "merchantId": "W5JCF4700I6ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI",
      "merchantName": "Taco Tuesday, Inc.",
      "dbaName": "Don Juaquin's",
      "statementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z",
      "volume": 486611.83,
      "volumeFormatted": "486,611.83",
      "transactionCount": 9628,
      "interchange": 6175.64,
      "interchangeFormatted": "6,175.64",
      "interchangeOnVolume": 0.0127,
      "interchangeOnVolumeFormatted": "1.27%",
      "assessments": 653.05,
      "assessmentsFormatted": "653.05",
      "assessmentsOnVolume": 0.0013,
      "assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted": "0.13%",
      "partnerCommission": 332.88,
      "partnerCommissionFormatted": "332.88",
      "buyRate": 569.85,
      "buyRateFormatted": "569.85",
      "hardCosts": 215.83,
      "hardCostsFormatted": "215.83"
      "invoiceId": "UV7DEJLR4A700OUEAJBKYEIAAM",
      "totalFees": 1237.88,
      "totalFeesFormatted": "1,237.88",
      "totalFeesOnVolume": 0.02,
      "totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted": "2%",
      "merchantId": "EINES7004I6ZDWLAJBKYEIAAM",
      "merchantName": "Kneaders",
      "dbaName": "Kneaders",
      "statementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:17Z",
      "volume": 61871.22,
      "volumeFormatted": "61,871.22",
      "transactionCount": 2547,
      "interchange": 887.84,
      "interchangeFormatted": "887.84",
      "interchangeOnVolume": 0.0143,
      "interchangeOnVolumeFormatted": "1.43%",
      "assessments": 81.65,
      "assessmentsFormatted": "81.65",
      "assessmentsOnVolume": 0.0013,
      "assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted": "0.13%",
      "partnerCommission": 62.27,
      "partnerCommissionFormatted": "62.27",
      "buyRate": 130.66,
      "buyRateFormatted": "130.66",
      "hardCosts": 54.7,
      "hardCostsFormatted": "54.70"
      "invoiceId": "UV7DEJLR4A700OUEAJBKYEIAAM",
      "totalFees": 5,
      "totalFeesFormatted": "5.00",
      "totalFeesOnVolume": 0,
      "totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted": "0%",
      "merchantId": "2IHUDFHI7006ZKK3AJBKYEIAAQ",
      "merchantName": "DP Cheesesteaks",
      "dbaName": "DP Cheesesteaks",
      "statementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:53Z",
      "volume": 0,
      "volumeFormatted": "0.00",
      "transactionCount": 0,
      "interchange": 0,
      "interchangeFormatted": "0.00",
      "interchangeOnVolume": 0,
      "interchangeOnVolumeFormatted": "0%",
      "assessments": 0,
      "assessmentsFormatted": "0.00",
      "assessmentsOnVolume": 0,
      "assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted": "0%",
      "partnerCommission": 0,
      "partnerCommissionFormatted": "0.00",
      "buyRate": 5,
      "buyRateFormatted": "5.00",
      "hardCosts": 0,
      "hardCostsFormatted": "0.00"
  "adjustments": [],
  "disbursements": [
      "timestamp": "2023-10-24T19:08:11Z",
      "transactionType": "charge",
      "paymentType": "ACH",
      "maskedPan": "*****0000",
      "pending": false,
      "approved": true,
      "responseDescription": "",
      "amount": 395.15,
      "amountFormatted": "395.15"

The API returns detailed information about a specific partner statement. Aggregate data is returned along with line item level data for each underlying merchant statement.

Use the merchant invoice id with the Merchant Statement Detail API and the Partner Commission Breakdown API to get the merchant statement and the card brand fee cost breakdown respectively.

Merchant Invoices

Merchant Invoices Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="merchant-invoices" -merchantId="<ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="merchant-invoices" -merchantId="<ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func merchantInvoicesExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MerchantInvoiceListRequest{}

    response, err := client.MerchantInvoices(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MerchantInvoiceListRequest request = new MerchantInvoiceListRequest


// Run the transaction.

MerchantInvoiceListResponse response = await blockchyp.MerchantInvoicesAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantInvoiceListRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantInvoiceListResponse;

public class MerchantInvoicesExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MerchantInvoiceListRequest request = new MerchantInvoiceListRequest();

        // Send the request
        MerchantInvoiceListResponse response = client.merchantInvoices(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::merchantInvoices($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.merchantInvoices(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.merchant_invoices(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client merchantInvoicesWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.merchantInvoices(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "invoices": [
      "dateCreated": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z",
      "grandTotal": 8058.21,
      "grandTotalFormatted": "8,058.21",
      "status": "paid",
      "invoiceType": "statement",
      "paid": true
      "dateCreated": "2023-09-01T03:48:48Z",
      "grandTotal": 7623.67,
      "grandTotalFormatted": "7,623.67",
      "status": "paid",
      "invoiceType": "statement",
      "paid": true
      "dateCreated": "2023-08-01T03:48:23Z",
      "grandTotal": 7927.52,
      "grandTotalFormatted": "7,927.52",
      "status": "paid",
      "invoiceType": "statement",
      "paid": true

The API returns a list of partner residual statements. By default, all statements are returned with the most recent statements listed first. Optional date parameters (startDate and endDate) can filter statements to a specific date range.

The list of statements returns basic information about statements like volume, transaction count, and commissions earned.

Use the id returned with each statement summary with the Partner Statement Detail API to pull down full details.

Merchant Invoice Detail

Merchant Invoice Detail Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="merchant-invoice-detail" -invoiceId="<STATEMENT_ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="merchant-invoice-detail" -invoiceId="<STATEMENT_ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func merchantInvoiceDetailExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest{}

    response, err := client.MerchantInvoiceDetail(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest request = new MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest


// Run the transaction.

MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse response = await blockchyp.MerchantInvoiceDetailAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse;

public class MerchantInvoiceDetailExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest request = new MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest();

        // Send the request
        MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse response = client.merchantInvoiceDetail(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::merchantInvoiceDetail($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.merchantInvoiceDetail(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.merchant_invoice_detail(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client merchantInvoiceDetailWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.merchantInvoiceDetail(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "merchantId": "W5JCF4NVX700ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI",
  "corporateName": "Improv Olympic",
  "dbaName": "Improv Olympic",
  "dateCreated": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z",
  "status": "paid",
  "invoiceType": "statement",
  "pricingType": "interchange",
  "paid": true,
  "grandTotal": 8058.21,
  "grandTotalFormatted": "8,058.21",
  "subtotal": 8058.21,
  "subotalFormatted": "8,058.21",
  "taxTotal": 0,
  "taxTotalFormatted": "0.00",
  "shippingCost": 0,
  "shippingCostFormatted": "0.00",
  "balanceDue": 0,
  "balanceDueFormatted": "0.00",
  "shippingAddress": {
    "address1": "1060 W Addison",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "stateOrProvince": "IL",
    "postalCode": "60446",
    "countryCode": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
  "billingAddress": {
    "address1": "1060 W Addison",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "stateOrProvince": "IL",
    "postalCode": "60446",
    "countryCode": "",
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
  "lineItems": [
      "id": "SIRMMLDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "lineType": "header",
      "productId": "",
      "quantity": 0,
      "description": "Interchange Fees",
      "explanation": "These are fees the credit card brands charge.  Seems fair.  They work hard on those logos.",
      "transactionCount": 0,
      "volume": 0,
      "volumeFormatted": "0.00",
      "perTransactionFee": 0,
      "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00",
      "transactionPercentage": 0,
      "transactionPercentageFormatted": "0%",
      "price": 0,
      "priceFormatted": "",
      "priceExtended": 6175.64,
      "priceExtendedFormatted": "6,175.64",
      "lineItems": [
          "id": "SKHU4WTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
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          "productId": "",
          "quantity": 0,
          "description": "Visa",
          "explanation": "",
          "transactionCount": 0,
          "volume": 0,
          "volumeFormatted": "0.00",
          "perTransactionFee": 0,
          "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00",
          "transactionPercentage": 0,
          "transactionPercentageFormatted": "0%",
          "price": 0,
          "priceFormatted": "",
          "priceExtended": 2247.73,
          "priceExtendedFormatted": "2,247.73",
          "lineItems": [
              "id": "SISHUOTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
              "lineType": "volume",
              "productId": "",
              "quantity": 1,
              "description": "VS Electronic",
              "explanation": "",
              "transactionCount": 7,
              "volume": 149.85,
              "volumeFormatted": "149.85",
              "perTransactionFee": 0,
              "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00",
              "transactionPercentage": 0.011,
              "transactionPercentageFormatted": "1.1%",
              "price": 1.6400000000000001,
              "priceFormatted": "149.85 @ 1.1%",
              "priceExtended": 1.6400000000000001,
              "priceExtendedFormatted": "1.64",
              "lineItems": null
              "id": "SISR7RTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
              "lineType": "volume",
              "productId": "",
              "quantity": 1,
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              "explanation": "",
              "transactionCount": -1,
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              "volumeFormatted": "-122.64",
              "perTransactionFee": 0,
              "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00",
              "transactionPercentage": 0.0176,
              "transactionPercentageFormatted": "1.76%",
              "price": -2.16,
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              "priceExtended": -2.16,
              "priceExtendedFormatted": "-2.16",
              "lineItems": null
              "id": "SITGU4DU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
              "lineType": "count-and-volume",
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              "quantity": 1,
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              "volumeFormatted": "16,704.31",
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              "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.15",
              "transactionPercentage": 0.008,
              "transactionPercentageFormatted": "0.8%",
              "price": 192.9,
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              "priceExtended": 192.9,
              "priceExtendedFormatted": "192.90",
              "lineItems": null
              "id": "SITVVLDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
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              "price": 20.29,
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              "priceExtended": 20.29,
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              "lineItems": null
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              "lineType": "count-and-volume",
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              "transactionPercentage": 0.019,
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              "price": 1.26,
              "priceFormatted": "$50.23 @ 1.9%\n3 x $0.10",
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              "lineItems": null
              "id": "SIUOC7TU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
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              "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.10",
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              "lineItems": null
              "id": "SIU3E4DU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
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              "explanation": "",
              "transactionCount": 2,
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              "lineItems": null
              "id": "SIVFAGDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
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              "lineItems": null
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              "lineItems": null
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              "lineType": "count-and-volume",
              "productId": "",
              "quantity": 1,
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              "explanation": "",
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              "perTransactionFee": 0.1,
              "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.10",
              "transactionPercentage": 0.027,
              "transactionPercentageFormatted": "2.7%",
              "price": 35.29,
              "priceFormatted": "$1,254.57 @ 2.7%\n14 x $0.10",
              "priceExtended": 35.29,
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              "lineItems": null
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      "totalSalesFormatted": "18,320.20",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNB3JFDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 599,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 29308.32,
      "netDepositFormatted": "29,308.32",
      "totalSales": 29308.32,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "29,308.32",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNDTOITU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 635,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 31839.34,
      "netDepositFormatted": "31,839.34",
      "totalSales": 31839.34,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "31,839.34",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNECGJTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 19,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 449.25,
      "netDepositFormatted": "449.25",
      "totalSales": 449.25,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "449.25",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNE26DDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 503,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 25812.21,
      "netDepositFormatted": "25,812.21",
      "totalSales": 25812.21,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "25,812.21",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNGYFUDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 277,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 10753.31,
      "netDepositFormatted": "10,753.31",
      "totalSales": 10753.31,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "10,753.31",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNH656DU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 132,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 4264.1,
      "netDepositFormatted": "4,264.10",
      "totalSales": 4264.1,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "4,264.10",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNJD5OTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 239,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 34091.34,
      "netDepositFormatted": "34,091.34",
      "totalSales": 34091.34,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "34,091.34",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNJ24WDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 492,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 28462.69,
      "netDepositFormatted": "28,462.69",
      "totalSales": 28466.02,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "28,466.02",
      "totalRefunds": 3.33,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "3.33"
      "id": "SNQ6TFTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 238,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 10953.64,
      "netDepositFormatted": "10,953.64",
      "totalSales": 10953.64,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "10,953.64",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNRK3JDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 583,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 29009.22,
      "netDepositFormatted": "29,009.22",
      "totalSales": 29009.22,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "29,009.22",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNRTVADU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 293,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 10220.47,
      "netDepositFormatted": "10,220.47",
      "totalSales": 10220.47,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "10,220.47",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SNSE2HDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 144,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 8442.06,
      "netDepositFormatted": "8,442.06",
      "totalSales": 8442.06,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "8,442.06",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SOV4GBDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 162,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 7534.13,
      "netDepositFormatted": "7,534.13",
      "totalSales": 7534.13,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "7,534.13",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SOWZYODU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 224,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 10763.65,
      "netDepositFormatted": "10,763.65",
      "totalSales": 10773.69,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "10,773.69",
      "totalRefunds": 10.04,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "10.04"
      "id": "SOXT77DU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 276,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 12528.69,
      "netDepositFormatted": "12,528.69",
      "totalSales": 12528.69,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "12,528.69",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SOXGNLTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 620,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 34943.14,
      "netDepositFormatted": "34,943.14",
      "totalSales": 34993.3,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "34,993.30",
      "totalRefunds": 50.16,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "50.16"
      "id": "SOX5LXTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 586,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 32064.72,
      "netDepositFormatted": "32,064.72",
      "totalSales": 32223.03,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "32,223.03",
      "totalRefunds": 158.31,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "158.31"
      "id": "SOYNB5TU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 232,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 9773.48,
      "netDepositFormatted": "9,773.48",
      "totalSales": 9773.48,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "9,773.48",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SOY7BKDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 148,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 4369.79,
      "netDepositFormatted": "4,369.79",
      "totalSales": 4369.79,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "4,369.79",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SOZOURDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 157,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 7073.39,
      "netDepositFormatted": "7,073.39",
      "totalSales": 7073.39,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "7,073.39",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SOZZADDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 223,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 12427.9,
      "netDepositFormatted": "12,427.90",
      "totalSales": 12427.9,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "12,427.90",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SO2LPBDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 558,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 27126.43,
      "netDepositFormatted": "27,126.43",
      "totalSales": 27126.43,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "27,126.43",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SO2326DU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 275,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 13371.34,
      "netDepositFormatted": "13,371.34",
      "totalSales": 13371.34,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "13,371.34",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SO3K6ETU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 638,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 29393.37,
      "netDepositFormatted": "29,393.37",
      "totalSales": 29393.37,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "29,393.37",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SO375CTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 282,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 10895.79,
      "netDepositFormatted": "10,895.79",
      "totalSales": 10895.79,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "10,895.79",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"
      "id": "SO4UX6TU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 160,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 5154.05,
      "netDepositFormatted": "5,154.05",
      "totalSales": 5194.16,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "5,194.16",
      "totalRefunds": 40.11,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "40.11"
      "id": "SO6OPYTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 169,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 5940.67,
      "netDepositFormatted": "5,940.67",
      "totalSales": 6059.93,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "6,059.93",
      "totalRefunds": 119.26,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "119.26"
      "id": "SO7LQQTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI",
      "transactionCount": 206,
      "batchId": "",
      "feesPaid": 0,
      "feesPaidFormatted": "0.00",
      "netDeposit": 10470.61,
      "netDepositFormatted": "10,470.61",
      "totalSales": 10470.61,
      "totalSalesFormatted": "10,470.61",
      "totalRefunds": 0,
      "totalRefundsFormatted": "0.00"

The API returns detailed information about a specific merchant statement or invoice.

All line items are returned a topographically sorted tree modeling the nested line item structure of the invoice. Details about any payments posted against the invoice are returned.

It the invoice is a merchant statement, details about every merchant deposit that occurred during the statement period are also returned.

Partner Commission Breakdown

Partner Commission Breakdown Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="partner-commission-breakdown" -statementId="<STATEMENT_ID>"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="partner-commission-breakdown" -statementId="<STATEMENT_ID>"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func partnerCommissionBreakdownExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest{}

    response, err := client.PartnerCommissionBreakdown(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Success {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest request = new PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest


// Run the transaction.

PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse response = await blockchyp.PartnerCommissionBreakdownAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse;

public class PartnerCommissionBreakdownExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest request = new PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest();

        // Send the request
        PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse response = client.partnerCommissionBreakdown(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [

$response = BlockChyp::partnerCommissionBreakdown($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {

response = blockchyp.partnerCommissionBreakdown(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {

# run the transaction.
response = client.partner_commission_breakdown(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [client partnerCommissionBreakdownWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"success"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
      client.partnerCommissionBreakdown(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["success"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": false,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "",
  "invoiceId": "YXIYN627J7005FBWAJBKYEIAAQ",
  "partnerName": "Demo Partner, Inc.",
  "partnerStatementId": "SCH34K3JAEI65EJNAJBKYEIAAI",
  "partnerStatementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z",
  "merchantId": "W5JCF4NVXAI6ZE6K700KYEIAAI",
  "merchantCompanyName": "Tacos Panjamo",
  "merchantDbaName": "Tacos Panjamo",
  "grandTotal": 8058.21,
  "grandTotalFormatted": "8,058.21",
  "totalFees": 8058.21,
  "totalFeesFormatted": "8,058.21",
  "totalDue": 0,
  "totalDueFormatted": "0.00",
  "totalVolume": 486611.83,
  "totalVolumeFormatted": "486,611.83",
  "totalTransactions": 9628,
  "partnerResidual": 332.88,
  "partnerResidualFormatted": "332.88",
  "interchange": 6175.64,
  "interchangeFormatted": "6,175.64",
  "assessments": 653.05,
  "assessmentsFormatted": "653.05",
  "totalPassthrough": 6828.69,
  "totalPassthroughFormatted": "6,828.69",
  "totalNonPassthrough": 215.83,
  "totalNonPassthroughFormatted": "215.83",
  "totalCardBrandFees": 7044.52,
  "totalCardBrandFeesFormatted": "7,044.52",
  "totalBuyRate": 7398.54,
  "totalBuyRateFormatted": "7,398.54",
  "buyRateBeforePassthrough": 569.85,
  "buyRateBeforePassthroughFormatted": "569.85",
  "netMarkup": 443.84,
  "netMarkupFormatted": "443.84",
  "partnerNonPassthroughShare": 161.87,
  "partnerNonPassthroughShareFormatted": "161.87",
  "chargebackFees": 0,
  "chargebackFeesFormatted": "0.00",
  "chargebackCount": 0,
  "partnerPercentage": 0.75,
  "partnerPercentageFormatted": "75%",
  "buyRateLineItems": [
      "description": "Standard",
      "volume": 180755.76,
      "volumeFormatted": "180,755.76",
      "volumeRate": 0.00015,
      "volumeRateFormatted": "0.015%",
      "count": 2485,
      "countRate": 0.02,
      "countRateFormatted": "0.02",
      "rateSummary": "180,755.76 @ 0.015%, 2,485 X 0.02",
      "total": 103.94,
      "totalFormatted": "103.94"
      "description": "Premium",
      "volume": 19751.28,
      "volumeFormatted": "19,751.28",
      "volumeRate": 0.0012,
      "volumeRateFormatted": "0.12%",
      "count": 160,
      "countRate": 0.07,
      "countRateFormatted": "0.07",
      "rateSummary": "19,751.28 @ 0.12%, 160 X 0.07",
      "total": 58.62,
      "totalFormatted": "58.62"
      "description": "Debit",
      "volume": 286486,
      "volumeFormatted": "286,486.00",
      "volumeRate": 0.00015,
      "volumeRateFormatted": "0.015%",
      "count": 6983,
      "countRate": 0.045,
      "countRateFormatted": "0.045",
      "rateSummary": "286,486.00 @ 0.015%, 6,983 X 0.045",
      "total": 400.19,
      "totalFormatted": "400.19"
      "description": "Batch Fees",
      "volume": 0,
      "volumeFormatted": "",
      "volumeRate": 0,
      "volumeRateFormatted": "",
      "count": 30,
      "countRate": 0.07,
      "countRateFormatted": "0.07",
      "rateSummary": "30 X 0.07",
      "total": 2.1,
      "totalFormatted": "2.10"
      "description": "Monthly",
      "volume": 0,
      "volumeFormatted": "",
      "volumeRate": 0,
      "volumeRateFormatted": "",
      "count": 1,
      "countRate": 5,
      "countRateFormatted": "5.00",
      "rateSummary": "1 X 5.00",
      "total": 5,
      "totalFormatted": "5.00"
  "revenueDetails": [
      "id": "",
      "description": "Total Acquiring Revenue",
      "expandable": false,
      "negative": false,
      "total": 8058.21,
      "totalFormatted": "8,058.21",
      "perTranFeeRange": null,
      "transactionPercentageRange": null,
      "detailLines": [
          "id": "",
          "description": "WAB",
          "expandable": false,
          "negative": false,
          "total": 8058.21,
          "totalFormatted": "8,058.21",
          "perTranFeeRange": null,
          "transactionPercentageRange": null,
          "detailLines": [
              "id": "",
              "description": "BlockChyp Fees",
              "expandable": false,
              "negative": false,
              "total": 2430.02,
              "totalFormatted": "2,430.02",
              "perTranFeeRange": null,
              "transactionPercentageRange": null,
              "detailLines": null
              "id": "",
              "description": "Interchange Fees",
              "expandable": false,
              "negative": false,
              "total": 12351.28,
              "totalFormatted": "12,351.28",
              "perTranFeeRange": null,
              "transactionPercentageRange": null,
              "detailLines": null
              "id": "",
              "description": "Misc Fees",
              "expandable": false,
              "negative": false,
              "total": 20,
              "totalFormatted": "20.00",
              "perTranFeeRange": null,
              "transactionPercentageRange": null,
              "detailLines": null
              "id": "",
              "description": "Other Passthrough Fees",
              "expandable": false,
              "negative": false,
              "total": 1315.12,
              "totalFormatted": "1,315.12",
              "perTranFeeRange": null,
              "transactionPercentageRange": null,
              "detailLines": null
  "cardBrandCostDetails": [
      "id": "",
      "description": "Total Card Brand Costs",
      "expandable": false,
      "negative": false,
      "total": 7044.52,
      "totalFormatted": "7,044.52",
      "perTranFeeRange": null,
      "transactionPercentageRange": null,
      "detailLines": [
          "id": "",
          "description": "WAB",
          "expandable": false,
          "negative": false,
          "total": 7044.52,
          "totalFormatted": "7,044.52",
          "perTranFeeRange": null,
          "transactionPercentageRange": null,
          "detailLines": [
              "id": "",
              "description": "Passthrough Fees",
              "expandable": false,
              "negative": false,
              "total": 6828.69,
              "totalFormatted": "6,828.69",
              "perTranFeeRange": null,
              "transactionPercentageRange": null,
              "detailLines": [
                  "id": "",
                  "description": "Interchange Fees",
                  "expandable": false,
                  "negative": false,
                  "total": 6175.64,
                  "totalFormatted": "6,175.64",
                  "perTranFeeRange": null,
                  "transactionPercentageRange": null,
                  "detailLines": [
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              "perTranFeeRange": null,
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                      "perTranFeeRange": {
                        "min": "0.0018",
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                        "min": "0.019",
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                        "max": "0%"
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                      "perTranFeeRange": {
                        "min": "0.0025",
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                      "transactionPercentageRange": {
                        "min": "0%",
                        "avg": "0%",
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                  "perTranFeeRange": null,
                  "transactionPercentageRange": null,
                  "detailLines": [
                      "id": "",
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                      "perTranFeeRange": {
                        "min": "0.02",
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                        "min": "0%",
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              "id": "",
              "description": "Ignored Costs",
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              "total": 0,
              "totalFormatted": "0.00",
              "perTranFeeRange": null,
              "transactionPercentageRange": null,
              "detailLines": null

This API allows partners to pull down the low level data used to compute a partner commission for a specific merchant statement.

The statementId is required and must be the id of a valid merchant invoice of type statement.

Authorization Responses

When you execute authorization requests via terminals or directly via the gateway, BlockChyp returns just about everything except PCI scoped information.

While much of this information is self-documenting, we thought it might be helpful to provide a bit more detail on the fields returned by a transaction.

In this section, we'll show a typical sample response and provide a detailed documentation for all the fields.

Sample response for an EMV contact transaction:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "688149",
  "transactionRef": "30188518136",
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "timestamp": "2020-05-04T18:50:22Z",
  "tickBlock": "0003d28eb5d1b62e9b8d4337a9a62d3403ab0fe419839048042c380f584983a5",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "103.81",
  "authorizedAmount": "103.81",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "aid": "A0000000031010",
    "arqc": "A84402A0BC10D1F5",
    "iad": "06010A03A0B800",
    "tvr": "8000008800",
    "tsi": "6800",
    "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test",
    "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "103.81",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP",
    "cashBackAmount": "0.00",
    "surcharge": "3.81",
    "cashDiscount": "0.00"
  "customer": {
    "customerRef": "",
    "firstName": "Peter",
    "lastName": "Gregory",
    "companyName": "Raviga Capital",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "smsNumber": "9136488888",
    "paymentMethods": null
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false
Field Description
success Returns true if no unexpected error occurred processing the transaction. This doesn't mean the transaction was approved; just that no unexpected error occurred. If this value is false, it usually indicates network trouble, a bad configuration, or invalid parameters.
error If success is false, this field will include some text describing the error.
responseDescription A narrative description of the response. There are no hard coded values for this field, so don't hard code any string tests when using this field.
approved Returns true if the transaction was approved.
authCode Authorization code returned by the payment card network.
transactionId BlockChyp assigned ID for the transaction. You'll need this for capturing preauths, voids, or giving refunds. You should store it in your transaction records.
transactionRef If you passed in a transactionRef with the authorization request (which you should definitely do), it will be echoed back here.
transactionType Echoes back the transaction type. For a terminal transaction, will be charge, preauth, enroll, or refund.
timestamp The date and time BlockChyp processed the transaction in ISO-8601 format. Always returned in UTC.
tickBlock The most recent clockchain hash when the transaction was processed. You don't really need to worry about this unless you're dealing with low level blockchain stuff.
test A boolean flag indicating that this was a test transaction.
partialAuth Flag indicates that the transaction was a partial auth, meaning that the transaction was authorized for an amount less than the requested amount. If your system supports gift cards, you'll need to check for this.
altCurrency A flag indicating that the transaction was paid for in a different currency than the request.
fasAuth A flag indicating that the customer presented an FSA or HSA card for payment.
currencyCode The three character ISO code for the currency used for the transaction. Since BlockChyp is currently US only, this will almost always be USD.
requestedAmount Amount requested for the transaction.
authorizedAmount Amount authorized for the transaction. This will usually be the same as requestedAmount unless the transaction was declined or a partial authorization.
entryMethod Indicates the entry method. For Contact EMV, this will be CHIP.
paymentType Indicates the card association or card type. VISA, MC, DEBIT, etc.
maskedPan The card number with all digits other than the last four masked out.
cardHolder The card holder's name.
receiptSuggestions A collection of fields that we strongly recommend you put on all printed receipts. If you put all these fields on your receipts, 90% of the stuff you'll need to do to ensure you're following all the EMV rules is done.
aid Application Identifier. Taken from EMV tag 9F06, this identifies the app on the chip selected by the terminal. Required on all EMV receipts.
arqc Application Cryptogram. Taken from EMV tag 9F26, this is the unique transaction signature generated by the chip. This is not required on receipts, but we recommend it because this value is real proof that a chip was present.
iad Issuer Application Data. Taken from EMV tag 9F10, this is pass through information generated by the card issuer's chip application. Purpose and content vary by card issuer.
tvr Terminal Verification Response. Taken from EMV tag 95, this is a bitfield that documents what steps the terminal took to verify the card.
tsi Transaction Status Information. Taken from EMV tag 9B, this is a bitfield that documents all the risk management steps performed to authorize the transaction, whether done by the chip or the terminal.
merchantName Merchant's name as it should appear on the receipt.
applicationLabel The human readable application name that goes along with the AID.
requestSignature This will be true if the transaction requires a written signature and the terminal didn't capture it. It's under receipt suggestions since it means you'll need to put a signature line on the printed receipt.
cashBackAmount Indicates the amount of cash back the customer requested if this was a debit transaction
surcharge For cash discount and surcharge enabled accounts, returns the surcharge applied to the transaction.
cashDiscount If payment method was a debit card and the merchant is using cash discounting, this will return the offsetting cash discount.
customer If a customer was created as part of the transaction or if the presented card was previously associated with a customer record, the full customer record is returned.
whiteListedCard This field returns detailed card information if the card belongs to a white listed BIN. This has to be configured on a per merchant basis. This allows developers to use the terminal as a dumb terminal and process the payment on their own. This is typically only used for corporate gift card systems.
storeAndForward A flag indicating that the transaction was conditionally authorized offline as a store and forward transaction.

Working With Signatures

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -type="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -type="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func chargeExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Amount:       "55.00",
    SigFormat: blockchyp.SignatureFormatPNG,
    SigWidth: 400,

    response, err := client.Charge(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Amount = "55.00",
    SigFormat = SignatureFormat.PNG,
    SigWidth = 400,

// Run the transaction.
AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.ChargeAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class ChargeExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.charge(request);

        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);


// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '55.00',
    'sigFormat' => BlockChyp::SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG,
    'sigWidth' => 400,

$response = BlockChyp::charge($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  "test": true,
  "terminalName": 'Test Terminal',
  "amount": '55.00'
  "sigFormat": SignatureFormat::PNG,
  "sigWidth": 400,

response = blockchyp.charge(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "amount": "55.00",
    "sigFormat": blockchyp.SignatureFormat.PNG,
    "sigWidth": 400,

# run the transaction.
response = client.charge(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

  let BlockChyp = require("BlockChyp");

  let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
      bearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
      signingKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947"

  // setup request object
  request = {
      test: true,
      terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
      amount: '55.00',
      sigFormat: SignatureFormat.PNG,
      sigWidth: 400,

  response = client.charge(request)

  // view the result
  console.log("Response: " + JSON.stringify(response))

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request[@"test"] = @YES;
  request[@"terminalName"] = @"Test Terminal";
  request[@"amount"] = @"55.00";
  request[@"sigFormat"] = SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG;
  request[@"sigWidth"] = @400;
  [client chargeWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
    NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authCode", [response objectForKey:@"authCode"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authorizedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"authorizedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["amount"] = "55.00"
    request["sigFormat"] = SIGNATURE_FORMAT_PNG
    request["sigWidth"] = 400
    client.charge(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
      let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("authCode" + ": " + (response["authCode"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("authorizedAmount" + ": " + (response["authorizedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "052509",
  "transactionId": "KJ3DPHULBAI6VOTSNSLM7WZLHE",
  "transactionRef": "04781125618",
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "timestamp": "2020-04-30T18:28:10Z",
  "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "25.00",
  "authorizedAmount": "25.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "paymentType": "VISA",
  "maskedPan": "************0010",
  "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04",
  "avsResponse": "",

  // sig file returned in hex if sigFile output not specified

  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "aid": "A0000000031010",
    "arqc": "BDFD1A64620D9382",
    "iad": "06010A03A0B800",
    "tvr": "8000008800",
    "tsi": "6800",
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************0010",
    "authorizedAmount": "25.00",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "entryMethod": "CHIP",
    "cashBackAmount": "0.00",
    "surcharge": "0.00",
    "cashDiscount": "0.00"
  "customer": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

Believe it or not, we still live in a world where people sometimes have to sign their names. This might be in the context of a payment transaction or it could be in the context of signing an agreement.

No matter the context, written signatures in BlockChyp are always handled the same way.

When Are Signatures Required?

It used to be always in the days before EMV. These days it's more complicated. For Terms and Conditions requests, the answer is always unless you specifically disable signature capture. (Not common.)

For terminal transactions, it depends on the outcome of a conversation between the card and the terminal. If the card and the terminal can't use some other form of customer verification (like a PIN code), the terminal will usually prompt for a signature. Mag stripe cards (other than gift or EBT) will always prompt for a signature.

Disabling Signatures

You can disable signatures in the merchant profile or you can pass in a disableSignature flag with a transaction. This will bypass electronic signature capture. Bear in mind that the signature CVM requirement doesn't go away just because you pass in the flag. For payment transactions, you'll still usually need to capture a signature. Check the requestSignature flag under receiptSuggestions to determine if you need to get a written signature on the receipt. This will ensure your receipts are always compliant and you won't have to worry about the rules.

Default Behavior

Signatures are typically only needed during audits or fraud investigations and for that reason we don't burden you with storing them by default. We store the signatures in our system for all payment and Terms & Conditions transactions. If you need to view or audit a signature, just bring up the T&C Log entry or transaction in the BlockChyp dashboard and you'll be able to inspect it.

The only exception are signatures captured with the direct Capture Signature API. This is considered a low level terminal API so you'll have to do some extra work to get your hands on these signatures.

Getting Signature Images

If for some reason you actually want signature images you can pass in a few extra parameters with your request and get signatures back in a common raster format. BlockChyp can return the image as hexadecimal encoded binary as part of the response (see the example response) or you can specify a file location the image should be exported to.

Gift Cards

The BlockChyp gift card system is quite a bit different from conventional gift cards. Conventional gift cards, just like credit cards, typically rely on 16 digit primary account numbers. These numbers are relatively easy to guess via brute force, which makes them vulnerable to a host of security problems. But unlike conventional credit card numbers, gift cards aren’t protected by PCI and often implemented by white listing gift card BIN ranges. They’re usually the most insecure part of any payment system.

BlockChyp gift cards do have 16 digit numbers printed on them for familiarity and convenience, but these numbers are for identification purposes only. Under the hood every BlockChyp gift card has a unique set of P256 elliptic curve keys.

The elliptic curve keys are used to open a new blockchain when new gift cards are activated and, as the card is redeemed and recharged, the keys are used to sign transactions. This means that shared secrets (i.e. primary account numbers) are never transmitted over the network with a BlockChyp gift card transaction. The transaction could be intercepted or sent in the clear and not compromise the gift card.

We’ve gone through a lot of trouble to insulate developers from dealing with blockchain details. BlockChyp gift card transactions are like any other transaction with the exception of how gift cards are identified. Authorization requests for gift card transactions return the elliptic curve public key in the publicKey field. If you need to keep track of gift cards in your SaaS or point-of-sale systems, use the public key. A remaining balance is also returned with every gift card authorization.

Although you don’t have to understand blockchain technology to work with BlockChyp gift cards, the merchant and developer dashboards expose methods of browsing and viewing the raw blockchain for the curious.

Third Party Gift Cards

For merchants with existing gift card liability, these gift cards can be easily imported into BlockChyp. Simply provide your liability report to your BlockChyp representative. BlockChyp will review the liability data and import the gift cards into your BlockChyp account.

Third party gift cards are redeemed just like BlockChyp gift cards. Simply swipe them on the terminal at the present card prompt.

BIN Range White Listing

In the event that developers need to process certain card types outside of BlockChyp, it is possible to white list BIN ranges and have the raw card data returned. Configuring a merchant account for white listing does require a security review by BlockChyp. If you need to white list a BIN range, contact BlockChyp support to complete the setup.


Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -type="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00" -ebt

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -type="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00" -ebt
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func chargeExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        Test:         true,
        TerminalName: "Test Terminal",
        Amount:       "55.00",
    CardType:     blockchyp.CardTypeEBT,

    response, err := client.Charge(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Amount = "55.00",
    CardType = CardType.EBT,

// Run the transaction.
AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.ChargeAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class ChargeExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.charge(request);

        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);


// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '55.00',
    'cardType' => BlockChyp::CARD_TYPE_EBT,

$response = BlockChyp::charge($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  "test": true,
  "terminalName": 'Test Terminal',
  "amount": '55.00',
  "cardType": CardType::EBT,

response = blockchyp.charge(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "amount": "55.00",
    "cardType": blockchyp.CardType.EBT,

# run the transaction.
response = client.charge(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

  let BlockChyp = require("BlockChyp");

  let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
      bearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
      signingKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947"

  // setup request object
  request = {
      test: true,
      terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
      amount: '55.00',
      cardType: CardType.EBT,

  response = client.charge(request)

  // view the result
  console.log("Response: " + JSON.stringify(response))

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request[@"test"] = @YES;
  request[@"terminalName"] = @"Test Terminal";
  request[@"amount"] = @"55.00";
  request[@"cardType"] = CARD_TYPE_EBT;
  [client chargeWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
    NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authCode", [response objectForKey:@"authCode"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authorizedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"authorizedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["amount"] = "55.00"
    request["cardType"] = CARD_TYPE_EBT
    client.charge(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
      let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("authCode" + ": " + (response["authCode"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)
      NSLog("authorizedAmount" + ": " + (response["authorizedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "approved",
  "approved": true,
  "authCode": "353248",
  "transactionId": "CMKSS74OHAI6VG24AJBKYEIAAM",
  "transactionRef": "30828430488",
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "timestamp": "2020-05-04T22:25:08Z",
  "tickBlock": "000f694d8d7b497ae3730e92bb84af0c441ed66cd7200176aaf6c699052f8bf5",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "55.00",
  "authorizedAmount": "55.00",
  "remainingBalance": "45.00",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "entryMethod": "SWIPE",
  "paymentType": "EBT",
  "maskedPan": "************1112",
  "cardHolder": "BEGHETTI/NELSON",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "maskedPan": "************1112",
    "authorizedAmount": "55.00",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "entryMethod": "SWIPE",
    "pinVerified": true,
    "cashBackAmount": "0.00",
    "surcharge": "0.00",
    "cashDiscount": "0.00"
  "customer": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) cards are payment cards used in the United States to access government food assistance programs. They replaced food stamps some years ago and help prevent people who are struggling financially from going hungry.

Unfortunately EBT is an often overlooked part of a payments system since most of us who build payment systems for a living are fortunate enough to not need them.

At BlockChyp we believe payment methods intended to help people who are struggling deserve extra effort and scrutiny. If you've ever been at the grocery store behind a mother when the WIC or EBT redemption processes were slow or glitchy, you've seen the human cost of a poorly implemented EBT system.

EBT systems should be simple and fast so as not to attract attention and spare EBT cardholders any unnecessary embarrassment or anxiety.

Luckily supporting EBT in BlockChyp is easy. To run an EBT transaction, just set the ebt flag when you run a normal charge transaction.

This will put the terminal in EBT mode, prompt the user for their EBT pin and execute the transaction. As a courtesy, we'll even return the remaining balance on the card as part of the transaction response.

Manual EBT

EBT cards get beat up and their magnetic stripes wear out just like conventional mag stripe cards. For this reason, we support a keyed entry mode for EBT cards. Just set the manual flag along with ebt to run a manual EBT transaction.

Balance Checks

The Balance API referenced above can be used to check the remaining balance on an EBT card without running a transaction. Just set the ebt flag or CardType. You can likewise check the balance of a manually entered EBT card by adding the manual flag.


Charge Example:

Linux/Mac OS: ./blockchyp -test -cmd="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00" -crypto="ANY"

Windows: ./blockchyp.exe -test -cmd="charge" -terminal="Test Terminal" -amount="25.00" -crypto="ANY"
package main

import (

    blockchyp ""

func chargeExample() {
    // sample credentials
    creds := blockchyp.APICredentials{
        BearerToken: "ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U",
        SigningKey:  "9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947",

    // instantiate the client
    client := blockchyp.NewClient(creds)

    // setup request object
    request := blockchyp.AuthorizationRequest{
        Test:           true,
        TerminalName:   "Test Terminal",
        Amount:         "55.00",
        Cryptocurrency: "ANY",

    response, err := client.Charge(request)

    if err != nil {

    //process the result
    if response.Approved {

    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", response)

// Populate request parameters.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest
    Test = true,
    TerminalName = "Test Terminal",
    Amount = "55.00",
    Cryptocurrency = "ANY",

// Run the transaction.

AuthorizationResponse response = await blockchyp.ChargeAsync(request);

// View the result.

package com.blockchyp.client.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import com.blockchyp.client.APICredentials;
import com.blockchyp.client.BlockChypClient;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.blockchyp.client.dto.AuthorizationResponse;

public class ChargeExample {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        APICredentials creds = new APICredentials();

        BlockChypClient client = new BlockChypClient(creds);

        // Set request parameters
        AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest();
        request.setTerminalName("Test Terminal");

        // Send the request
        AuthorizationResponse response = client.charge(request);
        // View the result
        System.out.println("Response: " + prettyPrint(response));


    public static String prettyPrint(Object object) throws Exception {

        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper()

        return object.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + ": "
            + writer.writeValueAsString(object);



// For composer based systems

// For manual installation

use BlockChyp\BlockChyp;


// Populate request values
$request = [
    'test' => true,
    'terminalName' => 'Test Terminal',
    'amount' => '55.00',
    'cryptocurrency' => 'ANY',

$response = BlockChyp::charge($request);

// View the result
echo 'Response: ' . print_r($response, true) . PHP_EOL;

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'blockchyp'

blockchyp =

# Set request parameters
request = {
  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '55.00'
  cryptocurrency: 'ANY'

response = blockchyp.charge(request)

puts "Response: #{response.inspect}"

import os

import blockchyp

# initialize a client.
client = blockchyp.Client(

# populate request parameters.
request = {
    "test": True,
    "terminalName": "Test Terminal",
    "amount": "55.00",
    "cryptocurrency": "ANY",

# run the transaction.
response = client.charge(request)

print("Response: %r" % response)

let BlockChyp = require('@blockchyp/blockchyp-js');

let client = BlockChyp.newClient({
  bearerToken: 'ZLBW5NR4U5PKD5PNP3ZP3OZS5U',
  signingKey: '9c6a5e8e763df1c9256e3d72bd7f53dfbd07312938131c75b3bfd254da787947'

  test: true,
  terminalName: 'Test Terminal',
  amount: '55.00',
  cryptocurrency: 'ANY',
.then(function (response) {
    console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(
  .catch(function (error) {

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <BlockChyp/BlockChyp.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  BlockChyp *client = [[BlockChyp alloc]

  NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  request["test"] = true
  request["terminalName"] = @"Test Terminal"
  request["amount"] = @"55.00"
  request["cryptocurrency"] = @"ANY"
    [client chargeWithRequest:request handler:^(NSDictionary *request, NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
      NSNumber *success = [response objectForKey:@"approved"];
    if (success.boolValue) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authCode", [response objectForKey:@"authCode"])
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", @"authorizedAmount", [response objectForKey:@"authorizedAmount"])
  [pool drain];
  return 0;

import BlockChyp

class ExampleClass {

  func example() {
    let client = BlockChyp.init(
      apiKey: "ZN5WQGX5PN6BE2MF75CEAWRETM",
      signingKey: "7c1b9e4d1308e7bbe76a1920ddd9449ce50af2629f6bb70ed3c110365935970b"

    var request: [String:Any] = [:]
    request["test"] = true
    request["terminalName"] = "Test Terminal"
    request["amount"] = "55.00"
    request["cryptocurrency"] = "ANY"
      client.charge(withRequest: request, handler: { (request, response, error) in
        let approved = response["approved"] as? Bool
      if (approved.unsafelyUnwrapped) {
      NSLog("authorizedAmount" + ": " + (response["authorizedAmount"] as? String).unsafelyUnwrapped)

Example response encoded as JSON:

  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "responseDescription": "pending-confirmation",
  "approved": false,
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "timestamp": "2022-06-08T21:47:22Z",
  "tickBlock": "000c235065f7e89c264efffca8d05c7d4f85c3c78362faf9855c010c72eb46d2",
  "test": true,
  "partialAuth": false,
  "altCurrency": false,
  "fsaAuth": false,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "requestedAmount": "4.20",
  "authorizedAmount": "0.00",
  "remainingBalance": "",
  "tipAmount": "0.00",
  "taxAmount": "0.00",
  "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
  "confirmed": false,
  "cryptoAuthorizedAmount": "0.00013862",
  "cryptoNetworkFee": "0.000001410",
  "cryptocurrency": "BTC",
  "cryptoNetwork": "L1",
  "cryptoReceiveAddress": "tb1qvsktxrcefpy5cvvvhsn2rs8f6hnynmgnp98v9h",
  "cryptoBlock": "",
  "cryptoTransactionId": "e39385e8a1bbd4e855a7ab11ab09995fcbcb445df77be55af91807b989612f8e",
  "cryptoPaymentRequest": "bitcoin:tb1qvsktxrcefpy5cvvvhsn2rs8f6hnynmgnp98v9h?amount=0.00013862&label=CLI+Regression+Test",
  "cryptoStatus": "pending-confirmation",
  "entryMethod": "CRYPTO",
  "paymentType": "BTC",
  "avsResponse": "",
  "receiptSuggestions": {
    "terminalId": "N27CXMG5KYI6ZH5DAJBKYEIAAM",
    "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test",
    "requestSignature": false,
    "authorizedAmount": "0.00",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "entryMethod": "CRYPTO"
  "customer": null,
  "customers": null,
  "whiteListedCard": null,
  "storeAndForward": false

BlockChyp has recently unveiled basic support for cryptocurrency transactions including Bitcoin. The development effort required to support crypto is minimal, but some development effort is needed in order to avoid confusing end of day procedures.

For example, if crypto were treated as just another payment method, it could lead to discrepancies between actual merchant deposits and expected deposits.

Running a crypto transaction is identical to a normal charge transaction, with one exception. Cryptocurrency transactions are enabled via the crypto parameter. Developers can pass in a three digit currency code to specify a specific cryptocurrency, or ANY in order to support any cryptocurrency the merchant may have enabled. Use of the ANY value will ensure that your point-of-sale system doesn't need updating as BlockChyp rolls out support for additional cryptocurrencies or second level networks over time.

When a crypto transaction is initiated, the terminal will convert the amount requested into the selected cryptocurrency at the current exchange rate (updated every ten minutes) and display a QR code on the terminal. The customer is then prompted to use their mobile crypto wallet to submit a transaction directly to the network. BlockChyp will scan the blockchain and provide a response to the terminal once the transaction is detected on the public crypto network.

Since crypto transactions aren't always confirmed right away, the approved flag is normally returned as false until a transaction is confirmed. Developers should look at the cryptocurrency fields in the response to determine which cryptocurrency was used, the exchange rate, fee paid by the sender and other relevant fields.

Developers should consider a transaction paid when the cryptoStatus field is pending-confirmation or confirmed.

Crypto Response Fields

The fields below are unique to crypto transactions and may be needed to properly support crypto transactions in point-of-sale systems.

Crypto Batches

To avoid confusing FIAT (US Dollar) transactions with cryptocurrency transactions, crypto transactions are grouped into special batches called crypto batches. This means that a merchant that does a mixture of conventional payments and crypto payments will have two batches per day.


As of this writing, BlockChyp only supports Level 1 Bitcoin transactions, but Lightning support and other cryptocurrency support is planned. In order to receive Bitcoin, Merchants must first enable Bitcoin in the Cryptocurrency settings section of the merchant portal and configure a default receive address. Merchants may optionally enable Custom Bitcoin Addresses if the point of sale solution has access to the hot Bitcoin wallet and the capability to generate unique receive addresses for each transaction. Otherwise, leave Custom Bitcoin Addresses disabled.

By default, Merchants are responsible for creating their own wallets or opening their own exchange accounts to receive and manage their Bitcoin.

Confirmation Time and Risk

Bitcoin transactions on the main blockchain are not instantaneous and care should be taken to prevent fraud. In order for a Bitcoin transaction to be considered irreversible, it's customary to wait for six confirmations. This means that a transaction is picked up by a miner, placed into a block, and five additional blocks are produced/mined by the network. This can take several hours. We recommend developers verify that crypto transactions are confirmed as part of closing or end of day procedures via the Transaction Status API.

We also recommend that merchants take steps to either prevent the release of merchandise or services until crypto transactions are fully confirmed or set an upper limit on the value of merchandise that can be released without confirmation. BlockChyp will provide warnings when an unconfirmed Bitcoin transaction is likely to be fraudulent due to paying below market transaction fees.

Bitcoin Refunds

Bitcoin refunds require access to the merchant's wallet and are not supported at this time. In order to process a refund, the merchant must use their wallet or crypto exchange and process the refund manually.

Testing Bitcoin Transactions

All test merchant accounts assume use of Bitcoin's testnet3 network and blockchain. In order to test Bitcoin transactions, we recommend you download a mobile wallet with testnet support (like Bitpay) and configure a testnet3 wallet. There are a number of public testnet3 faucets that can be used to obtain testnet3 Bitcoin for testing.

Cash Discounting

Cash discounting is another payments industry nonsense term. The payments industry frequently uses the word discount when they mean fees, and this is no exception. Cash discounting is the practice of adding surcharges to cover credit card processing fees and removing those fees (or discounting them) when the customer pays in cash or with a debit card.

BlockChyp begrudgingly supports cash discounting in several different ways.


This method treats cash and debit transactions normally and only adds a surcharge when an eligible credit card is presented.

Use the surcharge flag by itself to enable this method.

Surcharging With Cash Discounting

This method adds a surcharge to all transactions, but adds an offsetting cash discount when a Debit, EBT, or Gift Card is presented.

Use the surcharge and the cashDiscount flags to enable this method.

True Cash Discounting

This method never applies a surcharge, but may apply an automatic discount if the customer pays with Debit, Gift Card or EBT. This is probably the most honest way to support cash discounting, but it requires that merchants raise their prices in order to build the credit card fees in. It's usually not what's intended.

Use the cashDiscount flag by itself to support this method.

Merchant Setup

Only merchants on Flat Rate pricing are eligible for Cash Discounting since interchange rates are not known in real time. There are additional underwriting steps for cash discount merchants.

Testing Cash Discounting

To enable a test merchant account for cash discounting, login into the developer portal, bring up the test merchant you'd like to configure and click 'TEST SETTINGS'.

Here you'll see an option for enabling cash discounting and setting test pricing.

Fractional Pennies With Split Payments

Surcharging often involves rounding fractional pennies to arrive at a final surcharge total. By default, all fractional pennies are rounded up to the nearest penny. This is normally fine, but in a split tender situation rounding up all payments can end up overcharging the customer by an extra penny.

To prevent this issue, developers can override the default rounding mode by passing in an alternate rounding mode parameter with an authorization request. Supported values for this parameter are up, down, and nearest.

Note that rounding mode impacts surcharge calculations only and won't impact any other aspect of the transaction.

Cloud Relay Mode

By default, BlockChyp communicates with terminals over the local network. Terminals announce their local IP address as part of the activation process and continually update it as DHCP leases expire. The SDKs also have some fault tolerance and failure handling logic built in to keep terminals up and running even if internet access is down.

This is great if your system is running on the same network as the terminal, but an increasing number of point-of-sale systems are cloud based. If your system is one of these cloud based systems, local communication with the payment terminal isn't possible.

This is why we have cloud relay mode. In cloud relay mode, the SDKs route all terminal requests through our secure cloud and back down to the destination terminals (without requiring any custom router or firewall configuration).

You don't code for cloud relay any differently than you code for locally networked terminals. It's all handled under the SDK abstraction. This means that if your system has cloud based and on prem deployment models, you can use the same code.

Enabling Cloud Relay

Cloud relay is turned on during terminal activation. Just check the extra box during activation to enable it.

The Down Side of Cloud Relay

Store and Forward

Store and forward example response:

"success": true,
"error": "",
"responseDescription": "Approved Offline (SF)",
"approved": true,
"authCode": "000000",
"transactionId": "",
"transactionRef": "54300670144",
"transactionType": "charge",
"timestamp": "2020-05-04T23:39:05Z",
"tickBlock": "",
"test": true,
"partialAuth": false,
"altCurrency": false,
"fsaAuth": false,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"requestedAmount": "7.77",
"authorizedAmount": "7.77",
"remainingBalance": "",
"tipAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "0.00",
"requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
"authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00",
"entryMethod": "CHIP",
"paymentType": "DISC",
"maskedPan": "************0133",
"cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 15",
"avsResponse": "",
"receiptSuggestions": {
  "aid": "A0000001523010",
  "arqc": "BA5ABFB8BC87C15A",
  "iad": "0106A00003400000",
  "tvr": "8000048800",
  "tsi": "6800",
  "applicationLabel": "DISCOVER",
  "requestSignature": false,
  "maskedPan": "************0133",
  "authorizedAmount": "7.77",
  "transactionType": "charge",
  "entryMethod": "CHIP",
  "pinVerified": true,
  "cashBackAmount": "0.00",
  "surcharge": "0.00",
  "cashDiscount": "0.00"
"customer": null,
"whiteListedCard": null,
"storeAndForward": true

Sometimes the Internet goes down.

BlockChyp's store and forward system allows merchants to keep processing transactions on a restricted basis even if the internet is down and we're unable to obtain online authorizations. Offline transactions are encrypted and stored in the terminal's flash memory until Internet service is restored. Terminals can store up to 100 offline transactions.

There's no special coding required to unlock this functionality although you may want to keep track of store and forward transactions in your system so you can check to make sure they went through later. S&F transactions are always identified with the storeAndForward flag.

If you plan to support store and forward, you might consider keeping track of transactions that return this flag and use the Transaction Status API to get the online authorization status of transactions once they finally make it to the gateway.

Enabling Store and Forward

Store and Forward must be specifically enabled in the merchant profile and merchants must choose a floor limit. The terminal will authorize transactions below the floor limit offline and reject transactions above the floor limit.

The Risk

When using store and forward, the merchant is accepting the risk that some transactions may be declined online. There's usually no recourse in these situations, so store and forward should be used carefully or not at all in industries with high decline rates. In some cases our underwriters may disable it outright.

Testing Store and Forward

Testing this sort of thing has been historically tricky. The processors just tell us it works and we hope they turn out to be right. Usually they're not.

Of course, you could always just unplug your Internet every time you want to test Store and Forward. And you should try that at least once, just so you know it really works, but it's not a good idea to knock the whole office offline every time you want to test it.

For this reason, we have special trigger values that allow you to simulate Store and Forward transactions. Because you'll want to test transactions above or below the floor limit, instead of a single trigger value, we support any amount with all sevens.

For example, all of the following are valid store and forward simulation trigger amounts:

You get the idea. When you run a transaction against a test merchant account with one of these trigger amounts, the terminal will simulate a network failure during authorization. You'll get the same response you'd get for a live Store and Forward transaction.

The terminal will wait two minutes and then enter an exponential retry loop to obtain online authorization just like it would with a real network outage.

If your network is healthy, you should see your transaction in the gateway batch history within 2-3 minutes.

Receipt Requirements

  "cardHolder":"Test/Card 01              ",
    "merchantName":"Test Merchant",
    "applicationLabel":"VISA CREDIT",

BlockChyp API responses include information that most developers will use to create printed receipts. Consider the sample transaction response.

The response includes a number of fields consumers are used to seeing on receipts such as masked PAN and auth code.

It also includes a receiptSuggestions section that collects all EMV fields we recommend putting on your receipts.

Not all card brands have the same requirements, but if you always include the following data elements on all receipts, your receipts will be compliant with all card brand receipt requirements and recommendations.

Web Tokenizer

BlockChyp was created to make terminal based payments simpler and easier, but we still do e-commerce, even for ourselves when merchants buy terminals.

We support e-commerce in a variety of architectures, from direct use of the API (which would put e-commerce developers in PCI scope) to the more modern approach of in-browser tokenization.

The BlockChyp Tokenizer is a JavaScript library you can embed in web applications to capture and tokenize payment methods. It captures sensitive card data in a cross origin hosted iframe, keeping your system out of PCI Scope. You get back a token you can then use to interact with the BlockChyp core APIs just like any other token.

The code, documentation, and more information about the Web Tokenizer can be found on Github.

Customers and Tokens

In addition to basic tokenization, BlockChyp provides APIs for linking tokens to customer records, managing tokens, and managing or searching customer records.

Creating Tokens

Tokens can be created three different ways: via the web tokenizer, via the enroll transaction, or via sideband enrollment by adding the enroll flag to a charge, preauth, or refund transaction.

Note that the examples that follow create a token only. Subsequent sections will get into how customer records can be created and linked to payment tokens.

Web Tokenizer

For ecommerce transactions, nearly all transactions are tokenized via the BlockChyp Web Tokenizer. This technique leverages the web tokenizing library to tokenize a payment method directly in the browser

Consult the section above for more detail about the web tokenizer.

Direct Enrollment

The enroll API can be used to tokenize a card with a payment terminal.
Here's a CLI based example:

./blockchyp -test -terminal="Test Terminal" -type="enroll"

{ "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "727291", "transactionId": "KJ3DPKELBAI6VOTWNSLM7WZLHE", "transactionRef": "64614152008", "transactionType": "enroll", "timestamp": "2020-04-30T20:49:26Z", "tickBlock": "009991a8ac7b6a4420760e1e14e1689c88be2a610a033d6908c1b04b5c00f9da", "test": true, "token": "EKROTO2K5BCQJT4I555LQJLMWA", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "3404F82DA10F3FF5", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "Test Merchant", "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "", "transactionType": "enroll", "entryMethod": "CHIP" }, "customer": null }

The token returned in the response can then be used for future transactions.

Sideband Enrollment

A slight variation on using the enroll API is to run a terminal charge, preauth, or refund transaction with the enroll flag set to true.

Here's a simple CLI based example...

./blockchyp -test -terminal="Test Terminal" -type="charge" -enroll -amount="5.00

{ "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "288850", "authResponseCode": "approved", "transactionId": "BHR26LRF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "batchId": "XK4LRSBF6II6ZB7TVTPEQAAREI", "transactionType": "charge", "timestamp": "2021-10-05T17:21:24Z", "tickBlock": "0000d8b23edb084a946aa9d9186a2f08cc579634680d9849d6ac730234106e8f", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "5.00", "authorizedAmount": "5.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "token": "CBXJIJV5RH6JKXLBOY5O3WAI2A", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "3C7561777A9AAF2F", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "Test Merchant", "applicationLabel": "Visa Credit", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "5.00", "transactionType": "charge", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "cvmUsed": "No CVM", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" }, "customer": null, "whiteListedCard": null, "storeAndForward": false }

This will run the requested transaction and return a reusable token if the transaction is approved.

Creating Customer Records

Customer records can be created directly through the customer API or as part of a payment or enroll transaction.

Direct Customer Creation

The most straightforward way to create a customer record is to use the customer API directly. This method creates a plain customer record with no associated payment records.

The following example shows how this can be done via the CLI. Examples for all programming languages can be found above in the Transaction Reference section.

./blockchyp -test -type="update-customer" -customerRef="MYID" -firstName="Peter" -lastName="Gregory" -companyName="Raviga Capital" -email="" -sms="9136488888"

{ "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "customer": { "id": "P7UV23UOEII6VJCUAJBKYEIAAI", "customerRef": "MYID", "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Gregory", "companyName": "Raviga Capital", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "9136488888", "paymentMethods": null } }

Once this record has been created, the customer id returned in the response can be used to link subsequent payment transactions to the customer record or to associate payment tokens with the customer.

Once created, a customer record can be modified by calling this came API with a customer id or customer ref.

Sideband Customer Creation

Customer records can also be created inline as part of a transaction by passing optional customer information.

Web Tokenizer

A payment method enrolled in the token vault via the web tokenizer can also be linked to a customer record.

All that's needed is to add a customer value to the request before calling the tokenize method as shown below:

var req = { test: true, transactionRef: 'YOUR TRANSACTION OR TENDER ID', cardholderName: $('#cardholder').val(), customer: { customerRef: "MYID", firstName: "Peter", lastName: "Gregory", companyName: "Raviga Capital", emailAddress: "", smsNumber: "9136488888", } } tokenizer.tokenize('', req) .then(function (response) { ... }) .catch(function (error) { ... }) }

Terminal Transactions

Customers can also be created inline as part of a terminal transaction. The AuthorizationRequest data model has an optional customer field that can be used to pass in customer information. If customer data is provided, the customer will be created as a side effect of the transaction.

There are also optional command line arguments that provide a shortcut for passing in customer data via the CLI:

./blockchyp -test -terminal="Test Terminal" -type="enroll" -firstName="Erlich" -lastName="Bachman" -companyName="Aviato"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "156580", "authResponseCode": "00", "transactionId": "BHR26QRF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "transactionType": "enroll", "timestamp": "2021-10-05T18:55:46Z", "tickBlock": "0000d8b23edb084a946aa9d9186a2f08cc579634680d9849d6ac730234106e8f", "test": true, "token": "XTABANWPEFEX56MFLI2GICLM4E", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "DBFAF510B448AF6B", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "Test Merchant", "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "", "transactionType": "enroll", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "cvmUsed": "No CVM" }, "customer": { "id": "BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "Aviato", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null } }

Locating Customers By Payment Method

If a payment method has been tokenized and linked to a customer record, customer information is returned automatically with any subsequent payment transactions if the payment method is used again. This information is returned automatically as part of the AuthorizationResponse. There are no special parameters required to enable it.

This is a great way of determining when you have a returning customer, as seen in the following example:

./blockchyp -test -terminal="Test Terminal" -type="charge" -amount="5.00"

{ "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "585893", "authResponseCode": "approved", "transactionId": "BHR26YBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "batchId": "XK4LRSBF6II6ZB7TVTPEQAAREI", "transactionType": "charge", "timestamp": "2021-10-05T19:00:49Z", "tickBlock": "0000d8b23edb084a946aa9d9186a2f08cc579634680d9849d6ac730234106e8f", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "5.00", "authorizedAmount": "5.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "55B76226D9479A19", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "Test Merchant", "applicationLabel": "Visa Credit", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "5.00", "transactionType": "charge", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "cvmUsed": "No CVM", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" }, "customer": { "id": "BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "MYID", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "Aviato", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null }, "whiteListedCard": null, "storeAndForward": false }

Retrieving Customers

Customer records, once created, can be retrieved via search and by ID.

Searching Customer Records

The customer search API executes a simple fuzzy search against the customer database. All that's needed is to pass in query text and the search will match against the customer's first name, last name, company name, or sms number.

Customer search is supported by all languages SDK's including the CLI:

./blockchyp -test -type="search-customer" -query="erlich"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "customers": [ { "id": "BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "Aviato", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null } ] }

Retrieving a Single Customer Record

Detailed customer records can be retrieved individually by customer id or customer ref although we recommend you use customer id. (It's a tiny bit faster and there's a guarantee that customer ids are never duplicated.)

Here's a CLI based example:

./blockchyp -test -type="get-customer" -customerId="BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "customer": { "id": "BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "Aviato", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": [ { "token": "XTABANWPEFEX56MFLI2GICLM4E", "maskedPan": "************0010", "expiryMonth": "12", "expiryYear": "2022", "paymentType": "VISA", "customers": null } ] } }

Customer records will include information about every saved payment token associated with the customer record, which you can use for payment transactions.

Retrieving Token Metadata

Developers can also look up save payment metadata, including associated customer records, by token.

Here's a CLI based example:

./blockchyp -test -type="token-metadata" -token="XTABANWPEFEX56MFLI2GICLM4E"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "token": { "token": "XTABANWPEFEX56MFLI2GICLM4E", "maskedPan": "************0010", "expiryMonth": "12", "expiryYear": "12", "paymentType": "VISA", "customers": [ { "id": "BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "Aviato", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null } ] } }

This API is fairly self-explanatory, but note that customer information is returned as an array because it is possible for a token to be linked to multiple customer records at once.

The customer records returned are based on the underlying payment method, not the specific token, so if a card has been tokenized more than once, every customer linked to the same underlying card will be returned.

Modifying Token Customer Associations

Special APIs are provided for manually changing the associations or links between tokens and customers. Tokens can be linked or unlinked at will.

This API allows developers to break a relationship between a token and a customer record. Here's a basic CLI example...

./blockchyp -test -type="unlink-token" -token="N2DTGDSSZNBAX7GT5HBZPHIOWA" -customerId="XK4LRXBF6II6ZB7WVTPEQAAREI"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

This API allows developers to add an association between a token and a customer. If the link already exists, the request is ignored.

Here's a basic CLI example...

./blockchyp -test -type="link-token" -token="N2DTGDSSZNBAX7GT5HBZPHIOWA" -customerId="XK4LRXBF6II6ZB7WVTPEQAAREI"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Removing Customers and Tokens

Nobody likes to lose customers, but when it does happen, the token and customer delete APIs are here to help you facilitate the inevitable.

Delete Customers

The delete customer API will remove a customer record from the system.

It will not remove customer ref information from any historical transactions and it will not automatically delete tokens associated with the customer.

Here's a basic CLI example:

./blockchyp -test -type="delete-customer" -customerId="BHR26TBF7EI6ZB2KVTPEQAAREI"

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Delete Tokens

The delete token API removes payment tokens from the system permanently.

Here's a CLI example:

./blockchyp -test -type="delete-token" -token=XTABANWPEFEX56MFLI2GICLM4E

Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Address Verification

Sample address verification response:

    "success": true,
    "error": "",
    "responseDescription": "approved",
    "approved": true,
    "authCode": "399232",
    "transactionId": "CMKSTBUOHAI6VG24AJBKYEIAAM",
    "batchId": "746LP4EOFMI6VH4UAJBKYEIAAU",
    "transactionType": "charge",
    "timestamp": "2020-05-05T04:49:10Z",
    "tickBlock": "000e11877145009475a84197f4bd0fd1414a71b5f9690fd41b39a7ad21d9108d",
    "test": true,
    "partialAuth": false,
    "altCurrency": false,
    "fsaAuth": false,
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "requestedAmount": "50.00",
    "authorizedAmount": "50.00",
    "remainingBalance": "",
    "tipAmount": "0.00",
    "taxAmount": "0.00",
    "requestedCashBackAmount": "",
    "authorizedCashBackAmount": "",
    "entryMethod": "KEYED",
    "paymentType": "VISA",
    "maskedPan": "************1111",
    "avsResponse": "match",
    "receiptSuggestions": {
      "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test",
      "requestSignature": false,
      "maskedPan": "************1111",
      "authorizedAmount": "50.00",
      "transactionType": "charge",
      "entryMethod": "KEYED",
      "surcharge": "0.00",
      "cashDiscount": "0.00"
    "customer": null,
    "whiteListedCard": null,
    "storeAndForward": false

Address Verification usually doesn't factor much into terminal based transactions, but it's still an important backstop against fraud when working with manually entered cards and e-commerce transactions.

Developers have the option at any time to add address verification to a transaction and void or reverse the transaction if they're unhappy with the result.

To use the address verification system, pass a postalCode or address into any authorization transaction. The response will have an avsResponse field with a code indicating the AVS status.

The possible status codes returned would be the following.

Testing Address Verification

For testing purposes, nearly all valid zip codes and addresses return as a match.

There are a few special zip codes and addresses that can be used to trigger other responses as listed on the table below:

Response Code Trigger Criteria
not_supported Postal Code: 85360
no_match Postal Code: 73038
no_match Address: 1701 Page Mill Road

Standard Codes

BlockChyp has a set of standard strings for things like Card Types and Entry Methods.

If there were industry wide standards for this sort of thing, BlockChyp would gladly embrace them, but unfortunately that’s not the way things work. The lists below enumerate the keys you’ll need to bake into your system as constants for BlockChyp.

Card Types

This list enumerates the codes for card types and payment methods.

Code Card Type
MC MasterCard
AMEX American Express
DISC Discover
DINERS Diners Club International
CUP China Union Pay
JCB Japan Card Bureau
EBT EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer)
BC_GIFT BlockChain Gift Card

Entry Methods

This list enumerates the codes for entry methods.

Code Entry Method
CHIP EMV Chip Contact
ECOM E-Commerce
KEYED Manually Entered
SWIPE Swiped

REST API Reference

We recommend developers use SDKs instead of the REST APIs directly as it will make implementation go faster. Our SDKs deal with HMAC authentication and locating terminals for you. But, if you prefer to do a direct REST API integration, we won't stop you. The REST APIs aren't complicated.

BlockChyp consists of two REST APIs: the small API that runs on every BlockChyp payment terminal and the Gateway API.

Gateway API

Like everything in BlockChyp, the Gateway was designed to be simple. With a few exceptions, the concepts should be familiar to anyone who's done a previous payment gateway implementation.


Per PCI requirements, BlockChyp uses completely separate systems for live and test transactions. Make sure you route test and live transactions to the correct endpoints as given below:

Environment Endpoint
Live Transactions
Test Transaction

A Sample Transaction

Let's dive into a sample API request. The sample shows a conventional charge transaction using a previously enrolled recurring payment token.

This example shows the mechanics of a simple token based transaction using the common VISA test card number of 4111 1111 1111 1111.

Request: POST /api/charge HTTP/1.1 Host: Nonce: HHU8JX48KKX8AYHENKRYMJ5MB6YHM43GHWW7VDRJQDVY0YTBWRGG Authorization: Dual PCZFLPXD2PWI7B7VVFHD4VJ4KE:NNSNQ6ASHUHSCMEVOD666VZZLA:b695b1af23f9d1ce2983f1f69237866b7fa69878dcdc873ed3507374d8c0508b Timestamp: 2018-12-10T18:07:15Z { "transactionRef": "2Q9M727KXH1UYAH57ZV009HGKWXX704URY2GRUPV39MVF27FUFDG", "amount":"25.23", "token":"JTLQJNLSM4IGCKJC2MK7COW2VA" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "transactionRef": "2Q9M727KXH1UYAH57ZV009HGKWXX704URY2GRUPV39MVF27FUFDG", "approved":true, "responseDescription":"Approved", "transactionId":"LA76MWH4UYI6RGOTNSLM7WZLHE", "batchId":"F2FGMPX2LEI6RBPSNSLM7WZLHE", "transactionType":"charge", "timestamp":"2018-12-10T18:07:15Z", "tickBlock":"000a40ada947bd35886f19c8908cd84e521f713cc2637c0bf70b3b2ea63ffe7d", "authCode":"404739", "entryMethod":"KEYED", "paymentType":"VISA", "maskedPan":"************1111", "partialAuth":false, "altCurrency":false, "currencyCode":"USD", "requestedAmount":"25.23", "authorizedAmount":"25.23", "tipAmount":"0.00", "taxAmount":"0.00", "receiptSuggestions":{ "requestSignature":false } }

transactionRef is where you would provide your own ID for a transaction. It's not required, but highly recommended because it allows you to track responses against your own ID scheme, and more importantly, time out reversals are not supported unless you provide a transactionRef value.

Most notable in this sample request are the three headers used by BlockChyp's Dual authentication scheme (Timestamp, Nonce, and Authorization).

Authentication Headers

BlockChyp credentials take the form of an API Key, a Bearer Token, and a Signing Key - and are generated by the BlockChyp dashboard. These three credentials are used to assemble the Authorization header.

Gateway API requests are protected using a combination of Bearer Tokens and HMAC headers. The reason for this is that HMAC headers and Bearer Tokens provide offsetting security benefits.

For example, Bearer Tokens can be stored in the BlockChyp datastore as salted one way hashes which protects them in the event of a database breach. But Bearer Tokens must be sent over the network with every request where they might be vulnerable to interception in the event of a TLS or SSL vulnerability.

To offset this risk, we also require every API request include a digital signature in the form of an HMAC value computed via the Signing Key. Since HMAC signatures change for every request, they are of no value to a hacker, even if intercepted.

All API requests require the following three headers:


Example Header:


This header should be a unique string with a minimum length of 16 characters. Developers are encouraged to use a cryptographically secure random number generator to produce nonces. Nonces are checked for uniqueness in real time.

The Nonce has to be sent in its own header as shown above and also must be fed into the HMAC computation as part of the Authorization header.


Example Header:

Timestamp: 2018-12-10T18:07:15Z

This header should be the ISO 8601 formatted timestamp at the time the transaction is executed in UTC. The timestamp must be within 10 minutes of the current time or the gateway will reject the transaction.


Example Header:

Authorization: Dual PCZFLPXD2PWI7B7VVFHD4VJ4KE:b695b1af23f9d1ce2983f1f69237866b7fa69878dcdc873ed3507374d8c0508b

Authorization: Dual <Bearer Token>:<API Key>:<HMAC Signature>

The authorization header is assembled by starting with the keyword "Dual" which references BlockChyp's Dual authentication scheme.

Add a space and then the Bearer Token followed by the API Key, separated by a colon.

To compute the HMAC Signature, first concatenate the API Key, Bearer Token, Timestamp and Nonce with no separator. (We've kept the canonical message to be signed a bit simpler than other HMAC implementations in order to make implementation accessible to developers of all skill levels.)

Next, compute an SHA 256 HMAC with the Signing Key and encode it as a hexadecimal string.

The sample code below shows how to compute an HMAC value in the Go Language.

Go Language HMAC Example:

import ( "bytes" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" ) /* ComputeHmac computes an hmac for the the given headers and secret key. */ func ComputeHmac(APIKey, bearerToken, timestamp, nonce, signingKey string) string { buf := bytes.Buffer{} buf.WriteString(APIKey) buf.WriteString(bearerToken) buf.WriteString(timestamp) buf.WriteString(nonce) key, _ := hex.DecodeString(signingKey) mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key) mac.Write(buf.Bytes()) hash := mac.Sum(nil) return hex.EncodeToString(hash) }

Heartbeat (/api/heartbeat)

HTTP Method Path
GET /api/heartbeat

This endpoint is used to test connectivity with the Gateway and get updated time reference information. This API will return a response even if the big three authentication headers are not provided so it's usually a good API to start an implementation with.

If a valid Authorization header is provided, this API will also return the Blockchain public key of the merchant. This is a simple GET request and accepts no path or query string parameters.

The heartbeat response includes the latest Gateway Timestamp, the latest tick block for the Blockchain and if your Authorization headers are valid, the Blockchain Public Key of the merchant.

We recommend you write an integration test that ensures that merchantPk is non-null as a way to test your Authorization and HMAC implementation.

Sample Request and Response:

Request: GET /api/heartbeat HTTP/1.1 Host: Nonce: HHU8JX48KKX8AYHENKRYMJ5MB6YHM43GHWW7VDRJQDVY0YTBWRGG Authorization: Dual PCZFLPXD2PWI7B7VVFHD4VJ4KE:NNSNQ6ASHUHSCMEVOD666VZZLA:b695b1af23f9d1ce2983f1f69237866b7fa69878dcdc873ed3507374d8c0508b Timestamp: 2018-12-10T18:07:15Z Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "timestamp": "2018-12-10T11:16:06.2246-08:00", "latestTick": "000a40ada947bd35886f19c8908cd84e521f713cc2637c0bf70b3b2ea63ffe7d", "merchantPk": "145kEAfQUj619jC1hbpegu1DprnYhoaqikXeCgcX8ZoXPi5oE8t" }

Terminal Route (/api/terminal-route)

HTTP Method Path
GET /api/terminal-route
Query String Parameter Description Required
terminal Name assigned to the terminal at activation Yes

This API is used to get current metadata about BlockChyp terminals including the terminal's IP Address on the private network along with transient credentials and blockchain public key information.

We strongly recommend that payment terminals be configured with static IP addresses, but we also understand that real life point-of-sale or merchant networks can be chaotic environments where recommendations aren't always followed.

This API is part of a set of techniques BlockChyp uses to try and cope with real world merchant networks. Terminals check in with the BlockChyp network when they're activated and periodically throughout the day. They report their IP address on the private network along with some internal metrics used to monitor the overall health of the network and for fraud detection.

The Terminal Route API can be used to lookup a terminal's IP Address by the name assigned to the terminal at activation. It serves as a simple DNS system for terminals and makes merchant networks more robust, even if all terminals are left on the default DHCP settings.

Request: GET /api/terminal-route?terminal=Cashier%20#1 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Dual JTLQJNLSM4IGCKJC2MK7COW2VA:CINR73MIHX337KMRHW7BI5I2AM:7721b505f6cc4540e471d03e42388e3a5a1567b29dedf589ef881995e9ca74cc Nonce: MNAYY7YCXME215ZBZ96BW7D1JFPX5VBX563EGAGH4E6KA8RV8BE0 Timestamp: 2018-11-20T18:04:25Z Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "terminalName": "Cashier #1", "ipAddress": "", "cloudRelayEnabled": false, "transientCredentials": { "apiKey": "CINR73MIHX337KMRHW7BI5I2AM", "bearerToken": "JTLQJNLSM4IGCKJC2MK7COW2VA", "signingKey": "c7722b911f9821e742f248af8449f12f06304c18b48b902f7cdef3d9dea7ed34" }, "publicKey": "112hvhQwGa22QJSuqZwdMT5BhBNcrE9pwfHzFicx4ZMLkAe6chRi", "rawKey": { "curve": "P256", "x": "e09f8673361cc828cda624221d5f2b517c4c4285d959e502511b531f324ece0a", "y": "cced17b1d95dcbcc5bf2b2f06ba4bdb4b482bd0e081ac54fb49b6db2ab40a5b4" } }

The JSON response includes the following data elements that might require a bit of explanation:

Field Description
ipAddress The current local IP address of the terminal on the private network. If the point-of-sale or client application is on the same network as the terminal, the terminal's REST API can be found at ports 8080 and 8443 at the given IP Address.
cloudRelayEnabled Indicates that this terminal is accessible via the Gateway. Not recommended, but unavoidable if the point-of-sale system and terminal are on different network segments.
transientCredentials Special credentials restricted for use only with the given terminal. All direct API calls to terminals should use these credentials, especially if the merchants are unable to run TLS/SSL on their local network.
publicKey The blockchain public key for the terminal in BlockChyp's compressed key format. Can be used to validate the signatures of terminal responses.
rawKey The raw version of the terminal's blockchain public key. Includes the name of the standard elliptic curve (usually P256) and the raw x and y coordinates of the public key in hexadecimal format.

Terminal Ping ( /api/terminal-test )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-test

This simple test transaction helps ensure good communication with a payment terminal and is usually the first test you'll run in development.

It tests communication with the terminal and returns a positive response if everything is okay. It works the same way in local or cloud relay mode.

If you get a positive response, you've successfully verified all of the following:

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/test HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success":true, "errorMessage":"" }

Terminal Locate ( /api/terminal-locate )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-locate

This endpoint returns a terminal's routing and location information.

The result will indicate whether or not the terminal is in cloud relay mode and will return the local IP address if the terminal is in local mode.

The terminal will also return the public key for the terminal.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-locate HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success":true, "errorMessage":"", "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "cloudRelay": false, "ipAddress": "", "publicKey": "11pJMoWkjq1dHZcQp1P6apTk7J3QsoD9rtYW877c3BfJhDr8ozf" }

Charge ( /api/charge )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/charge

Our most popular transaction executes a standard authorization and capture. This is the most basic of basic payment transactions, typically used in conventional retail.

Charge transactions can use a payment terminal to capture a payment or use a previously enrolled payment token.

Terminal Transactions

For terminal transactions, make sure you pass in the terminal name using the terminalName property.

Token Transactions

If you have a payment token, omit the terminalName property and pass in the token with the token property instead.

Card Numbers and Mag Stripes

You can also pass in PANs and Mag Stripes, but you probably shouldn't, as this will put you in PCI scope and the most common vector for POS breaches is keylogging. If you use terminals for manual card entry, you'll bypass any keyloggers that might be maliciously running on the point-of-sale system.

Common Variations

There are two situations in which charge transactions would go directly to the gateway instead of to a terminal.

Tokenized Charge Sample Request and Response

This example shows how to use a token previously obtained from an enroll transaction or the web tokenizer. Never pass PINs or mag stripe data directly into this API. Always use terminals or the web tokenizer to capture sensitive card data.

Request: POST /api/charge HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 271 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:9f52ddd8d111b26159a9b57fbda58c00e45591dc5c60ff8705a88b91eeca383f Nonce: 8d2506a16d2a176bb9b884754a62c7a2540f29a1efe9d08fac37577f232c996b Timestamp: 2021-05-20T15:43:34Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "token": "Z4OCUYD7OPLY5KHMSUBE25THDU", "amount": "42.00" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "765077", "transactionId": "2RISGQ5ZQEI6XKWGAJBKYEIAAQ", "batchId": "UM4CKCFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "charge", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T15:43:34Z", "tickBlock": "00065e5bb121723c9c3e752044ea662231c9f09c45fc514996adc86c4e22665e", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "42.00", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "", "entryMethod": "TOKEN", "paymentType": "MC", "maskedPan": "************4111", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************4111", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "transactionType": "charge", "entryMethod": "TOKEN", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" } }

Cloud Relay Sample Request and Response

This example shows how to start a charge transaction on a terminal via cloud relay.

Request: GATEWAY REQUEST: POST /api/charge HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 265 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:981e97f99a2cd3e18b522ae06f86075548393fcb1794b594f738764fa2290a87 Nonce: 8409f7976c1a0ad7464ce859e158c363282d5de0e15369fbcb6c5a7fcb316576 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T15:45:27Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "42.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "334066", "transactionId": "2RISGRNZQEI6XKWGAJBKYEIAAQ", "batchId": "UM4CKCFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "charge", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T15:45:32Z", "tickBlock": "00065e5bb121723c9c3e752044ea662231c9f09c45fc514996adc86c4e22665e", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "42.00", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV", "paymentType": "MC", "maskedPan": "************4111", "cardHolder": "/", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000041010", "arqc": "791B9EF0EE009DBD", "iad": "0110A04003220000000000000000000000FF", "tvr": "0000008801", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "applicationLabel": "MASTERCARD", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************4111", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "transactionType": "charge", "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" } }

Preauthorization ( /api/preauth )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/preauth

A preauthorization puts a hold on funds and must be captured later. This is used in scenarios where the final transaction amount might change. A common example is fine dining, where a tip adjustment is required before final settlement.

Another use case for preauthorization is e-commerce. Typically, an online order is preauthorized at the time of the order and then captured when the order ships.

Preauthorizations can use a payment terminal to capture a payment or use a previously enrolled payment token.

Terminal Transactions

For terminal transactions, make sure you pass in the terminal name using the terminalName property.

Token Transactions

If you have a payment token, omit the terminalName property and pass in the token with the token property instead.

Card Numbers and Mag Stripes

You can also pass in PANs and Mag Stripes, but you probably shouldn't, as this will put you in PCI scope and the most common vector for POS breaches is key logging. If you use terminals for manual card entry, you'll bypass any key loggers that might be maliciously running on the point-of-sale system.


Note that preauths are not supported for cryptocurrency.

Common Variations

Tokenized Charge Sample Request and Response

This example shows how to use a token previously obtained from an enroll transaction or the web tokenizer. Never pass PINs or mag stripe data directly into this API. Always use terminals or the web tokenizer to capture sensitive card data.

Request: POST /api/preauth HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 271 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:bddc368ea70273cb16e763398ce2346ca03e9d47ded5b77a45a1ca3a0958d827 Nonce: c22c1486a0a98d3a401c168da55f31f19aa79ff5cfb8ffa15bfda02f663529d9 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T15:49:44Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "token": "Z4OCUYD7OPLY5KHMSUBE25THDU", "amount": "42.00" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "553917", "transactionId": "2RISGR5ZQEI6XKWGAJBKYEIAAQ", "batchId": "UM4CKCFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "preauth", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T15:49:44Z", "tickBlock": "00065e5bb121723c9c3e752044ea662231c9f09c45fc514996adc86c4e22665e", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "42.00", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "", "entryMethod": "TOKEN", "paymentType": "MC", "maskedPan": "************4111", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************4111", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "transactionType": "preauth", "entryMethod": "TOKEN", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" } }

Cloud Relay Sample Request and Response

This example shows how to start a preauth transaction on a terminal via cloud relay.

Request: POST /api/preauth HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 265 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:233f878bf889f89dc43786e286719950b777c3311bc39571e52aea24f1f9ca53 Nonce: 4ddf61582525f84c0d314c925794aaa579dc09ce5de402678ec50ff3b6465a8c Timestamp: 2021-05-20T15:52:44Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "42.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "988388", "transactionId": "UM4CKEFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "UM4CKCFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "preauth", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T15:52:48Z", "tickBlock": "00065e5bb121723c9c3e752044ea662231c9f09c45fc514996adc86c4e22665e", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "42.00", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "SWIPE", "paymentType": "DISC", "maskedPan": "************1117", "cardHolder": "BACHMAN/ERLICH", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "25", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************1117", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "transactionType": "preauth", "entryMethod": "SWIPE", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" } }

Capture Preauthorization ( /api/capture )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/capture

This API allows you to capture a previously approved preauthorization.

You'll need to make sure you pass in the Transaction ID returned by the original preauth transaction so we know which transaction we're capturing. If you want to capture the transaction for the exact amount of the preauth, the Transaction ID is all you need to pass in.

You can adjust the total if you need to by passing in a new amount. We also recommend you pass in updated amounts for tax and tip as it can sometimes reduce your interchange fees. (Level II Processing, for example.)

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/capture HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 227 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:1156929cee1a8e322cdcbeb0ea217c66cdcb09db4ea9d6798b7c9a68c25fca00 Nonce: 05b96fb6f828ea5dbe72da54d1dd1c3476188a6c8e280b5ab122f9597ec4692d Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:08:28Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "transactionId": "UM4CJZFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "amount": "47.00", "tipAmount": "5" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "954418", "transactionId": "UM4CJZVYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionType": "capture", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:08:29Z", "tickBlock": "00086bc6fc219f8f0121af0be188c5d5b32376aae9d23d56366b41a8541788b8", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "47.00", "authorizedAmount": "47.00", "tipAmount": "5.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010" }

Refund ( /api/refund )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/refund

It's not ideal, but sometimes customers want their money back.

Our refund API allows you to confront this unpleasant reality by executing refunds in a few different scenarios.

The most fraud resistent method is to execute refunds in the context of a previous transaction. You should always keep track of the Transaction ID returned in a BlockChyp response. To refund the full amount of the previous transaction, just pass in the original Transaction ID with the refund requests.

Partial Refunds

For a partial refund, just pass in an amount along with the Transaction ID. The only rule is that the amount must be equal to or less than the original transaction. You can execute multiple partial refunds against the same original transaction as long as the total refunded amount doesn't exceed the original amount.

Tokenized Refunds

You can also use a token to execute a refund. Pass in a token instead of the Transaction ID and the desired refund amount.

Free Range Refunds

When you execute a refund without referencing a previous transaction, we call this a free range refund.

We don't recommend this type of refund, but it is permitted. If you absolutely insist on doing it, pass in a Terminal Name and an amount.

You can execute a manual or keyed refund by passing the ManualEntry field to a free range refund request.

Gift Card Refunds

Gift card refunds are allowed in the context of a previous transaction, but free range gift card refunds are not allowed. Use the gift card activation API if you need to add more funds to a gift card.

Store and Forward Support

Refunds are not permitted when a terminal falls back to store and forward mode.

Auto Voids

If a refund referencing a previous transaction is executed for the full amount before the original transaction's batch is closed, the refund is automatically converted to a void. This saves the merchant a little bit of money.


Note that refunds are not supported for cryptocurrency. You must refund crypto transactions manually from your cryptocurrency wallet.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/refund HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 201 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:df6dccbd378dcee6f5fb7e99391f663cba16a8d25101d32d2c140c9ea5e48fda Nonce: 5775b50fbcf940abc6aaef18b951e971cdd220c30703a01de3aa6dbd63cf5829 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:14:45Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "transactionId": "NK4XCBVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "amount": "12.00" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "396346", "transactionId": "NK4XCCNYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionType": "refund", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:16:13Z", "tickBlock": "00086bc6fc219f8f0121af0be188c5d5b32376aae9d23d56366b41a8541788b8", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "12.00", "authorizedAmount": "12.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "12.00", "transactionType": "refund", "entryMethod": "CHIP" } }

Cloud Relay Free Range Refund Example

Request: POST /api/refund HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 211 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:e09448a799dc519dbee8009d70e50fb700e6748a36d1570c44b70dcdf5afb627 Nonce: 795fb7555deab2c078be6ee1e33dd1d6d008555144380ddcbd3c4b311791b023 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T15:59:29Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "12.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "613828", "transactionId": "UM4CKEVYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "UM4CKCFYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "refund", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T15:59:38Z", "tickBlock": "00065e5bb121723c9c3e752044ea662231c9f09c45fc514996adc86c4e22665e", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "12.00", "authorizedAmount": "12.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "5ADCFC0DD5D9049B", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "12.00", "transactionType": "refund", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" } }

Enroll ( /api/enroll )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/enroll

This API allows you to tokenize and enroll a payment method in the token vault. You can also pass in customer information and associate the payment method with a customer record.

A token is returned in the response that can be used in subsequent charge, preauth, and refund transactions.

Gift Cards and EBT

Gift Cards and EBT cards cannot be tokenized.

E-Commerce Tokens

The tokens returned by the enroll API and the e-commerce web tokenizer are the same tokens and can be used interchangeably.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/enroll HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 102 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:306560a0aff599f6fc707ebee1e64843dc61df52232e3475717ae07008627bac Nonce: e2b20f7b2d19783f438177d654f01fd1b5833635d090e3c4be6d86c1823629c6 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T15:41:21Z { "async": false, "queue": false, "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "063965", "transactionId": "UM4CKCNYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "enroll", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T15:41:28Z", "tickBlock": "00065e5bb121723c9c3e752044ea662231c9f09c45fc514996adc86c4e22665e", "test": true, "token": "Z4OCUYD7OPLY5KHMSUBE25THDU", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "MC", "maskedPan": "************4111", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 06", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000041010", "arqc": "D58BB7C93A5FC5AA", "iad": "0110A00003220000000000000000000000FF", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "applicationLabel": "MASTERCARD", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************4111", "authorizedAmount": "", "transactionType": "enroll", "entryMethod": "CHIP" } }

Void ( /api/void )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/void

Mistakes happen. If a transaction is made by mistake, you can void it with this API. All that's needed is to pass in a Transaction ID and execute the void before the original transaction's batch closes.

Voids work with EBT and gift card transactions with no additional parameters.


Note that voids are not supported for cryptocurrency. You must refund crypto transactions manually from your cryptocurrency wallet.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/void HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 Content-Length: 100 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:34:02Z Accept-Encoding: gzip { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "transactionId": "UM4CJ25YVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "246465", "transactionId": "UM4CJ3NYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionType": "void", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:34:03Z", "tickBlock": "00079cc170c50477411b5565a1b0a9bbd92a51d838d7b6a36de107fbd8e986ac", "test": true, "entryMethod": "SWIPE", "paymentType": "DISC" }

Time Out Reversal ( /api/reverse )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/reverse

Payment transactions require a stable network to function correctly and no network is stable all the time. Time out reversals are a great line of defense against accidentally double charging consumers when payments are retried during shaky network conditions.

We highly recommend developers use this API whenever a charge, preauth, or refund transaction times out. If you don't receive a definitive response from BlockChyp, you can't be certain about whether or not the transaction went through.

The best practice in this situation is to send a time out reversal request. Time out reversals check for a transaction and void it if it exists.

The only caveat is that developers must use the transactionRef property (txRef for the CLI) when executing charge, preauth, and refund transactions.

The reason for this requirement is that if a system never receives a definitive response for a transaction, the system would never have received the BlockChyp generated Transaction ID. We have to fall back to Transaction Ref to identify a transaction.


Note that refunds are not supported for cryptocurrency. You must refund crypto transactions manually from your cryptocurrency wallet.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/reverse HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 208 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:c115b3395a06c699330b99f7b96c3138f26ea12449824c534948ea5821372829 Nonce: d4171288bdbdd24ae1db8873966cfdaed5bec6abfd2410a1d67543fcff159977 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:38:42Z { "transactionRef": "1b0a9bbd92a", "test": true, "timeout": 120 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "458923", "transactionId": "UM4CJ3VYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionRef": "1b0a9bbd92a", "transactionType": "reverse", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:38:43Z", "tickBlock": "00079cc170c50477411b5565a1b0a9bbd92a51d838d7b6a36de107fbd8e986ac", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "", "authorizedAmount": "0.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "AMEX", "maskedPan": "***********1006", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "***********1006", "authorizedAmount": "0.00", "transactionType": "reverse", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" } }

Gift Card Activation ( /api/gift-activate )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/gift-activate

This API activates or adds value to BlockChyp gift cards. Just pass in the terminal name and the amount to add to the card. Once the customer swipes their card, the terminal will use keys on the mag stripe to add value to the card.

You don't need to handle a new gift card activation or a gift card recharge any differently. The terminal firmware will figure out what to do on its own while also returning the new balance for the gift card.

This is the part of the system where BlockChyp's blockchain DNA comes closest to the surface. The BlockChyp gift card system doesn't really use gift card numbers. This means they can't be stolen.

BlockChyp identifies cards with an elliptic curve public key instead. Gift card transactions are actually blocks signed with those keys. This means there are no shared secrets sent over the network. To keep track of a BlockChyp gift card, hang on to the public key returned during gift card activation. That's the gift card's elliptic curve public key.

We sometimes print numbers on our gift cards, but these are actually decimal encoded hashes of a portion of the public key to make our gift cards seem normal to normies. They can be used for balance checks and play a lookup role in online gift card authorization, but are of little use beyond that.

Voids and Reversals

Gift card activations can be voided and reversed just like any other BlockChyp transaction. Use the Transaction ID or Transaction Ref to identify the gift activation transaction as you normally would for voiding or reversing a conventional payment transaction.

Importing Gift Cards

BlockChyp does have the ability to import gift card liability from conventional gift card platforms. Unfortunately, BlockChyp does not support activating cards on third party systems. However, you can import your outstanding gift cards and customers can swipe them on the terminals like BlockChyp's standard gift cards.

No special coding is required to access this feature. The gateway and terminal firmware handle everything for you.

Third Party Gift Card Networks

BlockChyp does not currently provide any native support for other gift card platforms beyond importing gift card liability. We do have a white listing system that can be used to support your own custom gift card implementations. We have a security review process before we can allow a BIN range to be white listed, so contact if you need to white list a BIN range.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/gift-activate HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 178 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:e45831f216622f33e66c51cfe5da3ab5fad9839eff9a257951752c0b46778676 Nonce: 8b491b31ef7270395fbd5d57ea337b406aa924f4ccab24304caefe35554b0163 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:27:14Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "50.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "APPROVED", "transactionId": "UM4CKGNYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "gift_activate", "timestamp": "2021-05-20T17:27:18Z", "tickBlock": "00070927532746c192dbfdb88b17613eec5514e81e2a3119f3936d5886edf344", "test": true, "approved": true, "amount": "50.00", "currentBalance": "150.00", "currencyCode": "USD", "publicKey": "11kek9vHKFCRWrgjn4PJYPxaXQSjQma95v4f5Cfw9wi2zB1Ad9m", "maskedPan": "************7089" }

Balance ( /api/balance )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/balance

This API checks a gift or EBT card balance.

Gift Card Balance Checks

For gift cards, pass in a terminal name and the customer will be prompted to swipe a card on that terminal. The remaining balance will be displayed briefly on the terminal screen and the API response will include the gift card's public key and the remaining balance.

EBT Balance Checks

All EBT transactions require a PIN, so to check an EBT card balance, you need to pass in the ebt flag just like you would for a normal EBT charge transaction. The customer will be prompted to swipe their card and enter a PIN code. If everything checks out, the remaining balance on the card will be displayed on the terminal for the customer and returned with the API response.

Testing Gift Card Balance Checks

Test gift card balance checks work no differently than live gift cards. You must activate a test gift card first to test balance checks. Test gift cards are real blockchain cards that live on our parallel test blockchain.

Testing EBT Gift Card Balance Checks

All test EBT transactions assume a starting balance of $100.00. As a result, test EBT balance checks always return a balance of $100.00.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/balance HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 86 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:c189e92e524358ae4989a60d4c7ddf0d718356b03d186cea608be634ecfd88bd Nonce: 6f7090600cf0b48c4b2ca65859047ef861971d3063d7141c7cd469cda44d3bef Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:37:07Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "transactionId": "UM4CJ4FYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "balance", "timestamp": "", "tickBlock": "00070927532746c192dbfdb88b17613eec5514e81e2a3119f3936d5886edf344", "test": true, "maskedPan": "************7089", "publicKey": "11kek9vHKFCRWrgjn4PJYPxaXQSjQma95v4f5Cfw9wi2zB1Ad9m", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************7089", "authorizedAmount": "", "transactionType": "balance", "entryMethod": "SWIPE" }, "remainingBalance": "150.00" }

Close Batch ( /api/close-batch )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/close-batch

This API will close the merchant's batch if it's currently open.

By default, merchant batches will close automatically at 3 AM in their local time zone. The automatic batch closure time can be changed in the Merchant Profile or disabled completely.

If automatic batch closure is disabled, you'll need to use this API to close the batch manually.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/close-batch HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 68 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:737031d47a94cfba8fd431c2c17dd01f18ed34f116f22bc000dc37222e038953 Nonce: 345e9d66563f00dc87cd8776ae3c2e3f1ae29210b48858a1417dae4c71716e63 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:58:39Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "test": true, "batches": [ { "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "capturedAmount": "77.00", "openPreauths": "0.00", "currencyCode": "USD", "open": false, "openDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "closeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/send-payment-link

This API allows you to send an invoice to a customer and capture payment via a BlockChyp hosted payment page.

If you set the autoSend flag, BlockChyp will send a basic invoice email to the customer for you that includes the payment link. If you'd rather have more control over the look of the email message, you can omit the autoSend flag and send the customer email yourself.

There are a lot of optional parameters for this API, but at a minimum you'll need to pass in a total, customer name, and email address. (Unless you use the cashier flag.)

Customer Info

Unless you're using the cashier flag, you must specify a customer; either by creating a new customer record inline or passing in an existing Customer ID or Customer Ref.

Line Item Level Data

It's not strictly required, but we strongly recommend sending line item level detail with every request. It will make the invoice look more complete and the data format for line item level data is the exact same format used for terminal line item display, so the same code can be used to support both areas.


You can also provide a free form description or message to display near the bottom of the invoice. Usually this is some kind of thank you note or instruction.

Terms and Conditions

You can include long form contract language with a request and capture terms and conditions accepted at the same time payment is captured.

The interface is identical to that used for the terminal based Terms and Conditions API in that you can pass in content directly via tcContent or via a preconfigured template via tcAlias. The Terms and Conditions log will also be updated when agreement acceptance is incorporated into a send link request.

Auto Send

BlockChyp does not send the email notification automatically. This safeguard prevents real emails from going out when you may not expect them If you want BlockChyp to send the email for you, just add the autoSend flag with all requests.


If the merchant is configured to support cryptocurrency transactions, the payment page will display additional UI widgets that allowing customers to switch to a crypto payment method.


Add the enroll flag to a send link request to enroll the payment method in the token vault.

Add the enrollOnly flag to enroll the payment method in the token vault without any immediate payment taking place. The payment link will ask the user for their payment information and inform them that they will not be charged immediately, but that their payment may be used for future transactions.

Cashier Facing Card Entry

BlockChyp can be used to generate internal/cashier facing card entry pages as well. This is designed for situations where you might need to take a phone order and don't have an available terminal.

If you pass in the cashier flag, no email will be sent and you'll be able to load the link in a browser or iframe for payment entry. When the cashier flag is used, the autoSend flag will be ignored.

Note that cryptocurrency is not supported for cashier facing payment entry.

Payment Notifications

When a customer successfully submits payment, the merchant will receive an email notifying them that the payment was received.

Real Time Callback Notifications

Email notifications are fine, but you may want your system to be informed immediately whenever a payment event occurs. By using the optional callbackUrl request property, you can specify a URL to which the Authorization Response will be posted every time the user submits a payment, whether approved or otherwise.

The response will be sent as a JSON encoded POST request and will be the exact same format as all BlockChyp charge and preauth transaction responses.

Status Polling

If real time callbacks aren't practical or necessary in your environment, you can always use the Payment Link Status API described futher on.

A common use case for the send link API with status polling is curbside pickup. You could have your system check the Payment Link Status when a customer arrives to ensure it's been paid without necessarily needing to create background threads to constantly poll for status updates.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/send-payment-link HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 836 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a4b9a30dbe63a0e863baa3d64d46d1128af9b8e8a02ce31a60b97493a991ee55 Nonce: fb773dbc4bba70a7b042c1afb054a5275fb4800e06f873dcce966bfc8f9e54a2 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:04:16Z { "transactionRef": "12334", "async": false, "queue": false, "orderRef": "12345", "test": false, "timeout": 120, "currencyCode": "", "amount": "125.05", "taxExempt": false, "surcharge": false, "cashDiscount": false, "autoSend": true, "cashier": false, "description": "Thank you for your order. Your order will be ready in 20 minutes", "subject": "", "transaction": { "subtotal": "120.05", "tax": "5.00", "total": "125.05", "items": [ { "id": "", "description": "Leki Trekking Poles", "price": "135.05", "quantity": 1, "extended": "120.05", "unitCode": "", "commodityCode": "", "productCode": "", "discounts": [ { "description": "Member Discount", "amount": "10.00" } ] } ] }, "customer": { "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "test": true, "batches": [ { "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "capturedAmount": "77.00", "openPreauths": "0.00", "currencyCode": "USD", "open": false, "openDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "closeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/resend-payment-link

This API will resend a previously created payment link. An error is returned if the payment link is expired, has been cancelled, or has already been paid.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/resend-payment-link HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 68 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "linkCode": "KJ3DPFELBAI6VOTRNSLM7WZLHE", } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/cancel-payment-link

This API cancels a payment link.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/cancel-payment-link HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 68 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "linkCode": "KJ3DPFELBAI6VOTRNSLM7WZLHE", } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/payment-link-status

This API allows you to check on the status of a payment link, including transaction data and the full history of attempted transactions.

This API is the preferred source of truth and best practice when you want to check on the status of a payment link (as opposed to Transaction Status). The Transaction Status API is not ideal because of ambiguity when there are multiple transactions associated with a single payment link.

You must pass the linkCode value associated with the payment link. It is included in the response from BlockChyp when the payment link is originally created.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/payment-link-status HTTP/1.1 Nonce: 64P8MVKP2YNE4DNJRDA3YAW9H7547RAXJWAZX6TA659H67R0PJP0 Timestamp: 2023-08-16T17:01:24Z Authorization: Dual 46KH4P7II3XTEZM6LKCWMBIJME:YKQNC256Q5A7GX7QH7GGSHLMGE:290858f5a9c063d7338158893711ac72af416ded08dd903ec0e4506e031f4de3 Content-Length: 41 host: { "linkCode": "L52BKYSXARFNUXH4H2CKGX252A" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "linkCode": "L52BKYSXARFNUXH4H2CKGX252A", "merchantId": "3IKWRKY47YI65L7VAJBKYEIAAQ", "customerId": "FDDUCZRXAMI65IUJAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionRef": "tx12345", "amount": "199.99", "subject": "Widget invoice", "description": "Widget", "expiration": "2023-10-15T17:00:53Z", "dateCreated": "2023-08-16T17:00:53Z", "transactionDetails": { "subtotal": "195.00", "tax": "4.99", "total": "199.99", "items": [ ... ] }, "status": "Pending" }

Transaction Status ( /api/tx-status )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/tx-status

This API returns the current status for any transaction. You can lookup a transaction by its BlockChyp assigned Transaction ID or your own Transaction Ref.

You should always use globally unique Transaction Ref values, but in the event that you duplicate Transaction Refs, the most recent transaction matching your Transaction Ref is returned.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/tx-status HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 98 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:88955f94d702bba600d71a3b23f9c3cb0775e7384a7f50887d75f3dfeb6a0d34 Nonce: 2fb49d2590bef282987c3e033140e6c3fb4a65c5ec6411f4b8283795f001c8ad Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:10:40Z { "test": true, "transactionId": "UM4CJ6NYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "approved": true, "authCode": "469455", "transactionId": "UM4CJ6NYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "UM4CJ5NYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "charge", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T22:10:22Z", "tickBlock": "0007fa1110db90ebd13ccf88e50b7077659b318620587ba94cbd29b31c9acf4d", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "41.00", "authorizedAmount": "41.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "", "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV", "paymentType": "AMEX", "maskedPan": "***********1006", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 12", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "24", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A000000025010402", "arqc": "AFD3220422F217F6", "iad": "06020103A02800", "tvr": "8000008000", "tsi": "6800", "terminalId": "IOYIIMFYDEI6XMG3AJBKYEIAAQ", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "merchantId": "4QZ2I4QYIMI6TPHVAJBKYEIAA4", "applicationLabel": "AMERICAN EXPRESS", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "***********1006", "authorizedAmount": "41.00", "transactionType": "charge", "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV" }, "customer": null, "whiteListedCard": null, "storeAndForward": false }

Terminal Clear ( /api/terminal-clear )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-clear

This API interrupts whatever a terminal may be doing and returns it to the idle state.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-clear HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 86 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:14db4e7bf0513cfe90835f6c8e616279a2d683296f9a118a368c0c3d5a694cdd Nonce: 419033f763749cb13f675a79d10845c6617b58ea52e1fd54aa9362dc40465058 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:39:22Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success":true, "errorMessage":"" }

Terminal Status ( /api/terminal-status )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-status

This API returns the current status of a payment terminal. This is typically used as a way to determine if the terminal is busy before sending a new transaction.

If the terminal is busy, idle will be false and the status field will return a short string that indicates the transaction type currently in progress. The system will also return the timestamp of the last status change in the since field.

The cardInSlot field in the response will indicates whether or not a card is currently in the card reader slot.

If the system is running a payment transaction and you wisely passed in a Transaction Ref, this API will also return the Transaction Ref of the in progress transaction.

The table below lists all possible status responses.

Status Code Description
idle The terminal is idle and ready for transactions. The default branding is being displayed.
activate The terminal is in the process of activating and pairing with the merchant account.
balance A balance check (EBT or Gift Card) is pending on the terminal.
boolean-prompt A boolean prompt (yes/no) operation is pending on the terminal.
signature A signature capture is pending.
crypto A cryptocurrency transaction is pending.
enroll A token vault enrollment operation is pending.
gift-activate A gift card activation operation is in progress.
message The terminal is displaying a custom message.
charge The terminal is executing a charge transaction.
preauth The terminal is executing a preauth transaction.
refund The terminal is executing a refund transaction.
survey The terminal is displaying post transaction survey questions.
terms-and-conditions The terminal is pending terms and conditions acceptance and signature.
text-prompt The terminal is awaiting response to a text input prompt.
txdisplay The terminal is displaying transaction and/or line item level details.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-status HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 86 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:3dcc2377a7b162a602606931b89ac2ff8cb0f2d1ae9c9198c27329f91b20e92f Nonce: 95d20bdad169878a5c952905c6e1ac237681dfce67a0f781e223490b6ae37f5b Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:40:24Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "idle": true, "status": "idle", "since": "2021-05-20T17:37:11.49586231Z" }

Terms & Conditions Capture ( /api/terminal-tc )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-tc

This API allows you to prompt a customer to accept a legal agreement on the terminal and (usually) capture their signature.

Content for the agreement can be specified in two ways. You can reference a previously configured T&C template or pass in the full agreement text with every request.

Using Templates

If your application doesn't keep track of agreements you can leverage BlockChyp's template system. You can create any number of T&C Templates in the merchant dashboard and pass in the tcAlias flag to specify which one should display.

Raw Content

If your system keeps track of the agreement language or executes complicated merging and rendering logic, you can bypass our template system and pass in the full text with every transaction. Use tcName to pass in the agreement name and tcContent to pass in the contract text. Note that only plain text is supported.

Bypassing Signatures

Signature images are captured by default. If for some reason this doesn't fit your use case and you'd like to capture acceptance without actually capturing a signature image, set the disableSignature flag in the request.

Terms & Conditions Log

Every time a user accepts an agreement on the terminal, the signature image (if captured), will be uploaded to the gateway. The image will also be added to the log along with the full text of the agreement. This preserves the historical record in the event that standard agreements or templates change over time.

Associating Agreements with Transactions

To associate a Terms & Conditions log entry with a transaction, just pass in the Transaction ID or Transaction Ref for the associated transaction.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-tc HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 226 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:e399632589d19d2904482f403a6ba5a982fce9a64653e4df8ae4a64aac8e6f08 Nonce: 37156809d66e7b9d61eef31154176c826c39e3c4a3353f94ffe47fb6abed2bce Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:42:06Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "tcAlias": "", "tcName": "HIPPA Disclosure", "tcContent": "Loreum Ipsum...", "sigRequired": true } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "test": true }

Capture Signature ( /api/capture-signature )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/capture-signature

This endpoint captures a written signature from the terminal and returns the image.

Unlike the Terms & Conditions API, this endpoint performs basic signature capture with no agreement display or signature archival.

Under the hood, signatures are captured in a proprietary vector format and must be converted to a common raster format in order to be useful to most applications. At a minimum, you must specify an image format using the sigFormat parameter. Currently, JPG and PNG are supported.

By default, images are returned in the JSON response as hex encoded binary. You can redirect the binary image output to a file using the sigFile parameter.

You can also scale the output image to your preferred width by passing in a sigWidth parameter. The image will be scaled to that width, preserving the aspect ratio of the original image.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/capture-signature HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 Content-Length: 119 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:50992c407d25197a0c1d6cfea8001e0456ac2cf6cbb996b6d13d8180f8db6473 Nonce: aef53a380f4a544ecf1c17cc592a5de2b4107e87acdf1865e98b4d612b26f174 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:43:58Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "sigFormat": "png", "sigWidth": 100, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "sigFile": "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" }

New Transaction Display ( /api/terminal-txdisplay )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-txdisplay

This API sends totals and line item level data to the terminal.

At a minimum, you should send total information as part of a display request, including total, tax, and subtotal.

You can also send line item level data and each line item can have a description, qty, price, and extended price.

If you fail to send an extended price, BlockChyp will multiply the qty by the price. However, we strongly recommend you precalculate all the fields yourself to ensure consistency. For example, your treatment of floating-point multiplication and rounding may differ slightly from BlockChyp's.


You have the option to show discounts on the display as individual line items with negative values or you can associate discounts with a specific line item. You can apply any number of discounts to an individual line item with a description and amount.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-txdisplay HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 373 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:39977c86c0872468329557ae661aebfd534cd3e340c59b475f20a7ed1c036cd0 Nonce: 41bf63c2608ba377c4c234a16cc39c655768694715e53a74067a1f0f80599081 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:46:11Z { "async": false, "queue": false, "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "transaction": { "subtotal": "120.05", "tax": "5.00", "total": "125.05", "items": [ { "id": "", "description": "Leki Trekking Poles", "price": "135.05", "quantity": 1, "extended": "120.05", "unitCode": "", "commodityCode": "", "productCode": "", "discounts": [ { "description": "Member Discount", "amount": "10.00" } ] } ] } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Update Transaction Display ( /api/terminal-txdisplay )

HTTP Method Path
PUT /api/terminal-txdisplay

Similar to New Transaction Display, this variant allows developers to update line item level data currently being displayed on the terminal.

This feature is designed for situations where you want to update the terminal display as items are scanned. You'll only have to send information to the terminal that's changed, which usually means the new line item and updated totals.

If the terminal is not in line item display mode and you invoke this endpoint, the first invocation will behave like a New Transaction Display call.

At a minimum, you should send total information as part of a display request, including total, tax, and subtotal.

You can also send line item level data and each line item can have a description, qty, price, and extended price.

If you fail to send an extended price, BlockChyp will multiply the qty by the price. However, we strongly recommend you precalculate all the fields yourself to ensure consistency. For example, your treatment of floating-point multiplication and rounding may differ slightly from BlockChyp's.


You have the option to show discounts on the display as individual line items with negative values or you can associate discounts with a specific line item. You can apply any number of discounts to an individual line item with a description and amount.

Sample Request and Response

Request: PUT /api/terminal-txdisplay HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 373 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:39977c86c0872468329557ae661aebfd534cd3e340c59b475f20a7ed1c036cd0 Nonce: 41bf63c2608ba377c4c234a16cc39c655768694715e53a74067a1f0f80599081 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:46:11Z { "async": false, "queue": false, "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "transaction": { "subtotal": "120.05", "tax": "5.00", "total": "125.05", "items": [ { "id": "", "description": "Leki Trekking Poles", "price": "135.05", "quantity": 1, "extended": "120.05", "unitCode": "", "commodityCode": "", "productCode": "", "discounts": [ { "description": "Member Discount", "amount": "10.00" } ] } ] } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Display Message ( /api/message )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/message

This API displays a message on the payment terminal.

Just specify the target terminal and the message using the message parameter.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/message HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 118 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:efadd49f191a1bb5237778281130a5837a3799fa112e72728548e18b9de72609 Nonce: 808450078c4c4e0458ae761ddad3172fba52c26bf5a184f116d25c28bb6a49c7 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:51:49Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "message": "Payments is broken." } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Boolean Prompt ( /api/boolean-prompt )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/boolean-prompt

This API prompts the customer to answer a yes or no question.

You can specify the question or prompt with the prompt parameter and the response is returned in the response field.

This can be used for a number of use cases including starting a loyalty enrollment workflow or customer facing suggestive selling prompts.

Custom Captions

You can optionally override the "YES" and "NO" button captions by using the yesCaption and noCaption request parameters.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/boolean-prompt HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 211 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:babc594d057a4daa60f4917ee2c0a0bbe47e9bfded69a4f0cda2c92839b3b79d Nonce: b77b042d15c4742b0195d71db7d195e7cae5035291a579ea36e378c784629bfb Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:54:06Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "yesCaption": "Yes", "noCaption": "No", "prompt": "Shouldn't we decentralize payment networks with a blockchain nobody controls?" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "response": true }

Text Prompt ( /api/text-prompt )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/text-prompt

This API prompts the customer to enter numeric or alphanumeric data.

Due to PCI rules, free-form prompts are not permitted when the response could be any valid string. The reason for this is that a malicious developer (not you, of course) could use text prompts to ask the customer to input a card number or PIN code.

This means that instead of providing a prompt, you provide a promptType instead.

The prompt types currently supported are listed below:

You can specify the prompt with the promptType parameter and the response is returned in the response field.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/text-prompt HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 107 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "promptType": "email" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "response": "" }

Update Customer ( /api/update-customer )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/update-customer

This API adds or updates a customer record.

If you pass in customer information including firstName, lastName, email, or sms without any Customer ID or Customer Ref, a new record will be created.

If you pass in customerRef and customerId, the customer record will be updated if it exists.

Customer Ref

The customerRef field is optional, but highly recommended as this allows you to use your own customer identifiers instead of storing BlockChyp's Customer IDs in your systems.

Creating Customer Records With Payment Transactions

If you have customer information available at the time a payment transaction is executed, you can pass all the same customer information directly into a payment transaction. BlockChyp will create a customer record at the same time payment is captured. The advantage of this approach is that the customer's payment card is automatically associated with the customer record in a single step. If the customer uses the payment card in the future, the customer data will automatically be returned. You won't need to ask the customer to provide any additional information.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/update-customer HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 251 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:bed1e544d93d61a9e0a235887461efd7a03ecc1e01c1607495e678af17562783 Nonce: d91b0c935c968c9e55b19cb0b42e72eb9721a4a438b7b1e8714b66338eddb168 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:12:55Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "customer": { "id": "", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Gregory", "companyName": "Raviga Capital", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "9136488888" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "customer": { "id": "VAF2GL5Y7UI6XN4CAJBKYEIAAM", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Gregory", "companyName": "Raviga Capital", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "9136488888", "paymentMethods": null } }

Retrieve Customer ( /api/customer )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/customer

With this API, you can retrieve detailed information about a customer record, including saved payment methods if available.

Customers can be looked up by customerId or customerRef.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/customer HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 115 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:104664249b008d13f28029da15dd50aa9cb133f93f8b149db97cb5a1fdd4a4a6 Nonce: 2c669cfc4af0cbe75ac002c7a846008b6de2e5a63d4ab63ce175a5e820e66eca Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:15:49Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "customerId": "VAF2GL5Y7UI6XN4CAJBKYEIAAM", "customerRef": "" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "customer": { "id": "VAF2GL5Y7UI6XN4CAJBKYEIAAM", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Gregory", "companyName": "Raviga Capital", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "9136488888", "paymentMethods": [] } }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/customer-search

This API searches the customer database and returns matching results.

Use query to pass in a search string and the system will return all results whose first or last names contain the query string.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/customer-search HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 Content-Length: 73 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4edab10aee61bcc22fcbe889a0c47bfdcd0d5ea38451590ad3895a9cfc8b3756 Nonce: 118e5f3263e3622438084e39f9d90210d97afa32ef3c5b2d34c23680b3ff238e Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:21:43Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "query": "Erlich" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "customers": [ { "id": "5CNL3Z5Y7UI6XN4CAJBKYEIAAM", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "Aviato", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "9136488888", "paymentMethods": null }, { "id": "YAVEKWVY5AI6XN4CAJBKYEIAAM", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Erlich", "lastName": "Bachman", "companyName": "", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null } ] }

Cash Discount ( /api/cash-discount )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/cash-discount

This API calculates the surcharge, cash discount, and total amounts for cash transactions.

If you're using BlockChyp's cash discounting features, you can use this endpoint to ensure the numbers and receipts for true cash transactions are consistent with transactions processed by BlockChyp.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/cash-discount HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 149 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:34d173c7d474ed2f246bb1c9afef75ecb74af5c43f815a403fbfc51d2a010a8a Nonce: 98e229cabfa9d9a27296bdfb03b797b571307acf0f4f49943e2566f2f4d2c281 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:24:33Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": "100.00", "taxExempt": false, "surcharge": true, "cashDiscount": true } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "currencyCode": "", "amount": "100.00", "taxExempt": false, "surcharge": "3.51", "cashDiscount": "3.51" }

Batch History ( /api/batch-history )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/batch-history

This endpoint allows developers to query the gateway for the merchant's batch history. The data will be returned in descending order of open date with the most recent batch returned first. The results will include basic information about the batch. Consider using the Batch Details API for more detail about a specific batch.

Limiting Results

This API will return a maximum of 250 results. Use the maxResults property to limit maximum results even further and use the startIndex property to page through results that span multiple queries.

For example, if you want the ten most recent batches, pass in a value of 10 for maxResults. Also note that startIndex is zero based. Use a value of 0 to get the first batch in the dataset.

Filtering by Date Range

You can also filter results by date. Use the startDate and endDate properties to return only those batches opened between those dates. You can use either startDate and endDate and you can use date filters in conjunction with maxResults and startIndex

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/batch-history HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 151 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:8ebe164dc594f0d755b5b1bdda3bb43be14d474f07fdd41d598ccf22d13e2268 Nonce: cea628e7eabfad25c21811fb5f7effb77b8d71d2509fd8d0f6f2347a9d531962 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:27:01Z { "test": true, "timeout": 0, "maxResults": 5, "startIndex": 1 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "test": true, "batches": [ { "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "entryMethod": "", "destinationAccountId": "", "capturedAmount": "77.00", "openPreauths": "", "currencyCode": "", "open": false, "openDate": "2021-05-19T20:51:46Z", "closeDate": "2021-05-19T21:58:40Z" }, { "batchId": "LE754DI22UI6XPADAJBKYEIAAI", "entryMethod": "", "destinationAccountId": "", "capturedAmount": "135.34", "openPreauths": "", "currencyCode": "", "open": false, "openDate": "2020-11-11T00:13:34Z", "closeDate": "2020-11-11T12:00:05Z" }, { "batchId": "LE75VBI22UI6XPADAJBKYEIAAI", "entryMethod": "", "destinationAccountId": "", "capturedAmount": "236.90", "openPreauths": "", "currencyCode": "", "open": false, "openDate": "2020-11-02T23:55:43Z", "closeDate": "2020-11-03T12:00:05Z" }, { "batchId": "5B27QVYN3UI6XD4FAJBKYEIAAM", "entryMethod": "", "destinationAccountId": "", "capturedAmount": "55.55", "openPreauths": "", "currencyCode": "", "open": false, "openDate": "2020-10-16T19:35:31Z", "closeDate": "2020-10-17T11:00:05Z" }, { "batchId": "RKXQUNXBD4I6VPCWAJBKYEIAAQ", "entryMethod": "", "destinationAccountId": "", "capturedAmount": "294.00", "openPreauths": "", "currencyCode": "", "open": false, "openDate": "2020-08-18T17:17:12Z", "closeDate": "2020-08-19T11:00:05Z" } ], "maxResults": 5, "startIndex": 1, "totalResultCount": 55 }

Batch Details ( /api/batch-details )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/batch-details

This API allows developers to pull down details for a specific batch, including captured volume, gift card activity, expected deposit, and captured volume broken down by terminal.

The only required request parameter is batchId. Batch IDs are returned with every transaction response and can be discovered using the Batch History API.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/batch-details HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 92 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:62420ea32aa49977bb5c5e14fed07adeb3381778be204358c0acedaffa45cfdf Nonce: e644c3052676a1201757a5856e1b38e4ac7a3e03cc5d31d14ccbe827cd2e4ca9 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:30:00Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "test": true, "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "entryMethod": "", "destinationAccountId": "", "capturedAmount": "77.00", "openPreauths": "0.00", "totalVolume": "77.00", "transactionCount": 8, "giftCardsSold": "100.00", "giftCardVolume": "0.00", "expectedDeposit": "77.00", "open": false, "openDate": "2021-05-19T20:51:46Z", "closeDate": "2021-05-19T21:58:40Z", "volumeByTerminal": [] }

Transaction History ( /api/tx-history )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/tx-history

This endpoint provides several different methods to sift through transaction history.

By default with no filtering properties, this endpoint will return the 250 most recent transactions.

Limiting Results

This API will return a maximum of 50 results in a single query. Use the maxResults property to limit maximum results even further and use the startIndex property to page through results that span multiple queries.

For example, if you want the ten most recent batches, pass in a value of 10 for maxResults. Also note that startIndex is zero based. Use a value of 0 to get the first transaction in the dataset.

Filtering By Date Range

You can also filter results by date. Use the startDate and endDate properties to return only transactions run between those dates. You can use either startDate or endDate and you can use date filters in conjunction with maxResults and startIndex

Filtering By Batch

To restrict results to a single batch, pass in the batchId parameter.

Filtering By Terminal

To restrict results to those executed on a single terminal, pass in the terminal name.

Combining Filters

None of the above filters are mutually exclusive. You can combine any of the above properties in a single request to restrict transaction results to a narrower set of results.

Searching Transaction History

You can search transaction history by passing in search criteria with the query option. The search system will match the amount (requested and authorized), last four of the card number, cardholder name, and the auth code.

Note that when search queries are used, terminalName or batch id filters are not supported.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/tx-history HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 Content-Length: 208 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:2e75c336b67115fe5b3a361d785bc59b622bcefa7f140456b468c345fe526683 Nonce: efefafee5f0015a97aa5d5821f7b39246835f374e0ee95226a580a438df4be6f Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:34:40Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "terminalName": "", "startDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "maxResults": 2, "startIndex": 0 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "test": true, "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "terminalName": "", "startDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "maxResults": 2, "startIndex": 0, "totalResultCount": 14, "transactions": [ { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "approved": true, "transactionId": "UM4CJ5FYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionType": "gift_activate", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:45:00Z", "tickBlock": "", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "100.00", "authorizedAmount": "100.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "", "entryMethod": "SWIPE", "paymentType": "BC_GIFT", "maskedPan": "************7089", "publicKey": "11kek9vHKFCRWrgjn4PJYPxaXQSjQma95v4f5Cfw9wi2zB1Ad9m", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "terminalId": "IOYIIMFYDEI6XMG3AJBKYEIAAQ", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "merchantId": "4QZ2I4QYIMI6TPHVAJBKYEIAA4", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************7089", "authorizedAmount": "100.00", "transactionType": "gift_activate", "entryMethod": "SWIPE" }, "customer": null, "whiteListedCard": null, "storeAndForward": false }, { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "approved": true, "authCode": "458923", "transactionId": "UM4CJ3VYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionRef": "1b0a9bbd92a", "transactionType": "reverse", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:38:43Z", "tickBlock": "00079cc170c50477411b5565a1b0a9bbd92a51d838d7b6a36de107fbd8e986ac", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "0.00", "authorizedAmount": "0.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "AMEX", "maskedPan": "***********1006", "cardHolder": "/", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "merchantId": "4QZ2I4QYIMI6TPHVAJBKYEIAA4", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "***********1006", "authorizedAmount": "0.00", "transactionType": "reverse", "entryMethod": "CHIP" }, "customer": null, "whiteListedCard": null, "storeAndForward": false } ] }

Retrieve Pricing Policy ( /api/read-pricing-policy )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/read-pricing-policy

The API returns the current pricing policy for a merchant. This API is valid for partner scoped API credentials and merchantId is a required parameter. By default this API returns the currently in-force pricing policy for a merchant, but other inactive policies can be returned by providing the id parameter.

Buy rates for interchange plus and fixed rate pricing are always returned, but only the pricing related to the pricing model type (flat rate or interchange plus) are actually used in fee calculation.

Each pricing level returns three values: buyRate, current, and limit. The actual price the merchant will pay is given in the current field. The other values reflect the contract minimum (buyRate) and maximum (limit) range the partner can use when changing prices.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/pricing-policy HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120, "merchantId": "W5JC7000VXAI6ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "id": "W5JCGFVVXAI6ZE6K700KYEIAAI", "partnerId": "Y5F3U5NQMII6ZBSUA700YEIAAU", "merchantId": "W5JC7000VXAI6ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI", "enabled": true, "timestamp": "2022-04-06T17:17:29Z", "description": "Credit: 5 cents + 10 pts Debit:", "policyType": "interchange", "partnerMarkupSplit": "25%", "standardFlatRate": { "buyRate": "0.015%", "current": "0%", "limit": "0%" }, "debitFlatRate": { "buyRate": "0.015%", "current": "0%", "limit": "0%" }, "ecommerceFlatRate": { "buyRate": "0.015%", "current": "0%", "limit": "0%" }, "keyedFlatRate": { "buyRate": "0.015%", "current": "0%", "limit": "0%" }, "premiumFlatRate": { "buyRate": "0.12%", "current": "0%", "limit": "0%" }, "standardInterchangeMarkup": { "buyRate": "0.015%", "current": "0.1%", "limit": "0%" }, "debitInterchangeMarkup": { "buyRate": "0.015%", "current": "0.1%", "limit": "0%" }, "ecommerceInterchangeMarkup": { "buyRate": "0.02%", "current": "0.1%", "limit": "0%" }, "keyedInterchangeMarkup": { "buyRate": "0.02%", "current": "0.1%", "limit": "0%" }, "premiumInterchangeMarkup": { "buyRate": "0.12%", "current": "0.2%", "limit": "0%" }, "standardTransactionFee": { "buyRate": "0.02", "current": "0.05", "limit": "0.00" }, "debitTransactionFee": { "buyRate": "0.02", "current": "0.05", "limit": "0.00" }, "ecommerceTransactionFee": { "buyRate": "0.02", "current": "0.05", "limit": "0.00" }, "keyedTransactionFee": { "buyRate": "0.02", "current": "0.05", "limit": "0.00" }, "premiumTransactionFee": { "buyRate": "0.07", "current": "0.10", "limit": "0.00" }, "ebtTransactionFee": { "buyRate": "0.065", "current": "0.10", "limit": "0.00" }, "monthlyFee": { "buyRate": "5.00", "current": "10.00", "limit": "0.00" }, "annualFee": { "buyRate": "0.00", "current": "0.00", "limit": "0.00" }, "chargebackFee": { "buyRate": "12.00", "current": "20.00", "limit": "0.00" }, "avsFee": { "buyRate": "0.00", "current": "0.00", "limit": "0.00" }, "batchFee": { "buyRate": "0.07", "current": "0.08", "limit": "0.00" }, "voiceAuthFee": { "buyRate": "0.75", "current": "1.00", "limit": "0.00" }, "accountSetupFee": { "buyRate": "0.00", "current": "0.00", "limit": "0.00" } }

Partner Statements ( /api/partner-statement-list )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/partner-statement-list

The API returns a list of partner residual statements. By default, all statements are returned with the most recent statements listed first. Optional date parameters (startDate and endDate) can filter statements to a specific date range.

The list of statements returns basic information about statements like volume, transaction count, and commissions earned.

Use the id returned with each statement summary with the Partner Statement Detail API to pull down full details.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/partner-statement-list HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "statements": [ { "id": "SCH34K3JAEI65EJNAJBKYEIAAI", "statementDate": "2023-10-23T20:14:06Z", "totalVolume": 548483.05, "totalVolumeFormatted": "548,483.05", "transactionCount": 12175, "partnerCommission": 395.15, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "395.15", "status": "paid" }, { "id": "4ZIRR72NQQI65BU7AJBKYEIAAI", "statementDate": "2023-09-08T16:20:57Z", "totalVolume": 513166.46, "totalVolumeFormatted": "513,166.46", "transactionCount": 12341, "partnerCommission": 386.99, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "386.99", "status": "paid" }, { "id": "2BRDQHRS6MI65F7UAJBKYEIAAQ", "statementDate": "2023-08-04T21:02:42Z", "totalVolume": 680464.72, "totalVolumeFormatted": "680,464.72", "transactionCount": 17125, "partnerCommission": 639.18, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "639.18", "status": "paid" } ] }

Partner Statement Detail ( /api/partner-statement-detail )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/partner-statement-detail

The API returns detailed information about a specific partner statement. Aggregate data is returned along with line item level data for each underlying merchant statement.

Use the merchant invoice id with the Merchant Statement Detail API and the Partner Commission Breakdown API to get the merchant statement and the card brand fee cost breakdown respectively.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/partner-statement-detail HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120 "statementId": "SCH34K3J7005EJNAJBKYEIAAI" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "id": "SCH34K3J7005EJNAJBKYEIAAI", "partnerId": "Y5F3U5NQ7006ZBSUAJBKYEIAAU", "partnerName": "Demo Partner, Inc.", "statementDate": "2023-10-23T20:14:06Z", "totalVolume": 548483.05, "totalVolumeFormatted": "548,483.05", "transactionCount": 12175, "partnerCommission": 395.15, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "395.15", "partnerCommissionsOnVolume": 0.0007, "partnerCommissionsOnVolumeFormatted": "0.07%", "status": "paid", "lineItems": [ { "id": "UV7DEJLR4AI65OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "invoiceId": "UV7DEJLR4A700OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "totalFees": 8058.21, "totalFeesFormatted": "8,058.21", "totalFeesOnVolume": 0.0166, "totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted": "1.66%", "merchantId": "W5JCF4700I6ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI", "merchantName": "Taco Tuesday, Inc.", "dbaName": "Don Juaquin's", "statementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z", "volume": 486611.83, "volumeFormatted": "486,611.83", "transactionCount": 9628, "interchange": 6175.64, "interchangeFormatted": "6,175.64", "interchangeOnVolume": 0.0127, "interchangeOnVolumeFormatted": "1.27%", "assessments": 653.05, "assessmentsFormatted": "653.05", "assessmentsOnVolume": 0.0013, "assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted": "0.13%", "partnerCommission": 332.88, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "332.88", "buyRate": 569.85, "buyRateFormatted": "569.85", "hardCosts": 215.83, "hardCostsFormatted": "215.83" }, { "id": "UV7LJ4LR4AI65OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "invoiceId": "UV7DEJLR4A700OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "totalFees": 1237.88, "totalFeesFormatted": "1,237.88", "totalFeesOnVolume": 0.02, "totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted": "2%", "merchantId": "EINES7004I6ZDWLAJBKYEIAAM", "merchantName": "Kneaders", "dbaName": "Kneaders", "statementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:17Z", "volume": 61871.22, "volumeFormatted": "61,871.22", "transactionCount": 2547, "interchange": 887.84, "interchangeFormatted": "887.84", "interchangeOnVolume": 0.0143, "interchangeOnVolumeFormatted": "1.43%", "assessments": 81.65, "assessmentsFormatted": "81.65", "assessmentsOnVolume": 0.0013, "assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted": "0.13%", "partnerCommission": 62.27, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "62.27", "buyRate": 130.66, "buyRateFormatted": "130.66", "hardCosts": 54.7, "hardCostsFormatted": "54.70" }, { "id": "UV7WP6LR4AI65OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "invoiceId": "UV7DEJLR4A700OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "totalFees": 5, "totalFeesFormatted": "5.00", "totalFeesOnVolume": 0, "totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted": "0%", "merchantId": "2IHUDFHI7006ZKK3AJBKYEIAAQ", "merchantName": "DP Cheesesteaks", "dbaName": "DP Cheesesteaks", "statementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:53Z", "volume": 0, "volumeFormatted": "0.00", "transactionCount": 0, "interchange": 0, "interchangeFormatted": "0.00", "interchangeOnVolume": 0, "interchangeOnVolumeFormatted": "0%", "assessments": 0, "assessmentsFormatted": "0.00", "assessmentsOnVolume": 0, "assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted": "0%", "partnerCommission": 0, "partnerCommissionFormatted": "0.00", "buyRate": 5, "buyRateFormatted": "5.00", "hardCosts": 0, "hardCostsFormatted": "0.00" } ], "adjustments": [], "disbursements": [ { "id": "CP7VPK3STQI65OUEAJBKYEIAAM", "timestamp": "2023-10-24T19:08:11Z", "transactionType": "charge", "paymentType": "ACH", "maskedPan": "*****0000", "pending": false, "approved": true, "responseDescription": "", "amount": 395.15, "amountFormatted": "395.15" } ] }

Merchant Invoices ( /api/merchant-invoice-list )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/merchant-invoice-list

The API returns a list of merchant statements and invoices. By default, all invoices are returned with the most recent statements listed first. Optional date parameters (startDate and endDate) can be used to filter statements by date range.

The invoiceType parameter can also be used to filter invoices by type. Invoices could be conventional invoices, such as those generated when ordering terminals or gift cards, or invoices could be merchant statements.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/merchant-statement-list HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120, "merchantId": "YXIYN627JEI700BWAJBKYEIAAQ" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "invoices": [ { "id": "YXIYN627JEI65FBWAJBKYEIAAQ", "dateCreated": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z", "grandTotal": 8058.21, "grandTotalFormatted": "8,058.21", "status": "paid", "invoiceType": "statement", "paid": true }, { "id": "OEXJSDSIPII65NU4AJBKYEIAAM", "dateCreated": "2023-09-01T03:48:48Z", "grandTotal": 7623.67, "grandTotalFormatted": "7,623.67", "status": "paid", "invoiceType": "statement", "paid": true }, { "id": "IC2W2YBQDYI65OGFAJBKYEIAAY", "dateCreated": "2023-08-01T03:48:23Z", "grandTotal": 7927.52, "grandTotalFormatted": "7,927.52", "status": "paid", "invoiceType": "statement", "paid": true } ] }

Merchant Invoice Detail ( /api/merchant-invoice-detail )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/merchant-invoice-detail

The API returns detailed information about a specific merchant statement or invoice.

All line items are returned a topographically sorted tree modeling the nested line item structure of the invoice. Details about any payments posted against the invoice are returned.

It the invoice is a merchant statement, details about every merchant deposit that occurred during the statement period are also returned.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/merchant_invoice_detail HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "id": "YXIYN627JEI6700WAJBKYEIAAQ", "merchantId": "W5JCF4NVX700ZE6KAJBKYEIAAI", "corporateName": "Improv Olympic", "dbaName": "Improv Olympic", "dateCreated": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z", "status": "paid", "invoiceType": "statement", "pricingType": "interchange", "paid": true, "grandTotal": 8058.21, "grandTotalFormatted": "8,058.21", "subtotal": 8058.21, "subotalFormatted": "8,058.21", "taxTotal": 0, "taxTotalFormatted": "0.00", "shippingCost": 0, "shippingCostFormatted": "0.00", "balanceDue": 0, "balanceDueFormatted": "0.00", "shippingAddress": { "address1": "1060 W Addison", "address2": "", "city": "Chicago", "stateOrProvince": "IL", "postalCode": "60446", "countryCode": "", "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0 }, "billingAddress": { "address1": "1060 W Addison", "address2": "", "city": "Chicago", "stateOrProvince": "IL", "postalCode": "60446", "countryCode": "", "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0 }, "lineItems": [ { "id": "SIRMMLDU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI", "lineType": "header", "productId": "", "quantity": 0, "description": "Interchange Fees", "explanation": "These are fees the credit card brands charge. Seems fair. They work hard on those logos.", "transactionCount": 0, "volume": 0, "volumeFormatted": "0.00", "perTransactionFee": 0, "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00", "transactionPercentage": 0, "transactionPercentageFormatted": "0%", "price": 0, "priceFormatted": "", "priceExtended": 6175.64, "priceExtendedFormatted": "6,175.64", "lineItems": [ { "id": "SKHU4WTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI", "lineType": "header", "productId": "", "quantity": 0, "description": "Visa", "explanation": "", "transactionCount": 0, "volume": 0, "volumeFormatted": "0.00", "perTransactionFee": 0, "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00", "transactionPercentage": 0, "transactionPercentageFormatted": "0%", "price": 0, "priceFormatted": "", "priceExtended": 2247.73, "priceExtendedFormatted": "2,247.73", "lineItems": [ { "id": "SISHUOTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI", "lineType": "volume", "productId": "", "quantity": 1, "description": "VS Electronic", "explanation": "", "transactionCount": 7, "volume": 149.85, "volumeFormatted": "149.85", "perTransactionFee": 0, "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00", "transactionPercentage": 0.011, "transactionPercentageFormatted": "1.1%", "price": 1.6400000000000001, "priceFormatted": "149.85 @ 1.1%", "priceExtended": 1.6400000000000001, "priceExtendedFormatted": "1.64", "lineItems": null }, { "id": "SISR7RTU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI", "lineType": "volume", "productId": "", "quantity": 1, "description": "VS Credit Voucher Non PT Credit", "explanation": "", "transactionCount": -1, "volume": -122.64, "volumeFormatted": "-122.64", "perTransactionFee": 0, "perTransactionFeeFormatted": "0.00", "transactionPercentage": 0.0176, "transactionPercentageFormatted": "1.76%", "price": -2.16, "priceFormatted": "-122.64 @ 1.76%", "priceExtended": -2.16, "priceExtendedFormatted": "-2.16", "lineItems": null }, { "id": "SITGU4DU6MI65KNZTYA4RH54WI", "lineType": "count-and-volume", "productId": "", "quantity": 1, "description": "VS CPS Retail Check Debit", "explanation": "", "transactionCount": 395, "volume": 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Partner Commission Breakdown ( /api/partner-commission-breakdown )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/partner-commission-breakdown

This API allows partners to pull down the low level data used to compute a partner commission for a specific merchant statement.

The statementId is required and must be the id of a valid merchant invoice of type statement.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/partner-commission-breakdown HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": false, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "invoiceId": "YXIYN627J7005FBWAJBKYEIAAQ", "partnerName": "Demo Partner, Inc.", "partnerStatementId": "SCH34K3JAEI65EJNAJBKYEIAAI", "partnerStatementDate": "2023-09-30T04:28:21Z", "merchantId": "W5JCF4NVXAI6ZE6K700KYEIAAI", "merchantCompanyName": "Tacos Panjamo", "merchantDbaName": "Tacos Panjamo", "grandTotal": 8058.21, "grandTotalFormatted": "8,058.21", "totalFees": 8058.21, "totalFeesFormatted": "8,058.21", "totalDue": 0, "totalDueFormatted": "0.00", "totalVolume": 486611.83, "totalVolumeFormatted": "486,611.83", "totalTransactions": 9628, 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Merchant Profile ( /api/public-merchant-profile )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/public-merchant-profile

The API returns detailed metadata about the merchant's configuration, including basic identity information, terminal settings, store and forward settings, and bank account information for merchants that support split settlement.

Some of these fields can be updated via the Update Merchant API, but many of these fields are controlled by underwriting and cannot be altered outside of the underwriting and risk processes.

Merchant Descriptive Fields

The following fields are basic descriptive fields that can be used to describe and identify merchants.

Batch and Terminal Settings

The following fields are used to control batch closure and high level terminal configuration.

Card Brand and Transaction Settings

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/public-merchant-profile HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 54 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:4725705ce63983c1acd0a929d4bdc06530d02c46eb7a5f2b6cadd8319b23b38d Nonce: c3c7be79ecd5e41a0dbe2327213c9e742d562375975fc31a63df97ab936b60b5 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T13:39:51Z { "test": false, "timeout": 120 } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "test": true, "merchantId": "4QZ2I4QYIMI6TPHVAJBKYEIAA4", "companyName": "CLI Regression Test", "locationName": "", "storeNumber": "", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles", "batchCloseTime": "04:00", "terminalUpdateTime": "04:00", "autoBatchClose": true, "pinEnabled": true, "cashBackEnabled": false, "storeAndForwardEnabled": true, "partialAuthEnabled": true, "splitBankAccountsEnabled": false, "storeAndForwardFloorLimit": "50.00", "publicKey": "13F5JxEfZoM5aPF4Zdhwnh5Mazd6TyZjwhBLmR3F7sVYaCiDS9V", "status": "active" }

List Queued Transactions ( /api/queue/list )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/queue/list

Returns a list of transaction refs of transactions queued on a terminal. Details about the transactions can be retrieved using the Transaction Status API.

Sample Request and Response

Request: GET /api/queue/list HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 36 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "terminalName": "Test Terminal", } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "transactionRefs": [ "a", "b", "c", ], }

Delete Queued Transaction ( /api/queue/delete )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/queue/delete

Deletes one or all queued transactions from a terminal. If * is passed as a transaction ref, then the entire terminal queue will be cleared. An error is returned if the passed transaction ref is not queued on the terminal.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/queue/delete HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 105 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "transactionRef": "*", } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Delete Customer ( /api/customer/ )

HTTP Method Path
DELETE /api/customer/

This API deletes a customer record.

Sample Request and Response

Request: DELETE /api/customer/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 0 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Token Metadata ( /api/token/ )

HTTP Method Path
GET /api/token/

This API retrieves status and metadata information about a token, including any links to customer records.

This will also return any customer records related to the card behind the token. If the underlying card has been tokenized multiple times, all customers related to the card will be returned, even if those customer associations are related to other tokens.

Sample Request and Response

Request: GET /api/token/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "token": { "token": "N2DTGDSSZNBAX7GT5HBZPHIOWA", "maskedPan": "************4111", "expiryMonth": "12", "expiryYear": "12", "paymentType": "MC", "customers": [ { "id": "XK4LRURF6II6ZB7UVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Gregory", "companyName": "Raviga Capital", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null }, { "id": "XK4LRXBF6II6ZB7WVTPEQAAREI", "customerRef": "", "firstName": "Laurie", "lastName": "Bream", "companyName": "Bream Hall", "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "paymentMethods": null } ] } }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/link-token

This API links a payment token with a customer record. Usually this would only be needed to reverse a previous unlink operation.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/link-token HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "token": "KJ3DPFELBAI6VOTRNSLM7WZLHE", "customerId": "KJ3DPFELBAI6VOTRNSLM7WZLSKT" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }
HTTP Method Path
POST /api/unlink-token

This API removes a payment token link from a customer record.

This will remove links between the customer record and all tokens for the same underlying card.

Sample Request and Response

Request: GET /api/unlink-token HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "token": "KJ3DPFELBAI6VOTRNSLM7WZLHE", "customerId": "KJ3DPFELBAI6VOTRNSLM7WZLSKT" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Delete Token ( /api/token/ )

HTTP Method Path
DELETE /api/token/

This API deletes a payment token from the gateway. Tokens are automatically deleted if they have not been used for a year.

Sample Request and Response

Request: DELETE /api/token/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 0 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:a8da5aa7ba6518b2ec392b3f7a221c5357b00163e0845bfbd769d161aa3c1eff Nonce: 3f915730b23a513342f667a4725e67fa373666e9341afec47e3c7fcb7ab5224d Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:56:00Z Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", }

Reboot Terminal ( /api/terminal-reboot )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-reboot

This API reboots the terminal.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-reboot HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 86 Authorization: Dual ZKINZJ6QQPXTTP5LY75EDJNDPE:B2D6UBIJ4JFHDGYOHWIUSJ5XAE:14db4e7bf0513cfe90835f6c8e616279a2d683296f9a118a368c0c3d5a694cdd Nonce: 419033f763749cb13f675a79d10845c6617b58ea52e1fd54aa9362dc40465058 Timestamp: 2021-05-20T17:39:22Z { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success":true, "errorMessage":"" }

Terminal API

Every BlockChyp terminal has a small web server running a simple REST API. Developers can use this API to capture card present payments and activate gift cards. All other transactions are done directly through the Gateway API.

Terminal Activation

A terminal must be activated and paired with a merchant account before it will accept transactions. To activate a terminal, login to the BlockChyp dashboard, create a test merchant account, and click ACTIVATE TERMINAL.

Next, connect your terminal to the network and power it up. Once the terminal starts up, it will display a message reading TOUCH TO ACTIVATE. Touch the screen and in a few moments the terminal will display a six character activation code. Enter the code in the Dashboard's activation form along with a unique name you'd like to use for the terminal.

The terminal will now be ready for transactions.

Web Server Ports

BlockChyp terminals listen for transactions on ports 8080 and 8443.

Because terminals usually run on private networks and SSL can be difficult to implement on these networks, plain HTTP is supported. Sensitive card authentication data is not sent or received by terminals, but we still strongly encourage developers and merchants to favor HTTPS on port 8443.


Because terminals run on private networks, conventional SSL or TLS based on the major certificate authorities is not supported. When BlockChyp terminals are activated, a unique certificate is generated and signed by BlockChyp's own root certificate authority. The root certificate is provided here in PEM format.

BlockChyp Root Certificate For Private Terminal Networks:

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFAjCCAuqgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAgMR4wHAYDVQQDDBVCbG9j a0NoeXAgSW50ZXJuYWwgQ0EwIBcNMTgwMTAxMDAwMDA4WhgPNDc1NTExMjkwMDAw MDhaMCAxHjAcBgNVBAMMFUJsb2NrQ2h5cCBJbnRlcm5hbCBDQTCCAiIwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBANyWuVhDiqeCrHMxbTv5PN5UOZdR8n4PPwUV z0dALnLS7Lkl9nnuBxUK5XFGsZHBQ3GqSsWgA0HBUAAkKY/hzDIY+mrKOTMFMhoF SKmcNwmdt+NXuUtYwL5STsr1U/XnxcizsSEHcGP5LhIH16AY0XYMVzNTBXrylH7O Hf/pPJaVbuywAkiyrEV+lTo1mVTOCucGoNRPogluuyfbBCUH9bWBajbjHWdyiX58 IV786JWkw5ogLXgDekrrzdVxQH1t2kN2PvXNHGOBlB0NL/QwKHxfbvgIu6EkyEXv vSuFclgaM3x38zcEaIS8id/wZYkwZXAqquR5Hi5fqPILC1xmRF+zC1GH1uJ+gsQu wqwaiwmD9Rcbm2ZOSVntQy5bCF7IzPlMHzMlt33dF9mZo9bJwFO1APdpeWy+Ooga n1k/yS2EPnkAv+DiRpNf2it6n86+X7Z4C6QGgP5+rfc53uxeaF8gPLgXViaHHTZD NflxaNjgKD0xAwB3Yhca8RQSjRPwKYk1FrbhTSAIidnwmA4jrV7juZ2RSWA99VzR O68OmE/7NygxGgo995pPc+s6DO6IOnZvT2tSs0b2UmEKT51/cf93lv+phX/69hTC ctMEYoIGNRAvcISA0lfTWHAbiRzMyagtuiRMttS7C+IshsgBrjHSHMsEYj8RhRnR 0FvmChUNAgMBAAGjRTBDMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSBl1rnpf7Omve8fXPl9EltnlcqGTAS BgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEBMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF AAOCAgEAkt9ywLJvM0TjEUjlC32niE8mNIPX5azHJ0++PlZ2Fc7ZKy4nntt2YErl l4qEOB8ED2VaLQuxx0O9H2oh1QsMuxT3rQ4SDNmQVH9vUYJWgIkYjY1zKubEyktv oZyi8xK5e0/ME//vU0ru6y0dmcFtDvpwm/JZPjoVKHK58JpCKH8xhVxQo7NxAIf8 Ow+fr58plDQP1CbfjO1gJpFg7lQ282rz9n0Ju2mXm3guclcx74mDJGlzGLGCJCnu Qxta8Dv/Cg8+kNM36boORMChaoAgIerXL17EhyUh3ZsSaxEchqvCWtLv1+ekhGpF A08xS33r1GgQV/cyunuz3czQ0Y/7UjKluo6sbS0RmVtAWJA/DhwXgQlHlFyROmhG pcKXeLc7+LrBZxITVuQk8Mg9aceAnzBqjeTjQNPQJkOwqIFgDUXNNqvA5mhn/j25 u8CcDY/0p5C4tFQc1npgQwJZAwRGEvFmXVDgEZ8FFkzhn74oxI99Xs1HGc9zO/uP GV0cahaj9xspMPMBe5Q2mNhVca6+RIZPSIcVbsgYy+2QDBep7NpraQgG7V0f2XTu uLBaPXbY9PZLFklSSZOLXAuuOk0G57lfyVFRNAZ2R3uQdkDpx90Ti6PDWj9M6x1p jD1XNpXvgH2k91jjsK67khN+4bWoFBsfrMYt6vgjtXyv0kf12y0= -----END CERTIFICATE-----

A Sample Request

Before we get too much further, let's take a look at a basic request. The example below shows a simple form of a charge request.

POST: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/charge

Request: POST /api/charge HTTP/1.1 Host: { "apiKey": "CINR73MIHX337KMRHW7BI5I2AM", "bearerToken": "JTLQJNLSM4IGCKJC2MK7COW2VA", "signingKey": "c7722b911f9821e742f248af8449f12f06304c18b48b902f7cdef3d9dea7ed34" "request": { "amount": "20.55", "terminalName": "Cashier #1", } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "approved":true, "responseDescription":"Approved", "transactionId":"NZ6FGYAYLYI6TLVWNSLM7WZLHE", "transactionRef":"cfd068099a4280f1f09a965d9cc522f25ef4e06a95c9a9461d59fa5deed62180", "transactionType":"charge","timestamp":"2019-01-15T00:42:36Z", "tickBlock":"000e61f8204a2a372cac288f833a8e0949dd50d0074d5133432dce4e78d97913", "authCode":"612797", "entryMethod":"CHIP", "paymentType":"VISA", "maskedPan":"************0010", "cardHolder":"Test/Card 01 ", "partialAuth":false, "altCurrency":false, "currencyCode":"USD", "requestedAmount":"20.55", "authorizedAmount":"20.55", "receiptSuggestions": { "AID":"A0000000031010", "ARQC":"E0A09074268A87F4", "IAD":"06010A03A0B800", "TVR":"0240008000", "TSI":"E800", "merchantName":"Test Merchant", "applicationLabel":"VISA CREDIT", "requestSignature":true, "maskedPan":"************0010", "authorizedAmount":"20.55", "transactionType":"charge", "entryMethod":"CHIP" } }

You can refer to terminals by their IP address or host names if you've configured them for your network. We recommend avoiding the use of manual IP address configuration in your systems as IP addresses can be obtained on demand from the Payment Gateway's Terminal Route API. This API returns the current private IP address and provides for a more robust implementation in the event that installers or merchants fail to statically configure IP addresses for terminals.

Terminal Ping ( /api/test )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/test

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/test

This simple test transaction helps ensure good communication with a payment terminal and is usually the first test you'll run in development.

It tests communication with the terminal and returns a positive response if everything is okay. It works the same way in local or cloud relay mode.

If you get a positive response, you've successfully verified all of the following:

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/test HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 260 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T20:47:42Z { "apiKey": "CJ27KK4SBHCQG64TUL2HYJTZNU", "bearerToken": "ML4VG7HER3YYA2FB7BRF7KDMNE", "signingKey": "2b5618fb5736adc7a0cb6188d3b68dae66d461592838fc7d5048ee90b1bf5a38", "request": { "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "transactionType": "ping", "test": false }

Charge ( /api/charge )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/charge

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/charge

Our most popular transaction executes a standard authorization and capture. This is the most basic of basic payment transactions, typically used in conventional retail.

Charge transactions can use a payment terminal to capture a payment or use a previously enrolled payment token.

Terminal Transactions

For terminal transactions, make sure you pass in the terminal name using the terminalName property.

Token Transactions

If you have a payment token, omit the terminalName property and pass in the token with the token property instead.

Card Numbers and Mag Stripes

You can also pass in PANs and Mag Stripes, but you probably shouldn't, as this will put you in PCI scope and the most common vector for POS breaches is keylogging. If you use terminals for manual card entry, you'll bypass any keyloggers that might be maliciously running on the point-of-sale system.

Common Variations

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/charge HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 438 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T20:51:37Z { "apiKey": "CJ27KK4SBHCQG64TUL2HYJTZNU", "bearerToken": "ML4VG7HER3YYA2FB7BRF7KDMNE", "signingKey": "2b5618fb5736adc7a0cb6188d3b68dae66d461592838fc7d5048ee90b1bf5a38", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "42.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "522340", "transactionId": "NK4XCBVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionType": "charge", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T20:51:45Z", "tickBlock": "0006728fcc122a109f6454141ee8027d5a4ddb294ea87f6ceac5375cb75e3923", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "42.00", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "E8AC3C7370C2D4E4", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "transactionType": "charge", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" }, "storeAndForward": false }

Preauthorization ( /api/preauth )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/preauth

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/preauth

A preauthorization puts a hold on funds and must be captured later. This is used in scenarios where the final transaction amount might change. A common example is fine dining, where a tip adjustment is required before final settlement.

Another use case for preauthorization is e-commerce. Typically, an online order is preauthorized at the time of the order and then captured when the order ships.

Preauthorizations can use a payment terminal to capture a payment or use a previously enrolled payment token.

Terminal Transactions

For terminal transactions, make sure you pass in the terminal name using the terminalName property.

Token Transactions

If you have a payment token, omit the terminalName property and pass in the token with the token property instead.

Card Numbers and Mag Stripes

You can also pass in PANs and Mag Stripes, but you probably shouldn't, as this will put you in PCI scope and the most common vector for POS breaches is key logging. If you use terminals for manual card entry, you'll bypass any key loggers that might be maliciously running on the point-of-sale system.


Note that preauths are not supported for cryptocurrency.

Common Variations

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/preauth HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 438 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:00:25Z { "apiKey": "CJ27KK4SBHCQG64TUL2HYJTZNU", "bearerToken": "ML4VG7HER3YYA2FB7BRF7KDMNE", "signingKey": "2b5618fb5736adc7a0cb6188d3b68dae66d461592838fc7d5048ee90b1bf5a38", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "42.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "641343", "transactionId": "UM4CJYVYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "batchId": "NK4XCAVYVMI6XFBOAJBKYEIAAU", "transactionType": "preauth", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:00:33Z", "tickBlock": "0006728fcc122a109f6454141ee8027d5a4ddb294ea87f6ceac5375cb75e3923", "test": true, "partialAuth": false, "altCurrency": false, "fsaAuth": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "requestedAmount": "42.00", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "remainingBalance": "", "tipAmount": "0.00", "taxAmount": "0.00", "requestedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "authorizedCashBackAmount": "0.00", "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV", "paymentType": "DISC", "maskedPan": "************0133", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 15", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "23", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000001523010", "arqc": "D3599650B705DCAA", "iad": "0115209000000000B800", "tvr": "8000008000", "tsi": "0800", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "applicationLabel": "DISCOVER CL", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0133", "authorizedAmount": "42.00", "transactionType": "preauth", "entryMethod": "CONTACTLESS EMV", "cashBackAmount": "0.00", "surcharge": "0.00", "cashDiscount": "0.00" }, "customer": null, "whiteListedCard": null, "storeAndForward": false }

Enroll ( /api/enroll )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/enroll

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/enroll

This API allows you to tokenize and enroll a payment method in the token vault. You can also pass in customer information and associate the payment method with a customer record.

A token is returned in the response that can be used in subsequent charge, preauth, and refund transactions.

Gift Cards and EBT

Gift Cards and EBT cards cannot be tokenized.

E-Commerce Tokens

The tokens returned by the enroll API and the e-commerce web tokenizer are the same tokens and can be used interchangeably.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/enroll HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 275 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:29:08Z { "apiKey": "CJ27KK4SBHCQG64TUL2HYJTZNU", "bearerToken": "ML4VG7HER3YYA2FB7BRF7KDMNE", "signingKey": "2b5618fb5736adc7a0cb6188d3b68dae66d461592838fc7d5048ee90b1bf5a38", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "approved", "approved": true, "authCode": "893797", "transactionId": "UM4CJ2NYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "enroll", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:29:15Z", "tickBlock": "00086bc6fc219f8f0121af0be188c5d5b32376aae9d23d56366b41a8541788b8", "test": true, "token": "GNII7E3QX37B4D6UNPJWKB4SVM", "entryMethod": "CHIP", "paymentType": "VISA", "maskedPan": "************0010", "cardHolder": "UAT USA/Test Card 04", "expMonth": "12", "expYear": "22", "receiptSuggestions": { "aid": "A0000000031010", "arqc": "DD2EB9F5816D0A97", "iad": "06010A03A0B800", "tvr": "8000008800", "tsi": "6800", "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "applicationLabel": "VISA CREDIT", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************0010", "authorizedAmount": "", "transactionType": "enroll", "entryMethod": "CHIP" } }

Gift Card Activation ( /api/gift-activate )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/gift-activate

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/gift-activate

This API activates or adds value to BlockChyp gift cards. Just pass in the terminal name and the amount to add to the card. Once the customer swipes their card, the terminal will use keys on the mag stripe to add value to the card.

You don't need to handle a new gift card activation or a gift card recharge any differently. The terminal firmware will figure out what to do on its own while also returning the new balance for the gift card.

This is the part of the system where BlockChyp's blockchain DNA comes closest to the surface. The BlockChyp gift card system doesn't really use gift card numbers. This means they can't be stolen.

BlockChyp identifies cards with an elliptic curve public key instead. Gift card transactions are actually blocks signed with those keys. This means there are no shared secrets sent over the network. To keep track of a BlockChyp gift card, hang on to the public key returned during gift card activation. That's the gift card's elliptic curve public key.

We sometimes print numbers on our gift cards, but these are actually decimal encoded hashes of a portion of the public key to make our gift cards seem normal to normies. They can be used for balance checks and play a lookup role in online gift card authorization, but are of little use beyond that.

Voids and Reversals

Gift card activations can be voided and reversed just like any other BlockChyp transaction. Use the Transaction ID or Transaction Ref to identify the gift activation transaction as you normally would for voiding or reversing a conventional payment transaction.

Importing Gift Cards

BlockChyp does have the ability to import gift card liability from conventional gift card platforms. Unfortunately, BlockChyp does not support activating cards on third party systems. However, you can import your outstanding gift cards and customers can swipe them on the terminals like BlockChyp's standard gift cards.

No special coding is required to access this feature. The gateway and terminal firmware handle everything for you.

Third Party Gift Card Networks

BlockChyp does not currently provide any native support for other gift card platforms beyond importing gift card liability. We do have a white listing system that can be used to support your own custom gift card implementations. We have a security review process before we can allow a BIN range to be white listed, so contact if you need to white list a BIN range.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/gift-activate HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 352 Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:44:44Z { "apiKey": "CJ27KK4SBHCQG64TUL2HYJTZNU", "bearerToken": "ML4VG7HER3YYA2FB7BRF7KDMNE", "signingKey": "2b5618fb5736adc7a0cb6188d3b68dae66d461592838fc7d5048ee90b1bf5a38", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "amount": "100.00", "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "APPROVED", "transactionId": "UM4CJ5FYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "gift_activate", "timestamp": "2021-05-19T21:44:59Z", "tickBlock": "000462ab1ac92e966854cd3a4b03bd9caab185ba16234e96ff9ea26c3d518a56", "test": true, "approved": true, "amount": "100.00", "currentBalance": "100.00", "currencyCode": "USD", "publicKey": "11kek9vHKFCRWrgjn4PJYPxaXQSjQma95v4f5Cfw9wi2zB1Ad9m", "maskedPan": "************7089" }

Balance ( /api/balance )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/balance

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/balance

This API checks a gift or EBT card balance.

Gift Card Balance Checks

For gift cards, pass in a terminal name and the customer will be prompted to swipe a card on that terminal. The remaining balance will be displayed briefly on the terminal screen and the API response will include the gift card's public key and the remaining balance.

EBT Balance Checks

All EBT transactions require a PIN, so to check an EBT card balance, you need to pass in the ebt flag just like you would for a normal EBT charge transaction. The customer will be prompted to swipe their card and enter a PIN code. If everything checks out, the remaining balance on the card will be displayed on the terminal for the customer and returned with the API response.

Testing Gift Card Balance Checks

Test gift card balance checks work no differently than live gift cards. You must activate a test gift card first to test balance checks. Test gift cards are real blockchain cards that live on our parallel test blockchain.

Testing EBT Gift Card Balance Checks

All test EBT transactions assume a starting balance of $100.00. As a result, test EBT balance checks always return a balance of $100.00.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/balance HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T21:54:34Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "transactionId": "UM4CJ4FYVMI6XJY6AJBKYEIAAI", "transactionType": "balance", "tickBlock": "000462ab1ac92e966854cd3a4b03bd9caab185ba16234e96ff9ea26c3d518a56", "test": true, "maskedPan": "************7089", "publicKey": "11kek9vHKFCRWrgjn4PJYPxaXQSjQma95v4f5Cfw9wi2zB1Ad9m", "avsResponse": "", "receiptSuggestions": { "merchantName": "CLI Regression Test", "requestSignature": false, "maskedPan": "************7089", "authorizedAmount": "", "transactionType": "balance", "entryMethod": "SWIPE" }, "remainingBalance": "100.00" }

Terminal Clear ( /api/clear )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/clear

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/clear

This API interrupts whatever a terminal may be doing and returns it to the idle state.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/clear HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:14:27Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success":true, "errorMessage":"" }

Terminal Status ( /api/terminal-status )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/terminal-status

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/terminal-status

This API returns the current status of a payment terminal. This is typically used as a way to determine if the terminal is busy before sending a new transaction.

If the terminal is busy, idle will be false and the status field will return a short string that indicates the transaction type currently in progress. The system will also return the timestamp of the last status change in the since field.

The cardInSlot field in the response will indicates whether or not a card is currently in the card reader slot.

If the system is running a payment transaction and you wisely passed in a Transaction Ref, this API will also return the Transaction Ref of the in progress transaction.

The table below lists all possible status responses.

Status Code Description
idle The terminal is idle and ready for transactions. The default branding is being displayed.
activate The terminal is in the process of activating and pairing with the merchant account.
balance A balance check (EBT or Gift Card) is pending on the terminal.
boolean-prompt A boolean prompt (yes/no) operation is pending on the terminal.
signature A signature capture is pending.
crypto A cryptocurrency transaction is pending.
enroll A token vault enrollment operation is pending.
gift-activate A gift card activation operation is in progress.
message The terminal is displaying a custom message.
charge The terminal is executing a charge transaction.
preauth The terminal is executing a preauth transaction.
refund The terminal is executing a refund transaction.
survey The terminal is displaying post transaction survey questions.
terms-and-conditions The terminal is pending terms and conditions acceptance and signature.
text-prompt The terminal is awaiting response to a text input prompt.
txdisplay The terminal is displaying transaction and/or line item level details.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/terminal-status HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:18:23Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "idle": false, "cardInSlot": true, "status": "charge", "since": "2021-05-19T22:18:07.272120999Z" }

Terms & Conditions Capture ( /api/tc )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/tc

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/tc

This API allows you to prompt a customer to accept a legal agreement on the terminal and (usually) capture their signature.

Content for the agreement can be specified in two ways. You can reference a previously configured T&C template or pass in the full agreement text with every request.

Using Templates

If your application doesn't keep track of agreements you can leverage BlockChyp's template system. You can create any number of T&C Templates in the merchant dashboard and pass in the tcAlias flag to specify which one should display.

Raw Content

If your system keeps track of the agreement language or executes complicated merging and rendering logic, you can bypass our template system and pass in the full text with every transaction. Use tcName to pass in the agreement name and tcContent to pass in the contract text. Note that only plain text is supported.

Bypassing Signatures

Signature images are captured by default. If for some reason this doesn't fit your use case and you'd like to capture acceptance without actually capturing a signature image, set the disableSignature flag in the request.

Terms & Conditions Log

Every time a user accepts an agreement on the terminal, the signature image (if captured), will be uploaded to the gateway. The image will also be added to the log along with the full text of the agreement. This preserves the historical record in the event that standard agreements or templates change over time.

Associating Agreements with Transactions

To associate a Terms & Conditions log entry with a transaction, just pass in the Transaction ID or Transaction Ref for the associated transaction.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/tc HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:21:59Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "tcName": "Contract Title", "tcContent": "Blah Blah Blah", "sigRequired": true } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "test": true }

Capture Signature ( /api/capture-signature )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/capture-signature

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/capture-signature

This endpoint captures a written signature from the terminal and returns the image.

Unlike the Terms & Conditions API, this endpoint performs basic signature capture with no agreement display or signature archival.

Under the hood, signatures are captured in a proprietary vector format and must be converted to a common raster format in order to be useful to most applications. At a minimum, you must specify an image format using the sigFormat parameter. Currently, JPG and PNG are supported.

By default, images are returned in the JSON response as hex encoded binary. You can redirect the binary image output to a file using the sigFile parameter.

You can also scale the output image to your preferred width by passing in a sigWidth parameter. The image will be scaled to that width, preserving the aspect ratio of the original image.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/capture-signature HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:26:41Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "sigFormat": "png", "sigWidth": 100, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "sigFile": "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" }

New Transaction Display ( /api/txdisplay )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/txdisplay

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/txdisplay

This API sends totals and line item level data to the terminal.

At a minimum, you should send total information as part of a display request, including total, tax, and subtotal.

You can also send line item level data and each line item can have a description, qty, price, and extended price.

If you fail to send an extended price, BlockChyp will multiply the qty by the price. However, we strongly recommend you precalculate all the fields yourself to ensure consistency. For example, your treatment of floating-point multiplication and rounding may differ slightly from BlockChyp's.


You have the option to show discounts on the display as individual line items with negative values or you can associate discounts with a specific line item. You can apply any number of discounts to an individual line item with a description and amount.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/txdisplay HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:39:25Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "async": false, "queue": false, "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "transaction": { "subtotal": "120.05", "tax": "5.00", "total": "125.05", "items": [ { "id": "", "description": "Leki Trekking Poles", "price": "135.05", "quantity": 1, "extended": "120.05", "unitCode": "", "commodityCode": "", "productCode": "", "discounts": [ { "description": "Member Discount", "amount": "10.00" } ] } ] } } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Update Transaction Display ( /api/txdisplay )

HTTP Method Path
PUT /api/txdisplay

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/txdisplay

Similar to New Transaction Display, this variant allows developers to update line item level data currently being displayed on the terminal.

This feature is designed for situations where you want to update the terminal display as items are scanned. You'll only have to send information to the terminal that's changed, which usually means the new line item and updated totals.

If the terminal is not in line item display mode and you invoke this endpoint, the first invocation will behave like a New Transaction Display call.

At a minimum, you should send total information as part of a display request, including total, tax, and subtotal.

You can also send line item level data and each line item can have a description, qty, price, and extended price.

If you fail to send an extended price, BlockChyp will multiply the qty by the price. However, we strongly recommend you precalculate all the fields yourself to ensure consistency. For example, your treatment of floating-point multiplication and rounding may differ slightly from BlockChyp's.


You have the option to show discounts on the display as individual line items with negative values or you can associate discounts with a specific line item. You can apply any number of discounts to an individual line item with a description and amount.

Sample Request and Response

Request: PUT /api/txdisplay HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:39:25Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "async": false, "queue": false, "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "transaction": { "subtotal": "120.05", "tax": "5.00", "total": "125.05", "items": [ { "id": "", "description": "Leki Trekking Poles", "price": "135.05", "quantity": 1, "extended": "120.05", "unitCode": "", "commodityCode": "", "productCode": "", "discounts": [ { "description": "Member Discount", "amount": "10.00" } ] } ] } } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Display Message ( /api/message )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/message

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/message

This API displays a message on the payment terminal.

Just specify the target terminal and the message using the message parameter.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/message HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:52:14Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "message": "Payments is broken." } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Boolean Prompt ( /api/boolean-prompt )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/boolean-prompt

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/boolean-prompt

This API prompts the customer to answer a yes or no question.

You can specify the question or prompt with the prompt parameter and the response is returned in the response field.

This can be used for a number of use cases including starting a loyalty enrollment workflow or customer facing suggestive selling prompts.

Custom Captions

You can optionally override the "YES" and "NO" button captions by using the yesCaption and noCaption request parameters.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/boolean-prompt HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:58:39Z { "apiKey": "HFZFFGV3P2KETBN24ZCVXJIDMI", "bearerToken": "6NMRGWFFIFGAW7S2MKHTEFM2CQ", "signingKey": "b50bb2229c1773ef17a3a46dbc856e9732b0d1cad2a079a4c0c2587110f3cbe0", "request": { "async": false, "queue": false, "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "yesCaption": "Yes", "noCaption": "No", "prompt": "Should the payments industry be destroyed?" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "response": true }

Text Prompt ( /api/text-prompt )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/text-prompt

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/text-prompt

This API prompts the customer to enter numeric or alphanumeric data.

Due to PCI rules, free-form prompts are not permitted when the response could be any valid string. The reason for this is that a malicious developer (not you, of course) could use text prompts to ask the customer to input a card number or PIN code.

This means that instead of providing a prompt, you provide a promptType instead.

The prompt types currently supported are listed below:

You can specify the prompt with the promptType parameter and the response is returned in the response field.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/text-prompt HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T23:11:37Z { "apiKey": "HFZFFGV3P2KETBN24ZCVXJIDMI", "bearerToken": "6NMRGWFFIFGAW7S2MKHTEFM2CQ", "signingKey": "b50bb2229c1773ef17a3a46dbc856e9732b0d1cad2a079a4c0c2587110f3cbe0", "request": { "test": true, "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal", "promptType": "phone" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "response": "9136488888" }

List Queued Transactions ( /api/queue/list )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/queue/list

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/queue/list

Returns a list of transaction refs of transactions queued on a terminal. Details about the transactions can be retrieved using the Transaction Status API.

Sample Request and Response

Request: GET /api/queue/list HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T23:11:37Z { "apiKey": "HFZFFGV3P2KETBN24ZCVXJIDMI", "bearerToken": "6NMRGWFFIFGAW7S2MKHTEFM2CQ", "signingKey": "b50bb2229c1773ef17a3a46dbc856e9732b0d1cad2a079a4c0c2587110f3cbe0", "request": { "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "", "transactionRefs": [ "a", "b", "c", ], }

Delete Queued Transaction ( /api/queue/delete )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/queue/delete

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/queue/delete

Deletes one or all queued transactions from a terminal. If * is passed as a transaction ref, then the entire terminal queue will be cleared. An error is returned if the passed transaction ref is not queued on the terminal.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/queue/delete HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T23:11:37Z { "apiKey": "HFZFFGV3P2KETBN24ZCVXJIDMI", "bearerToken": "6NMRGWFFIFGAW7S2MKHTEFM2CQ", "signingKey": "b50bb2229c1773ef17a3a46dbc856e9732b0d1cad2a079a4c0c2587110f3cbe0", "request": { "timeout": 120, "terminalName": "Test Terminal" "transactionRef": "abc", } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": true, "error": "", "responseDescription": "" }

Reboot Terminal ( /api/reboot )

HTTP Method Path
POST /api/reboot

URL Pattern: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:8443/api/reboot

This API reboots the terminal.

Sample Request and Response

Request: POST /api/reboot HTTP/1.1 Host: Timestamp: 2021-05-19T22:14:27Z { "apiKey": "OGT5KOOHJCSSILOQ7AMJK32ZAE", "bearerToken": "SEA4XD7KMBQRQGJL2VMHMNXS34", "signingKey": "02e235dc97e318c21a37c4259142a1b4f688cc0e511fbaa4079df6db22220a86" "request": { "terminalName": "Test Terminal" } } Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success":true, "errorMessage":"" }

Getting Help

We've done our best to make this documentation as complete as possible, but no documentation is perfect, especially in the payments industry.

If you have questions or run into any problems, feel free to contact us at